



Status: Complete


The heart in Rose or Violett water it restoreth
a lost Appetite given in Mint water; it help the
the weakness of the Liver given in cihory
water in the weakness of the spen with Endive water

A Secrett to expell

Boyle milk when itt cold againe & drunk
hath been proved very effertuall, when many
other thinges have failed. Mrs Morven

To stopp to muth Vomiting

Rp now made treacle or some syrrope of
Quinces;, or a plaster of the crust of bread
wett in vinegar, and applyed to the stomack
and likewise applyed to the soles of the feet
if there be a great paine in the head after
vomitting; you may applye A Linnon cloth
wett in rose water or Lettice water mixt
with some vinegar and oyle of Roses

An excellent secrett for the help of
such as an troubles with your mother
Experionced by Mr More


Rp of all spices; except pepper; finely beaten and
searced, as much as will ley on a greate mixe all
together adde to this 3 graines of musk & give itt
in a spoonfull or 2 of beare of mugwort water
pouering itt downe as speedily as may be, provided
that she that temper'd itt doe not Administer
itt and & the Nostrills of the patient be help at the
receiving of itt & a reasonable after to
prevent the sent of the musk wich is offensive
in this disease. This hath been tryed upon a
Woman as weak as possible might be to live in
this Disease
To make the spiritt
of salt Peler

To make the spiritt, you must doe as you
did in the preparatian of Common Salt with the
like proceedings of fire the spiritt will arise
like red Smoak, onely this difference is to be observ
ed that for one part of Salt peter you must
mixe 3 partes of potters clay, soe make round
or long peices, as in the preparation of Salt
Is good for the Collick, good against the Plurisie
against violent burnings of some feavours let itt
be mixt with an equall Quantity of spiritt of
wine of that mixture give a dramm weight in a
draught of warm water, for the Collick, then annoint
the navel with a little oyle of Nutmeggs mingled
with some Sibett and itt will mitigate the intolorable
paines that proceed from that Disease as alsoe

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