p. 112




Status: Complete

Odessa stands in a bare flat
country part of the interminable
Russian plain, with scarcely a
tree except some acacias that have
been nourished up about the town,
& about [[Count Woronzow]]'s house,
indeed they say that trees only
last about fifteen years here -
The shore is very ugly - It reminds
me alogether, both from ^the bleakness
without grandeur of the shore, &
the bareness ofthe surrounding
country, as also from the position
in which it stands of [[Brighton]],
though a very rough & very minia=
ture imitation of[[Brighton]] - The
clouds of dust are beyond all that
can be described, like what one can
fancy in an Arabian desert -

In spite ofthis [[Odessa]], has be=
come a sort of resort of all nations
growing out of sand & dust & bar=
barism, into greatness & importance.
It is like a Babel for confusion of

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