



Status: Needs Review

Receipts for Ciurgerey
A [soueran] oyle for to drope into wounds hurt with [vermin] weapons or [pines] pricked
Take ye leaves flowers & seeds of St Johnsworte 2 great handfulls of ye leaves & flowers of balsom & valarean of each one handfull bruse ym & put ym into a great dubell glase ade therto a quart of white wine 4 poundes of oyle of ollive 2 poundes of oyle turpintin set ye glase stoped in ye sunne 8 or 10 dayes yn bowle it in ye glase in a kittell of watter with some straw att ye botome which donne strayne ye licqor from ye hearbes & doe as you did before putting in ye licke quantety of hearbes & doe as you did befor putting ye licke of flowers & seeds & boyle it againe yn straine it & keepe it for your use.

Mr Moullers fomentation for an extreame ach or lamness
Take 6 galons of runing watter set it one in a brase pote or skillet itt must be alle measuer put into it 3 alle quarter of wood ashes yn put of wormwood senterey & sant Johnswort of each a great bunch let thes boyle about a gallon away ade a handfull of white sallt soe straine it & put it into bottells & keepe it for your use stope it close this must be used exceding hote with new white coten acording to ye bignes of ye place greived it is very comfortable & very streingthing if you will you may ade muskadine in ye useing of it but that must not boyle with it.

A green oyle for a bruse
Take a galon of sallet oyle put it into an earthen pote yn take sutherenwood sage cammamile wormewood weigh ym & take a licke quantety of each shread ym & put ym into ye oyle to steepe 12 or 14 howers yn take reed rose budes ye quantety of hale a peecke cutt of ye whites of ym & putt ym into ye oyle 4 handfulls of lavender topes picked Airing ym every day ym putt ym into a brase panne & boyle it upon a soft fyer ye space of 2 howers & stire it all ye whille when it hath boyled an hower take it of & putt into it halfe a pinte of aquaita yn set it one & let it boyle one halfe hower yn take it of againe & put into it halfe a pinte more of aquavita yn set it one ye fyer & let it boyle half an hower after that strayne it through a Clean cloth into a bason & soe let it stand till it be cold yn putt it into a glase & keepe it ye hearbes must be gathered in May & layde in steepe till you cane have ye rose budes & lavender you must put ye hearbes into ye oyle when it is boyling or else it will not be greane.

An Exelent receipte for a bruse all though it be never soe bad in any parte of ye limes
Take cow dounge & sprinkell it with a litell wine vinagar & putt into it a litell barowes grease & warme it in a frying pane & applye it as hote as ye paitent cane induer it & give him to drinke permecitey or irish slate or moma or some of ye ballsom & keepe him warme & this by gods helpe will Cuer him in a shorte tyme.

To make ye [Paracettion] plaster
Take of these 4 gumes that is to say gallbanado opopany of each an ounce Amoniagum & bedellium of each 2 ounces let ym be beaten very small put ym into an earthen potte that will hold 3 pintes it must be well leaded or glased yn power upon ye sade gumes a pinte of ye best wine vinagar & cover ym close that nothing fall into ym & let ym remain a day & a night yn take a quarter of a pinte more of vinagar & putt into ym stiring ym a litell yn sett ym one ye fyer untill they be throughly mellted contually stiring ym yn take of nuw canvas that is very tine & straine ym into ye potte againe & soe sett ym upon a very gentell fyer of coalles keeping ye fyer from ye sides of ye potte that ye gumes may simper untill ye vinagar be all soden away & evaporated simper ye gumes untill they will spread licke a salve in ye simpering of it you must continalley stire it without seaseing let ye gumes be browne & take heede lest any thinge fall into ym yn take a quart of ye best oyle olives & putt it into a pott well leaded or glased that holdeth a pottell or more & set it one a soft fyer of coalles & put into it halfe a pound of nuw wax cutt it into small peces & soe let it melt in ye oyle by leasener & when you are suer ye wax is throughly melted put into it a pound & a halfe of lithrage of gold beaten into very fine powder breake ye powder with a Cleane knife that ther be no lumpes stiring ym continalley with a stick or spateuer or such like by litell untill ye thinges be well mellted together & yn it will be a daouney Coller & thicke yn take it of ye fyer when it hath done simppering a litell while yn take of ye fore sayd gumes that wer first boyled & with your stick or spaterer take of ym ye quantety of a nutt & putt ye same into ye same matter stiring it continauley & soe by litell at severall types putt in your gumes by such a licke quantety untill ye sayd gimes be all putt in & be well mixed together with ye other things your gumes will be allmost an hower aputting in therfore when you se it begin to be cold set it one a few Imbers taking great heed it be not over hotte for yn it will rune over into ye fyer for it is very hotte of it selfe but if ye worst should hapen that it sudenly begine to rune into ye fyer that you cannot stay it have a bowle of watter by you & quickly put it into ye watter & when ye gumes are well putt in & throughly mixed & melted after put in ye thinges following take of ye 2 kindes of Aristologiah Rotundo Calaminaris Myrth Friankencenes of each of ym one ounce beate ym into very fine powder & seavese it through a very fine cloth twice power in ye myrth after ye powder & frankensence last of all mingell ym in a paper & power ym into ye same matter leasuerly yn power into it an ounce of ye oyle of bayse & lastly putt therin pure turpentin 4 ounces when you put in your turpintine take it of ye fyer a litell while & stirre it with very great dilgence else your turpintin will cause it to runne into ye fyer & if you would know wither it be well & suffently soden putt a litell into cold watter & if it be not soe soft that it will cleave to your finger but if it clave to your finger it is tow softe & thefor let it simper longer untill it be very well simpered yn take it of ye fyer & putt soe much of it upon a bord anoyented with oyle of roses as will make a great [rowle] & when it is cold you may handell it

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