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[Tues]day Jan~y 1st 1856
Every one at Work. Frosty but dry.

Sunday 6th
Frost & Snow. Went to Kamisch [Kamiesch] the French port
in the Crimea Cold & Very Windy all the week.

Sunday 13th
Snowey & Cold went to the Redan & Town & dry
dock blowing them up all the week

Saturday 19th
Rec~d 2..12..8. Stoped 7..4 for loosing ½ day the
Russians fire was grater than Usel [usual]

Sunday 20th
Cold and Raining all day

Monday 21st
Went to Work at the 18th Royal Irish Near the Revin
left of Cathcarts Hill Large fire at Kemisch all
the week Very bad Wether

Saturday 26th 16th Week
Got a Pass to go into & all over the Stores Docks &c
from the Cornel [colonel] of the 18th R.I. For tomorrow Sunday

Sunday 27th
Went to Sebastopol with a pass through the Redan
Went into whear the large Bell was & the Barracks Store
[in] the Karabelnaia side of the town & went
[Down] to the waters edge & see the English &
Russians meet Midway in thear Boats under the

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