



Status: Needs Review


A Drinke that is good for the longues
or short breath

Take a pottle of Running water and put therein halfe an ounce
of Annyseedes bruised and as much Licorish screaped & bruised an
handfull of Raisons of the sunn stoned 3 or 4 figgs shred, halfe an
ounce of hartshorne, marygold flowers as much, liuerworte colts-
foote, vnsett Isop halfe an handfull, of wheate branne tyed up
in a cloth one handfull, boyle all these till halfe be Boyled
away then streyne it & drinke it att your pleasure, and if you
please you may put suger to it, or 2 or 3 spoonefulls of wine

for shortnes of winde in a sucking Child

Take powder of licoras a smalle quantety Curants & Jordan
allmonds blanhed of each a fuw stampe thes together & boyle
them together in halfe a pinte of english honey & give this to
the Child to eate a litell at onse

An Exelent medecine for the Coufe & for the stopage at
the brest & allso to open the pipes & tow auoyd great store
of Curoption

Take the roots of Elecompaine & a redish roote & sheread them
uery small & of peare wardens twise as much as of both
the others then put them both together into a nuw earthen pot
& put to them Clar[eyfed] Honey untill it doe ouerflow the
same & past it soe close that noe breath may come forth of
it & set it into an ouen & let it bake with a bach of
bread & giue it to the paitent euery morning a sponfull
of it fasting & likewise in the euening & it will help him

A uery good drinke for to open the pipes
good for the longes & spleane

Take isope peneryoll roots the pith being taken away
of earth ij roots reasons of the sunne stoned halfe a handfull
licors a quarter of an ounce halfe a dosen figes cute in
pices boyle them all together in 3 pints of watter untill
they come to a quarte when it is cold straine it through
a cloth & put to the same 6 ounces of corse sugar seeth all
thes againe & straine them

An Electuary for the spleene

Take 6 oz of Tameriske 4 oz of sugar Candy shred your Tame-
risk small then mix them together and seeth them thicke when
yw take itt of the fire putt in the yolkes of 2 eggs well
beaten and stird together then putt itt in a glasse or pott
and take euery morninge fastinge as much as a good
Nuttmegg and so much at 4 in the afternoone and drinke in
a Tameriske Can

A Medicine to cleanse and open spleen
and remove obstructions

Take Ayle wort 5 gallons and a [pint] of Liuerwort beinge clean
washed and picked of Hartstongue Bettanny Agrimony Scabius of each a good
handfull a docke root or two boyle these halfe an houre with a few hops when it hath
wrought tun itt up rubbe a little woormwood betweene your hands and putt itt in
the ayle if the party bee troubled with the paine in the stomach add a good
handfull of couchgrasse roots yw may drinke itt all 3 or 4 dayes old att 7
in the morninge & at 4 at night att springe and fall


An easie purge For a younge child

Take halfe an ounce of seeny att twice you must steepe it the
one halfe one day & the other halfe the next day in toe spoonefulls of
the Juice of orringes and as much white wine you must steepe
the quarter of the ounce in a close cupp & soe lett it stand by
the fire all night and in the morning fastinge giue it the
childe to drinke, it must be streyned through a cloth

Another easie purge

Take a pinte of ale and a quarter of a pound of Raisons of the
sunn stoned and toe or three sticks of english Licorish shred
halfe an ounce of seeny, halfe an ounce of Annyseeds, bruised
boyle all these together till they be boyled halfe away then
streyne them harde out, then put to it an ounce of the syrrup of
Roses & an ounce of browne suger candie, then make it bloud
warme & drinke it fasting att a draught, & an houre after
drinke a draught of warme Broth or posset ale

A receite of pills very good for the head
and stomacke experenced by maney

{giuen by
Mrs Rob
this was comended
by Mr Marten
the apothycary for
my selfe to take
R.F it cost
3s: [6?]d}
[possibly overwritten by: '-: 4? : 6']

Take of myre allowes of each one ounce oyle of uiterell
tow dropes tow drops of oyle of aneseeds agrige halfe
an ouence saforowne tow drames make it up with
with syrupe of roses into a dose & soe keepe it for
your vse makeing pills as you have need of them
if it grow hard with keeping then moyesten it with
syrupe of roses you are to take them an hower
before super one at a tyme for a week together as
you find ther is a neede

A pill for my Lady Fairfax agt fumes & wynds
called Hystericall & Hypochondriacall, [afflictyng]
her lungs, & causyng faintyng.

Take, aloes rosata, Hiera picra, rhubarb, two chisks of
capers & prepared steele of each 2 scruples, of
Castor one scruple, of safron halfe a scruple of the
chymicall oyle of wormewood & aniseeds of each 4 drops
wth syrop of lemons & Balsam of Peru, make a
masse of pils wherof take the weight of a groate in
3 pils [bedword]. or but 2 or but one pil as you
fynd it worke more or lesse, without alteryng the diet or kee=
pyng within doores.

Jo: Fryes
Pilles for the head & Stomacke

Take on ounce of myrrh a drame of saforon dry them & beat them to
powder & make them up into a body with a litell surope of lemons
or gilleflowers & soe make them up into uery small pilles
take them in the morning or at any tyme & take one pille at
a tyme


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