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Pages That Mention Tartar Emetic

Barton, Benjamin Smith, 1766-1815. Benjamin Barton Smith notebook on materia medica circa 1796-1798. B MS b52.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

(seq. 172)

(seq. 172)



practice to take patients in the hot stage of Typhus Fever to a shower bath of cold water with the constant effect of inducing sweat, this was constantly the practice of Dr Gregory of Edinburgh, and it was also used in fever of high Febrile action. We come now to the second class or those which relax the surface of which we have very few. The Neutral Salts of antimony form a verry important one giving at the same time diluent drinks. The following is the formula

Rx Sulphate of Soda ℥ i [1 ounce] Tart Antimoni grs ij [2 grains] Lemon Juice ℥ij [2 ounces] Aq Fontana Ʒ iv [4 drams]

M well and give a table spoonfull every two hours if given often it is apt to puke and

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 174)

(seq. 174)



puges [purges] which destroys its diaphoretic power. Nitrate of potash has been used tho I doubt its efficacy except to reduce arterial action by reducing the animal heat and this we have abundantly in the Antimoned preparations of which there are two now in use, James Powders, and Tartar Emetic, the dose of the first is from 5 to 10 grs. of the last from ⅛ to ¼ of a grain, when we want their diaphoretic operations, the best plan is to give it every hour untill it is induced, unless puking supervene as the longer it remains in the stomach the more nausea is induced. This is one of the disadvantages of a timid practice. Ipecac is the most certain safe, and gentle diaphoretic in the dose of 2 or 3 grains every hour or two.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 194)

(seq. 194)



hands that it is usefull only to aleviate only some of the secondary symptoms as ulcers &c. Mr Pearson whose practice in this disease is verry great being Surgeon to a Hospital in Europe a reservoir for all the Pox in the Kingdom, has written a book exclusively on the substitutes for mercury for this disease, and from the whole of his experiments concludes by saying he has rarely seen any good result from this medicine unless it sweated, and this may be more Successfully induced by antimony. When ulcers, swellings &c, occur Guaicum has reduced them, but has never removed the

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 263)

(seq. 263)


Materia Medica


it to children first in small doses and sometimes have increased it to ten grs. [10 grains] I generally dissolve about grs XX [20 grains] in ℥ij [2 ounces] of water and give to children four or five years of age three teaspoonfull three or four times a day = I have reason to believe it preferable to antimony as it does not produce so violent a nausea or pervertion [perversion] of appetite and they take it with less trouble than they do antimony, and I believe its good effects in whooping cough are independent of its emetic operation where it does vomit it is not so dangerous or violent as the other emetics.

Acetate of Zinc. This is a powerfull emetic and acts violently when taken into the stomach in the quantity of four or five grs. [grains] it has been used by many as an injection in gonorrhea and gleets and is thought preferable to any other preparation. Mr Henry recommends the following formula grs iv. vel v. [4 or 5 grains] in ℥ij [2 ounces] Aq. Font.

Sulphuric Acid. This is a good tonic when given in a diluted state, it is truly worthy the attention of young practitioners, it has been found usefull in Epilepsy its effects in some diseases make it truly worthy our notice as a tonic. In Epilepsy I have never used it, but have every reason to believe it may be used with efficacy the Elex Vitriol have been highly spoken of by Wasear in fluor. albus. I have used

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 347)

(seq. 347)


Materia Medica


strongly recommended in Colica Pictonum, which is sometimes though not always the effect of lead, it may be employ’d both externally and internally. Stall says that opium alone has often proved purgative, in Colica Pictonum he used it with great success it should be combined with purgatives and may be employed in verry large doses. Stall gave 13 grains French weight, and a french Physician 69 grains without producing sleep.

Strangulated Hernia. The use of opium is approved of here by Richester and Van Sweeten, bleeding in my opinion is the most proper practice, but I refer you to the Professor on Surgery. In mania opium has been employ’d with seeming success also in Melancholia. Dr Young gave it in the former. Dr Cullen employ’d it and found it sometimes to moderate and sometimes to increase the disease, he says some cases depends on an organic affection of the brain, and such it is hurtfull, but in recent cases he says it may be often advantageous, the system requires large doses, but after emetics Cullen says it operates more easily, there are many cases of mania in which X grs. [10 grains] of tartar is a medium dose, it is also said that opium makes it operate more easily. I have not often derived much advantage from opium in mania though I have frequently exhibitted it, there are many cases of mania proceeding from distress &c. When

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
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