A: Oct.-Nov. 16, 1915; n.d.



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Omaha, November Sixteenth, 1915.

Hon. William Spry, Governor of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Dear Sir:

I am impelled by a sense of duty to urge executive clemency in the case of Joseph Hillstrom.

Regardless of the magnittude of his offense if he is guilty, or his identification with any organization however vicious in its character, I would, if I had the power, commute the impending sentence of death to punishment that would enable him to live and reform.

I would isolate criminals for the protection of society, but the ending of human life I would live in the hands of Him who gave it. In doing this I believe you would render humanity a great service, and carry out God's will.

I am just a mechanic, a steam fitter, and not in harmony with the cause of that industrial organization with which the condemned man is identified; yet, with the limited intelligence, and moral, or spiritual light, of that man, reared under the same conditions and influences, our actions might not be unlike his.

As long as nations, or states, set the example of taking life for an injury, society will follow the example.

If he is allowed to live he may be brought under the transforming power of Jesus Christ, in whom there is mercy, and forgiveness, and eternal life. Let the Lord deal with this man.

Very respectfully yours,

Edw. Ashland. YMCA Omaha

Last edit about 2 years ago by Jannyp
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To. Govener of Utah W. Spry.

Dear Sir:

I have followed with deep interest and concern the trial and conviction of Josef Hillstrom, sentenced by your state to die on the first of October this year. It seems to me that he did not have a fair trial and that the evidence on which he was convicted is insufficient to send him to his death, and I therefor ernestly beg that will use your influence and executive power commute his sentence and thus prevent the great state of Utah from taking the life of a man who may be innocnet

Yours very earnestly. Carl [Alittacn] 1380 Kaston St. St Paul Minn

Last edit about 2 years ago by jpratt57
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Kansas City Mo.

Dear Sir.

The working people are terribly aroused over your attempt to murder Joe. Hill. pretty raw colonel; don't think you can get away with it!

E. D. Amstutz.

Last edit about 2 years ago by jpratt57
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