Page 146
Spring City, Dec.21, 1880.
Council met in the Tithing Office. Called to
order by Mayor R.Justeson, roll called. quorum
present, Prayer by Councilor R.M.Allred.
Minutes of the former meeting read and
accepted. The committee to examine repairs of
Parley Street as per a petition reported. Said
committee was instructed to proceed with the work
by getting delinquent tax payers to haul rock.
Moved and carried that ($2.65) be appropriated to
John Johnson to apply on his taxes for the years
1879 and 1880. for work done on streets.
Mooved and carried that S.K.Aikin's taxamounting
to ($1.30) for the year 1880, be remitted
moved that ($1.69) be appropriated to the assessor
and collector to balance account of loss carried.
A settlement with the Finance committee
and the assessor and collector was reported and
accepted, adjourned untill Tuesday Jan,4,1881.
Dismissed by R.Justeson.
{156 words}I.F.Allred, Recorder
Spring City, Jan,4, 1881.
Council met inthe Tithing Office. Called to order
by the Mayor R.Justeson. Roll called. Quorum present.
Prayer by R.Justeson, Minutes of the former
meeting read and accepted. The subject of the revision of the
Ordinances of the city was dwelt upon at large by the council.
{60 words}adjourned Sine Die. dismissed by F.Olsen.I.F.Allred City Rec,
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