p. 20
with the addition of others. The Coffin is divided into 3. parts.
The lower part, which is the most spacious, contains the bones
of the 3. Kings, whose heads are separated from each other
in the middle, on the lid of which in "n[?]" letters are written
their names of Caspar, Melchior, & Balthasar. Their heads
were once adorned with golden crowns, ennriched by Diamonds
& rubies, wh. were lost, or broken, in 1794, when the Chapter
fled with the greater part of the treasures in the Dome to [Asemberg?]
in Westphalia. These magnificant crowns are replaced by gilt
metal crowns, simply ornamented with pearls. The heads are
turned with the faces downwards & the crowns are consequently
placed upon the back parts of their heads. The Skulls have a
dark color, & appearance of antiquity; but it is not an article
in the Catholic creed to receive them as the real heads of the Maji.
In the part above the lid are the bodies of St. Felix & St. Nabor
& in the higher part of all the bones of St. Gregory. The heads of
the three last were inclosed in busts of [?] which adorned
the altar of the Church on fete days. The chest, in the form of
the Jewish Arc, was adorned with figured work, in bas relief,
representing arches sustained by little columns, with enamel
& pearls & 226. gems of Greecian & Roman art. The Chapter
returned to Cologne in 1804 with much of the sculptures of
the tomb damaged, many of the gems & Cameos lost, or in-
fused by [carnage?] & the enamels spoiled. All however that
was possible has been done to restore this chest to its state
of primitive grandeur. All the inhabitants of Cologne [vied?]
in presenting gold gems, enamel, & precious stones for its
reparation & the present condition of it is indeed astonishingly
superb. The monuments of some archbishops of [St. George?]
of Bavaria, & the remains of Mary of Medici are found
before the Chapel. The only other Church we visited, out
of the great number, remarkable for their beauty & size,
was the Church of the ancient Convent of the "Dames"
de Ste. Ursule. It is remarkable for its relation with
the legend of Ste Ursule & the 11,000 virgins. Their his-
tory is represented by a painting in the choir. The whole Ch.
is full of sanctified remains & bones. On the R. side at entering
was a chamber, called the Goldene Kammer, or chamber
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