Page 162




Status: Complete


house. The radio off the air again. We had no
raid [strikethrough] since [/strikethrough] for a considerable time, it is Roumania’s
turn now. It is announced, the oil refineries of
Romano-Americana in Ploesti were raided today.

June 11. Sunday.
The day began with airraid warnings [strikethrough] on the radio [/strikethrough].
I heard it in half slumber and slept on. At 10 a.m.
the radio is again on the air. Ploesti or Bucharest
or Belgrade had been the target this time, I suppose.

A few pages before I told you what I believe
to be the main difficulty with the German people.
In a future peace period it would be essential
to give them a new, effective, but harmless, sort of hobby, as
surrogate for their world-power-complex. I think
they would be unhappy and [strikethrough] restful [/strikethrough] restivg without
their obligatory marching, parades, staccato songs,
uniforms and megphon [megaphone] speeches.

Same night. Márta is all right, she was denounced
being of Jewish origin. [strikethrough] So second [/strikethrough] According to the present law she
is all right, nothing happened. We had a talk
with Sanya, about you too. Your papers were discussed
[strikethrough] too [/strikethrough]. I told her about Marika, how eager she is to help

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