Pages That Mention Davis & Davis
279 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 23 1887 call system, read and on motion granted provided the poles are put up under the direction of the Street commissioner. Petition of M McDonald to make certain alterations and repairs to that cetain building standing next to the alley on the north side of Washington Street between Commercial and South Second Streets known as Mc Donald's Exchange, read and motion granted subject to the approval of tehChief of the Fire Department. Petition of August Wolff for the return of certain license money read and referred to the Committee on Licenses and Revenue. Application of Davis & Davis for a liquor license is referred to Com on License and Revenue.. Billd Allowed The following claim against the ciyty having been duly audited and allowed by the Council is ordered paid by warrant drawn as follows: Albro Gardner, Warrant No 1453 on Madison Street Imp. Fund under Ordinance No 839...$169.87 On motion of Councilman Reitze the Street Commissioner is ordered to build a sidewalk 120 feet in length from the East Side of Third Street to the alley on the South Side of Pine Street, and the Clerk directed to withdraw his published call for bids for building said sidewalk. Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted by the Clerk Entitled "A Special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" which is passed by the following vote: In favor of the same, Frink, Green, Niesz, Russell & Reitze Against the same none.
288 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 2 1887 Monthy Reports Received From City Attorney read and Ordered filed. From Chief of Police read and Ordered filed. From Police Justice Jones Referred to Financial Committee From City Treasurer Referred to Financial Committee From City Jailor Referred to Financaial Committee From Street Commissioner Referred to Street Committee returned approved. From Chief of the fire Department, read and referrred to Committee on Fire & Water. Licenses Ordered Issued Ole Nelson Retail liquor 6 months from Aug 20th 1887 Davis & Davis Retail liquor 6 months from Aug 23rd 1887 The vote upon granting said licenses is as follows: In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran Neisz & Russell against none. Applications of Licenses Referred E C Slorah & Co & Cole & Pratt Committee Reports Received From Com on Health & Police recommending for the better equipment and strength of the force as follows: 1st That hand-cuffs, club & nippers be furnished to each police officer & charged to him and upon his retirement from the force to be redeemed by the City; 2nd That the Purchasing agent be instructed to purchase a book to be used in the Police headquarters as a record book, and that a list of all property stolen be recorded therein. 3rd That we find the present force inadequate for the preservation of life and property and recommend that three additional men be put on the force. 4th We also recommend that a system of telephonic communictaion with Police headquarters be adopted as soon as practicable.
574 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 17 1888 From Same Committee granting petition of J H Bridge for opening the alley in Block in Block 31 Maynard's plat from Mill Street to Washington Street . Adopted. From Same Committee recommending that Powell Street be opened from Temperance Street west three blocks to Victory Street. Adopted. Councilman Green is here excused for the balalnce of the evening. Miscellaneous License Referred Ole Nelson, Grady Bros, Davis & Davis, Hahn n& Engleman Licenses Ordered Issued Wm Garrett, Wm Deitcher, Mary McCarty, Thorndyke & Co, The vot upon granting such licenses is a s follows, in favor of same, Burns, Durie, Jones, McCombs, McDonald, Niesz & Reitze. Bills Allowed The folowing claims claims against the City having been duly audited and allowed by the council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the everal funds as follows to wit: Names Warrant Fund Amount Remarks James Bogart 3268 City $60.00 Janitor's Salary Chas Robinson 3269 City 15.00 Salary Police Officer J H Beano 3270 City 15.00 Salary Police Officer E H Bragg 3271 City 7.50 Salary Spl Police Officer Andrew Hansen 3272 City 7.50 Salary Spl Police Officer Chas Robinson 3273 City 7.50 Salary Spl Police Officer G W Hapgood 3274 City 7.50 Salary Spl Police Officer R C Hull 3275 City 7.50 Salary Spl Police Officer Ed A Harding 3276 City 7.50 Salary Spl Police Officer J C Mears 3277 City 7.50 Salary Spl Police Officer D H Jackson 3278 City 5.00 Salary Spl Police Officer
600 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 7 1888 liable for such or any part thereof. Adopted. Ordered that the City Attorney, surveyor and Street Committee be granted further time to report in the Mill Street Bulkhead. Licenses referred Vitus Schmid, Long & Kelly, NP Wildrick Licenses Ordered Issued Louis Laniere, John S Morgan, Conrad Brehm, Alex Meister, J H Loughead, Gorman Bros, Ole Nelson Hahn & Engleman, Grady Bros, Davis & Davis The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows: In favor of the same Burns, Durie, Green Jones, McCombs, McDonald Niesz and Reitze Against the same none. Bills Allowed The following claims against the City having been duly audited and allowed by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as follows to-wit: Name No of Warrant Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 3284 City 150.00 salary City Clerk Aug C W Ferris 3285 City 87.00 salary deputy City Clerk Aug E A Turner 3286 City 62.50 salary City Treasurer 1/2 Month Isaac Parker 3287 City 62.50 salary City Treasurer 1/2 Month Sam'l H Piles 3288 City 150.00 salary City Atty Aug L Cummings 3289 City 125.00 salary Street Comnr Aug Sam'l A Hoyt 3290 City 75.00 salary Harbor Master James Bogart 3291 City 75.00 salary Jailer & Janitor James Bogart 3291 City 132.40 Board of prisoners Albro Gardner 3292 City 25.00 salary City surveyor 6 mos Albro Gardner 3292 City 10.00 Calculating area Madison St lots J C Mitchell 3293 City 150.00 salary Chief of Police Aug [total]1098.40