Page 227




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about eighty km’s from Minsk. Splendid
how they work. (if war at all can be splendid).

Same evening. I was out the afternoon at Farkasrét.
Several small caliber bombs had been
dropped there, I have seen the Jewish graveyard
where crater beside crater is still to be seen. There
are still broken bones [strikethrough] laying [/strikethrough] scattered all about all the
place, a femur in two, vertebrae, etc. The craters
diameter is almost 6-7 meters.

I do not know, did I tell you already, that
even yesterday there was no water at the Social
Insurance buildings, neither in the hospital,
nor at the outpatients department. We had
to wash our hands in a few drops of water,
out of a bucket. And this by working mostly
with bone tuberculosis cases.

Elko is still very optimistic, he hopes all
war will end before reaching us. He hopes
for the nations unbroken state as until now
we had not much loss and the number
of births having not fallen. But what is the
use of unbroken strength, when- as we see

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