June 22, 1948 - July 3, 1848
1848 June 22 Weeding Branch Tobacco Fed gone to mill 6 Bus.
23rd I am Laying by mountain field. weeding down all branch in Lot A little Rain yesterday none to do anymuchgood
24 Yesterday evening a smart shower Rain Replanting Tobacco this morning — cloudy Finished mountain field now at stony point ——weather warm Finished planting all that is Bedded Hill on
25 clear & warm, cool nights & dry weather
26 clear & cool nights went to Green field, weeding fresh ground Tobacco - Laying by corn at stony point ——1848
27 Weeding Tobacco in fresh ground Laying by corn at stony point weather nights cool days Hot & very dry —
29 Plowing at stony point Finished weeding new ground & second years ground Tobacco
30 Finished weeding Tobacco & nearly done Laying by corn, Rained a little last night & Raining this morning very slow - not enough to Replant Tobacco yet
1848 July 1 Halling up wheat Hilling up Peas & chopping out corn this morning A fine Rain to day & we are planting Lot Tobacco done Laying by corn & Sweet Potatoes Hilled up
2nd Sunday - a fine Rain about night
3rd Drawing Tobacco plants ground too wet this morning to Plow nearly finished whole planting Lot by Henrys house Saturday & Replanting too
July 4, 1848 - July 14, 1848
1848 July 4th Finished Planting & replanting Tobacco this morning, sewed Peas & Buck Wheat Halling up wheat, clear day days warm & nights cool —
5 Finished Halling up wheat
6. Began to cut Oats yesterday & to day cutting 3& 4hands — Rained a little
7 cutting oats 3 & 4 hands cutting Hen set by 1st Gate towards granary
8 July A wet morning Rained all night shilling corn shoemaking spining etc did not quite get done cutting Our Oats yesterday before it began to Rain - wind W. E. cool Rained nearly all this day & quite cool Picking wool & shoemaking etc
9th Cloudy & cool but not Raining
10 Halled up Blade fodder this morning Hilling up new ground Tobacco
11 Gone to mill 8½ Bus. corn 1 Bus wheat Hilled up cotton yesterday & finished cutting oats & this morning working out Garden Mouse had a Bull Calf a week ago
12th Hilling up Big new ground cloudy began to Top Tobacco yesterday
13 Finished Big new ground & hilling up little new ground Halling up Oats stoped too wet to stack char Ho[use?] day - Fed sick yesterday & to [day]
14th & 14 Harrowing corn & Plowing etc Branch Tobacco Irish Potatoes etc.
July 15, 1848 - July 28, 1848
1848 15 July Weeding Lot Tobacco Planted a week or 2 ago Pickle cucumber
[lost in margin] clear & Cool weeding Lot Tobacco cotton & Sweet Potatoes Laid by this day stacking Oats this day & [Hi]lling Grass -
[lost in margin] Finished stacking oats & weeding down our Lot Tobacco, Hilling up in Johns Branch & Plowing it cutting & Halling up Grass clear & cool nights
19 & 20 & 21. Plowing & Hilling Tobacco sewed Turnips in fresh ground
22 Finishing Hilling up second years ground Toped over Twice, put up 2 stacks grass & Halled out manure on Turnip Patch
23rd Rained a little & cloudy ground dry
24. cleared off & no rain to do any good Dry & Hot corn suffering very much Began to Grub & Cut in new ground Henry balled stacks etc.
25 Thrashing out wheat & sent 7 or 8 Bus corn to mill & ½ Bbl wheat & 1 stack to Doct. Whites mill
26 began to tread out our wheat shrubbing etc A fine Rain Thanks to the Ruler of all things
27 Treading out wheat, Fixing Turnip Patch etc Shrubing wheat land
28th A Fine Rain in evening & at night Grubbing & worming Tobacco & toping Henry fixing stacks forPaling for yard
July 29, 1848 - August 11, 1848
1848 July 29th Weather warm. Grubing cutting & choping out mountain field corn
30 Rained yesterday last night & this morning cloudy & Rainy fine growing weather — yesterday went with Mr. McDaniel to see land & he is to say in 10 or 12 days whe =ther we trade, —
31 Misting of Rain this morning & last night Finishing choping corn at mountain field Spining etc etc. ——
1848 1st Augt. Clear & cool Plowing & Hilling up lot Tobacco etc Sewed Turnip Seed in Patch
2nd Plowing & Hilling up lot Tobacco 3rd Toping etc Fed Sick
4 Treading out 1 floor wheat, Toping & succoring Tobacco new ground succoring second yrs Tobacco Put Lady to Mr JonesHorse Grey
5 Treading out wheat this morning working Greens in Garden
9 Finished Treading out wheat topingworming second yrs ground
10 - Paling apples etc —
11th. Raining Toping & worminggroundnew & Branch - in Lot — Sent ½ Bushels corn to Doct Whites & 1 Log
August 14, 1848 - August 31, 1848
1848 Augt 14th Thomas Templeton came after a search warrant this morning to search Mrs Garrotts House for his Tobacco, lost — We got apples for vinegar at stony point in evening a fine Rain indeed
15th Cloudy & foggy this morning. we Beeting apples & getting up for vinegar I am sick & have been for 2 weeks & several have desperate coughs it may be Hooping cough. —
18 Worming & succoring Tobacco & going to meeting all this week. Revival at Strait Stone at this time WmH Plunket Pastor Several showers of Rain in 10 days past, beautiful one last night
20th began to Rain to day about 11 or 12 oclock we were all at a great meeting at strait stone
21 Still Raining & wind Blows from N.E. ground very wet indeed cool wet weather
22 Fair day Toping & worming Tobacco
23 Same work, began to Plow for wheat, cloudy & like for Rain ——————
29. Sent to Doct. Whites mill 1 Large Log for Paling & 5 or 6 Bushels corn — Henry gone worming & succoring branch & lot to day & Granary Lot -
31st & 30. Getting up & beeting apples for Brandy finished over Tobacco 30th Inst. weather fair & warm
31st Pulling mountain field fodder