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Pages That Mention General Sir Colin Campbell

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 50

p. 50

in the medical Hall after till Breakfast time

Nov. 18th At Bandar. at "Candia" at Garden reach for lep. box. at Med Hall all day. Egan called in the evg. walked to Col Lys park St: News from Lucknow Sir Colin Shelling on both sides. Commun with Sir J Outram latter advised his friends not to attack until it could be done efficiently

Nov. 19th. Went down to the beach

Nov 20th to 30th At Medical Hall every day. till between 5 & 6 . 29th dined on board the Candia Saw Dawson & Fitz at the Fort. Came home in D.s Buggy. 30th Had diarrhea which made me feel weak News today that Col. Cameron 42nd & Col Rourke 19th both dead of Cholera. posted a letter to a soldier at Lahore entrusted by Mrs. Achison 23rd At a tea party at Smith's met Dr. Bryden. E I Co &ce. 3000 Sepoys enclosed in palace garden [Dec. 1st. scored through] & bayonetted by Sir Colin. Sepoys retreat upon Hyrabad.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 51

p. 51

Dec 1 to 6th Gen Wyndham attacked by rebels at Cawnpore. [down into scored through] he retreated into entrenchments. tents of 4 regiments burned down by the sepoys. Releived by Sir Colin Campbell coming up to his assistance. Mail arrived from England per St [Steamer] Nubia, evening of Dec 5th. Commenced to write a letter home Sunday 6th have not as yet got any letters by this mail. Dec 6th to Jany. 19th. Still at Bany. Continued to dislike it. at last made up my mind to enter the companys service. got appointed to the "Proserpine". 12 guns Brig the Man of War for the Indian Coast. Joined her on the 19th. Saw Mr Bockeet Chf Officer on board. during the latter weeks I have received letters from home from Fred. & B, All well. Feby 12th. Received orders to join the transport Belgravia to take charge of sick & wounded to the Cape of Good Hope.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 68

p. 68

speaks very like a Highlander [One of scored through] Joe is a brother of Mrs Wyndham the Managress of the theatre royal Ednr. I have picked out by observation one or two men characters among the soldiers. Here is first a Scotsman belonging to the 93rd who went all through the Crimean War as he says without a wound & he is quite indignant now at being wounded by a nigger. he has a [wou scored through] bullet wound through the arm near the elbow. he is a fine strong burly looking fellow. He & another Scotsman sit & praise up Sir Colin to the skies much I daresay to the annoyance of the Irish + Englishman. Next here is an Irishman called Patk. Coleman of the 53rd or as he told his officer the other day on asking him his name Mr [underscored] Coleman Snr [underscored] ov Her Majestys fifty third

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 114

p. 114

about an hour in hand & had a look at some papers. I saw the death of PJ Gregory in the home news. We also got from him a Belfast Whig & L'pool Mercury, & a basket of onions: by the time we left we had a good long pull back to the ship. We devoured the old news when we got on board very greedily. Long 85° East.

Tuesday June 22nd 1858.

We crossed the line during last night. the wind is still keeping light & we have not as yet got the SW monsoon. See by the papers there has been fierce difference between England & France & that Duc de Malakoff was to be French repre sentative in England. Fighting still going on in India & a good deal of desease among the troops offer of peerage to Sir Colin & non acceptance.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 121
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p. 121

at intervals of 1/2 an hour. 2 or 3 hard squalls. pilot cam on board about 9 oclock both shipd being hove to. knocked about all night good stiff squalls at intervals. Went to bed at 11 oclock

Monday June 29th. 1858

Got under weigh between 7 & 8 this morning passed a good many ships in tow of steamers a good stiff breeze blowing from the westward. Saugor Island sighted at 11 oclock What news will there be in Calcutta from home I am almost afraid to think God grant that all may be well (pilot Lord) News from India still fighting Sir Colin in disrepute (still in the daudrums) sitting opposite the Capt. at 12 oclock writing this he calls for some Mth. Asks pills to take some pains he has had blew a stiff squall from the N.W. this afternoon. Carried away fore yard & tore all set sail to shivers

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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