



Status: Needs Review


A Receipt for the Rukets

Take a potell of runninge water, a quarter of a pound of raisins
of the sunne stoned, 1 oz of Licoris scraped & sliced 1/2 of anyseeds 4 or
5 very good datts stoned 1 oz of harts horne, a good handfull of
Liuerwort well washed & picked; one handfull of Harts tounge
a handfull Lungworth as much ribworth a handfull of unset
hysop, a handfull of coltsfoote; 1/2 a handfull of maydenhaire
a few tops of penyreyall; Boyle all these together in the water
till it be halfe consumed boyled of these, then straine it
& sweeten it wth the best white suger candy, & give it the child
morninge & evening first & last & as often as you can get
the child to take it though but a spoonefull att a time
And take

An aprooved Drinke for the Ricketts

Take 3 pints of springe water one quart of white wine and
one handfull of sugar charwell halfe a handfull as much
unsett hysop and balme putt them into the wine in a pipkin
close covered and lett it boyle gently untill a pinte bee
consumed then putt in a quarter of a pound or lesse of
rasons of the sunne stoned a peice of Liquorice the length
of your finger scraped and sliced and then boyle itt
untill your reasons are pretty tender and soe keepe itt
for your use wth the hearbs in itt and lett the child drinke
of itt morninge noone & night and as oft more as the
child will drinke of itt

The ointment

Take of the roots of fox ferne halfe a pound of aylehoofe
Cammamell woormwood Red sage red fennill minte
Clivers brooke lime Scurvigrasse Rue fetherfew of each
a handfull boyle these in 6 pound of fresh buttur from
the Chirme & putt into the boylinge of itt halfe a pinte
of Muskidine & 3 or 4 flakes of large mace lett all
these boyle togeather lett all these boyle as longe
as yw thinke good then straine itt and keepe itt for
your use.

The child must be anointed wth this night and morninge
the Chest & the Ribs and the Small of the backe, & the bendinge
of the knees & the hamms it must weare a doube cloth on
the stomach and soe round the wast it must not bee
changed in 3 weeks or a moneth.

But the drinke hath recovered many wthout the ointment.

For the Ricketts aprooved

Take of the inward barke of ash itt must bee of the younge
spriggs gathered in May and Tamerisse of each as much
as yw may hold betweene your four fingers and Thumme &
half as much of the inward barke of Ivy as of either of these
putt itt up into a quart bottell and fill your bottell wth 6s
beare & after it hath stood 3 or 4 dayes drinke thereoff
you must fill 2 quart bottells at a time & when one is
out fill itt againe the child must drinke noe other


A Nose for the disease commonly
called the Rickets

Take Aniseeds Snymon white sugar candy of each 2 dramms a penny=
worth of Sanders Razons of the Sun one pound of Liverwort one hand=
full Speare Mint one handfull Browne Sage & Hysop & Organe halfe
a handfull of each boyle these in a gallon of worth & putt itt in when
yw should putt in your hops & lett it boyle as longe as your hopps doe use to
come to a Pottle & give the child a small quantitye both at mor=
ninge & at night & make an ointment of all these hearbs boylinge
them in May buttur or other fresh buttur anointinge the child there=
with twice a day by the fire all over the flanks & belly.

A drinke for the Rickets

Take 4 gallons of beare wort & putt into itt 4 handfulls of Tamerisse
2 handfulls of greene barke of young ash one handfull of the barke
of Ivy 3 handfulls of Liuerwort one handfull of harts tongue a good
handfull of Razons of the sun stoned, & one of Currans, a Sticke or
two of Liquoras sliced boyle all these in the wort halfe an houre
& so tunne itt up as yw do other beare wth all the hearbs in itt
lett this bee the childs ordinary drinke when itt is ten or twelve
dayes old.

For children that hath the Ricketts aprooved

Take halfe a pinte of Red Rose water & boyle therein 10 or 12
snayls & lett the child drinke itt sweeten itt wth syrropp of clove
gilly flowers nott to sweete if the child hath not a feaver yw may
giue milke boyle wth snayls

For the Ricits

Take a pint of Spruce bear wch the Apothycarys sell, & give the Child a spoonful
or lese if you think it tow much in any drinke it takes or spoon meat in a morning
& befor a fire rub some of the same drinke into all its joints rubing it well in for
some tyme every morning this hath helped & strengthened the Children inwardly
& outwardly.

To strengthen Childrens limbs that have the Recits

Take 2 or 3 whits of eges & stire them long till they come to an oyle
& rub the childs back & limbs & wrists wth it tis much commende[d]


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