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Pages That Mention Maux

Philip A Embury Journal #1



the Boulevard and turned in at seven thirty. Found a note from Bill Elliot.

Thursday. August 16, '17.

Got up early and went out to headquarters at 9 o'clock to take my mental exam. Took all morning. Got my O.K. So did Wheeler & Higgans. Wheeler said that he had obtained permission to leave for the States on Saturday.

Had dinner at Pocardies. Saw Paul Cadman at the Cafe de la Paix. He was on his permission after completing his course at Maux. Peat Bangs also got through. Got my pictures just before train time. Had no trouble in buying a ticket. Told the military authorities that I had missed the morning train that my party left on with tickets and

Last edit almost 5 years ago by California State Library


baricks. Some job.

Monday, August 20 '17.

Four o'clock convoi, to a station below (Coureanden) Fismes to Villers in Preyers. Took pictures of some big shells (280). Herb & I came home alone a short way. Beat the first ram in by an hour. Feeling rather low. Bad water.

Tuesday. August 21, '17

On the dish washing squad. A rotten job. Paul Cadman arrived in camp. Saw a Boche plain drop but recovered before he reached the ground. Great cheering from the boys. Cleaned car. Inspection by the Captain.

Wednesday August 22, '17

Wrote letters. Had one grand party for the boys that are to leave for Maux.

Last edit almost 5 years ago by California State Library


Thursday August 23, '17

Dick, Cutie & I very low from the party the night before. Herb. Brown and Guy Colden left for Maux. The quartet gave probably its last concert. It impressed me very much. I couldn't help but think of the fraternity spirit that has grown up among the boys & it made me feel rather sad to think that the unit of 42 men was breaking up.

Friday August 24, '17

Foster & I washed No 11. Had a great time with Wit & Bert Hope in the small French Village. The natives had never seen any Americans and we stood on high with them.

Heard that the Boshe plane that we saw had to land at Soisons. The pilot was killed. and the observer got control of the machine. They had a picture of our camp in their camera.

Last edit almost 5 years ago by California State Library
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