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Pages That Mention Red Precipitate

Barton, Benjamin Smith, 1766-1815. Benjamin Barton Smith notebook on materia medica circa 1796-1798. B MS b52.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

(seq. 457)

(seq. 457)


Materia Medica


Cynanche Trachealis calomel has frequently been used, and when given early almost always prevents a fatal termination of the disease. I frequently combine with it Ipecacuanha, some physicians use calomel here to salivate, but it is impossable to salivate a child under two years of age. I employ it as a cathartic and emetic. The Corosive Sublimate is also employ’d in Hives by the Maryland Physicians. Dr Archer introduced this practice and he resorts to it after the failure from senica, and in advanced cases where there is no time to spare for the seneka to act, he gave from ij to iij grs. [grains] in ℥X [10 ounces] of Water. Dr Archer says the seneka's action is considerably facilitated by the application of mercury. I have not yet attended to this practice. I have witnessed two cases of adults one of which was the most violent kind I ever knew, this was cured by calomel and Seneka. In some kinds of Scrophula mercury has been used with advantage, Dr Tucker employed it in Scrophulous Consumption, I believe that scrophula is frequently owing to a venerel Taint and for that reason I use mercury but this remidy is proper even when the disease does not originate from the venerial. I have seen such tumors yield to calomel and the mercurial ointment. I employ the Red Precipitate externally in this disease.

Fever. The use of mercury and fever is quite an ancient practice, it was

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 477)

(seq. 477)


Materia Medica


Dr Hillary used no mercury externally but exhibitted calomel untill a slight salivation was excited, or untill the patient spit in 24 hours lbifs [1½ pounds] and this he continued several days, by this treatment the protuberance subsides the scales fall of [off] and the skin becomes smoth [smooth]. Dr Barcroff says this disease can be cured by mercury, but that the most common method is by combining it with camphor and giving small doses. In one case of Yaws I used mercury internally and externally, dressed the sores with Red Praecipitate and gave calomel to excite a salivation, the patient was effectually cured. Dr Jackson of South Carolina found the mercury verry usefull, it is said however to translate the disease from one part to the other.

Lepra. Of its use I can say but little from my own experience, however from seeming affinity that seems to exist between lepra and some other diseases in which mercury is employ’d, I should suppose it would be usefull.

Colica Pictonum. Has engaged the attention of many practitioners and calomel has been effectually used in it. Dr Black gave it in large doses of from X to XX grs. [10 to 20 grains] in a pill, in obstinate cases, after milder means have failed he gave Ʒfs [½ dram] at once, the dose did not fail to open the bowels in 6 Hours. Mr Clutterbuck has published a treatise on this subject to which I refer you. I gave calomel in this disease with a

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 479)

(seq. 479)


Materia Medica


view to salivate, we are not certain that mercury does good in Mania. I think it produces beneficial effects, but never effected a cure by it, except where the disorder was owing to syphilis.

Hypochondriasis. From dyspepsia I have given the blue pill with verry good effects, mercury has been given in cases of cancers but I have had little experience from it myself, and it would be difficult to mention the names of all those who recommended it. I am not certain I ever employ’d the mercury in true open cancer, but I have used it for ulcers that were universal, but nevertheless refuse to yield to other remidies with great advantage. I think I have already mentioned that I cured a cancerous affection of the scrotum with mercurial ointment, the Red Praecipitate appears to be the best application to apply externally, this might seem the proper place for entering upon an enquiry of the use of mercury in the Venerial Disease but this subject is so generally understood that I shall say but little upon it.

Gonorrhea. Calomel is not often given, though mercurial purges produce a good effect without inducing salivation. I think that calomel stimulates the absorbents to a greater action and to take of [off] the virus from the urethra. I sometimes employ mercurial injections in gonorrhea, but lately I have not used them much thinking the astringent ones better. I somitimes

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