Pages That Mention Belgravia
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 123
hot skin & quick pulse for 2 or 3 days had been running about a good deal in the heat trying to get head money for troops &ce, I went up to Marine Office was told I would not get it as I had been sent on board the "Belgravia" expressly for that duty Called on Barry told him I had fever asked him to call on me at Mrs. Lowe's as instructed to take Lodgings there. he asked me to stay with him. I went up took possesion of T Barry's room. had strong emetic. up slept well after it during the night.
Monday July 12th. 1858
Had to get up early this morning to go on board stemr. Cape of God Hope for Akyab was on board an hour before I could get a Ghanie on going on board I found she would not sail
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deck about 6 leaving the Harbour Watched till we cleared the Sewage Stables came out with us left as he saw a Ship in sight. lost sight of land about 1 A Strong head wind lasted throughout the day & night on the bridge nearly all night. turned in between 8 & 9.
Tuesday February 8th. 1859
Up before Sunrise fine cool morning still pursuing our way to Calcutta head wind still continuing. fine pleasant day expect to sight the pilot Brig tomorrow mg. had a long chat in the evg. with Mrs. Eales & Miss Hughesdon.
Wednesday Feby 9th. 1859
Up before sunrise this morning. Several ships in sight. Made the Pilot Brig between 8 & 9. Fielder our old "Belgravia" pilot came aboard. Mrs. Eales
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River Hooghly
& Miss H on deck. had a Chat with old Fielder. Passes the "Belgravia" off Saugor in tow of Fire Queen. Saw Wade on the forecastle. Old Wharton came out of the wheel house waved not near enough to speak. Passed the mail steamer "Simla" & a good many ships on their way down wards. Anchored below Culpee Went aft about 8 had a chat with Capt. Mrs. E & Miss H.
Thursday Feby. 10th. 1859
Up about 6 Fine cool mg. Got under weigh at daylight strong ebb tide. day very hot. arrived in Calcutta about 5 ocl. went on shore took a packee called at Ferris's no letters. took dinner then met Dr. Votch of Edinr. Wm. White taking Barry's place Mrs. Ferris Capt. & Mrs. McDonald
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told him of my offer with "England" Went with him to the Med Col Hospital to see a boy sick wanting to go passenger promised me the passage money for him
Friday March 11th. 1859.
Remained in the house all day till after dinner went down on bd. the "Belgravia" which arrived today with 90 Elephants (Philips & I) Capt. had gone ashore saw Wade very happy to see me Ships Joe. W stuck in a Hotel in Calcutta & going Steward in one of the P & O boats. the crew had all left & gone home in a Ship Parsons dead. Vase [?] drowned after getting a bill on house for £32. asked Wade to Call. Came [?] the Strand in a ticka Gharrie with Philips
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Saturday March12th. 1859
Remained in all day. Could not get a Gharrie without sending 3 rupees beforehand walked on to Wilson's with Philips about four in the Afternoon got a Ghanie there bought two bushes on the way. [written above:for Philips ] Gharrie wallah went off with then & left us at Kidderpore went on bd. the "Belgravia" Capt. Again on shore. Saw Wade & the rest. Elephants disembarking came ashore. got another gharrie at Coolie Bazaar. went up to Calcutta Philips & I had Sherry & GB. at Spences went to Wilsons to look for the Gharrie Wallah who had run away at Kidderpore could not see him told a European policeman about him Mrs. Eales & her brother at Wilson's in a