



Status: Complete


A Medicine to cure the Itch although it be
never soe greate in any parte of thethe bodie

Take a good quantitie of the flowre of brimstone and as much
burnt Roach allum beaten to fine powder put theth powder into as much
of theth best sallet oyle as will make it thinne & soe anoynt theth partie
greiued therewith every morninge & eveninge as long as you shall
see occasion

A nother ffor theth same Mr Dingley

Take mallowes and wormewood and boyle them in water and
wash theth scab and itch therewith, Take currants wash them very
cleane then steepe them in theth distilled waters of borrage englishe
succory rosewater or springe water all night and in the morn-
inge eate toe or three spoonefulls with theth water fasting it
openeth the liver:

For theth itch thoygh never soe bade

Take a quarter of a pinte of plantine watter & halfe as
much rose watter halfe a wine glase of lemon or orange
flower watter & an ounce of sublimatum beaten into fine
powder put all thes in a clean skillet let them boyle a
quarter of an hower then take it of & let it colle & then put
it up in a close vioall you must wash theth place greiued
at night when you goe to bed & let it dry in of it selfe doe
this 3 nights together ththe first of 2 tyme it will bring them
all out & theth 3 tyme it will dry & take them quite away

A medecine for any teter or itch

Take reed docke roots & scrape them cleane & stame them in
a morter very small then take theth quantety of halfe a
pound of sweet buter & boyle it all together upon a Chafen-
Dish of coalles & strayne it through a linen cloth into
a porenger & then take an ounce of ginger & mingell
it well together with theth pointe of a knife untill it be
like a saule & soe apply it to theth teter or itch

A present remedey for theth itch

Take lavender & theth topes of rosemarey of each on
handfull an ounce of tobackea befor it is dryed or
cutte & a prettey quantety of rock allom as much as you
thinck will make your allom ros liqor rofe putt all
this into a quart of watter & boyle it untill it comes
to a pinte then straine it & let theth paitent be bathed
euery night when they goe to bed very warme by theth

before you wash or bath it give theth paitent this purge

An easey purge for theth itch for a yong child

Take halfe an ounce of senea at twise you must steepe it one
halfe one day & theth other parte theth next day in 2 sponfulls
of iuce of oranges & as much white wine you must steepe
theth quarter of theth ounce in a close cupe & soe let it stand
by theth fyer all night & in theth morning fasting give it
theth child to drinke it must be strayned through a cloth
if it be for one that is elder dubell theth quantety


A medicine to cure a worme

Take the house snayle that beareth the shell on his backe out
of the shell and pricke itt with a pin as longe as any liquor
will come out take the said liquor and rub the when all ouer
and round a bout twice a day and itt will weare clear off

To kill a ring worme or teter in Children or old folkes

Take tar wash it 3 tymes in rain watter & mingle it wth powder of
brimston & ginger & anont it twice a day

for a felon

Take Rue rusty bacon & [snailes] & spread it uery thick upon a Cloth
warm it uery litle & lay it one remove it twice a day & lay some
blak salve on it when it is broken

for the Itch

Take flower of brimston boyle it in milk as strong as you can take it &
drinke a pint of it euery morning for 3 mornings then take a peice of fresh
butter & knead it wth powder of brimston uery thick & anoynt the party
befor a fire all over wth it for 9 dayes nights & mornings wthout
changing the shift you may give it a child wthout any danger

An excelent & sweet oyntmt for the Itch

Take the Inner rind of goats aller of a bough as big as ones arme scraped
clean from the outward rind to a good handfull thereof put a quarter of a
pound of unwashen butter & boyle them together half an hower keeping
it allwais stired then strain it through a course cloth & put it in a pot
here wth anoynt the place euery euening & morning Probatum est

To cuer the Itch

first let the party drinke brimston & milke 3 mornings together then let
them anoynt them selves wth brimston & sope very well mixt together
befor a fyer & wear the same shift 4 dayes or a week anoynt it so
long if you find occation every night befor a fier, & wear other clothes
then what you wore before till you have some way washed or cleaned them


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