Page 163




Status: Complete


Sanya has a message from Erzsi, Ali’s wife. They are
still in Austria, delayed we do not know exactly
why. So, after all, even they may get the fate of the
others- With the Sebes I found little Mary with her István at
home from Tass. He had to go back
to military service, she went back to Tass afternoon.
Lulu has broken her arm a week ago in
the blackout of their yard. She is living up on the
hill with them until she can use again her arms
- the evening with Erzsrike. Emil came home
yesterday noon. He was denounced by one of their
well paid, even spoiled workman, Károly Német
of Érd, I want to remember him well. Even
their former servant, Marika Sukori was indignant.
Radio off the air, I can hear it from the [strikethrough] next flat [/strikethrough] neighbours,
airraid war news from the south and east
part of the country. I hear, that a Russian
offensive has began on the Carchan isthmus .
The most phantastic, Sanya told me, is about Jenö,
Marcsi’s husband. [strikethrough] Second her [/strikethrough] Sanya says he is all right and
helping people decently to, these days. I suppose, it
can’t be else as opportunism towards the future

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