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Pages That Mention Asafoetida

Barton, Benjamin Smith, 1766-1815. Benjamin Barton Smith notebook on materia medica circa 1796-1798. B MS b52.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

(seq. 204)

(seq. 204)



a colour. Savin, Seniga &c belong also this class, and since my lecture on Savin I have used it in a case of Chronic Syphilitic Rheumatism, and after continuing it in the usual dose for five or six days the disease was completely removed. In rheumatism cold apply'd to the joint would be extremely improper and Diaphoretics are indicated after saline Cathartics have

Rx Pulv. Cinchona ℥ij [2 ounces] Aq. Purae lbiij [3 pounds] Tinct Assafoetida gtt 15 [15 drops] Laud Liq gtt. 10 [10 drops]

Boil the bark in the water to one half and strain. Then add the Laud Liq and Tr Assafoetida. To be given three times a day. (See fol 515.)

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 269)

(seq. 269)


Materia Medica


medicine. In my own case I have experienced the good effect of lime water in Arthritic vomiting = It generally proves most usefull in the vomiting of children, but it sometimes fails, when a weak solution of assafoetida have been efficacious, the dose of lime water is a small wine glass full in as much milk or water two or three times a day, it has been used as a wash in old ulcers, in burns it is an excellent application and its good effect may be attributed to its tonic power = But of this I am verry doubtfull, I generally use it in the following manner Rx Ol. Olivar ℥i [1 ounce] Lime Water ℥iv [4 ounces] agitated together and applied frequently frequently to the affected part with linnin cloths, this is the best application I ever used in burns, of the Lythontriptic qualities attributed to it by some I cannot say anything of from my own experience.

Muriate of Lime. As a tonic this is more entitled to attention than lime alone it has been highly recommended in Scrophula, dyspepsia, &c, it may be used in either of those diseases to the extent of 1, 2, or 3 Ʒ [drams] a day be commencing with small doses such as will not produce nausea and vomiting, we should always begin with small doses and begin them gradually. I have used it efficaciously in Bronchocele or Goitre, after using Nitric Acid

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 339)

(seq. 339)


Materia Medica


its use is evident. Frank gave it in verry large doses without effect, if has ever yielded to this remidy it must have been in verry large doses of from thirty to forty grains pr day, the cases which Linneus cured by musk were spontaneous or symptoms of hysteria. Dr Rush mentions hydraphobia as a kind of hysteria. I cured a case like those of Linneus by bleeding and small doses of assafoetida. Mr K. tells us that Haller cured a man with Hydraphobia to be bitten by two vipers which moderated the symptoms. In chorea Sancta Vita opium has been found usefull. Sydenham tells us he succeeded with it. Crump says that in one violent case large doses of opium moderated the disease but that it returned again and the patient fell victim to it. Dr Cullen gave opium and bitters, tonics are proper in this disease, but I cured one case of it in a pregnant woman by bleeding.

Epilepsy. This disease verry often depends on verry different causes. It has been said to be produced by large hemorrhages but these cases are verry rare, if Epilepsy depends on mere debility it would be a much more common disease, as in the low stage of typhus extreme old age &c. Dr Brown says it is never connected with a plethoric state of the system but is always the

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 423)

(seq. 423)


Materia Medica


by them I use synapisms and know of no remidy that is so effectual. I have known them in the case of a lady to remove this distressing affection in forty minutes, they have sometimes been employ’d to prevent the paroxysm of intermittant blisters have been used for the same purpose, but I think the synapisms better because they are more powerfull more uniform, and we can produce their effects near to the part, nor do they subject the patient so long as blisters, in retrocedent and irregular gout they have seemed to produce verry alarming symptoms. Dr Haller and others speaks of synapisms being efficacious to the sides in pneumonia. I have not follow'd this practice, but have prefered blisters.

Alicia. They are an order of plants less stimulant than siliquoso and allied by their medical affinity to the Assa. Foetida and Ammoniac they take their name from allium or garlic all the onions and garlic are included in this class, but I believe the garlic and the beats [beets] to be most worthy of attention.

Allium sativum. Or Common garlic this has all the properties that have been mentioned above as a stimulant &c, these are the largest in their root, its smell is pungent and resides in an essential oil, which is dissipated by drying &c, its activity is proved by its effects when apply’d to the body, if it is bruised and laid on the skin it reddens it, and if continued causes a blister, it is longer

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 426)

(seq. 426)


* In Hypochondriasis, the following is an excellent formula. Rx Gum Assa — Ʒi [1 dram] Soct Alloes & Rubig Ferri aa ℈ij [2 scruples each] Syrup of Zingiber q.s. [as much as suffices]

M twenty four pills, of which take 2 morning and evening (Townsend) At the same time, regular exercise, cheerful society, amusements, are indispensable in the cure of this disease.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
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