Pages That Mention Sir William Wise
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 95
Uneven road. Several times our carriage was on the point of being upset. [after scored through] A very fine scene presented itsekf here [Simons Bay] to the left & the huge precipitous mountains overlooking it. {{Constantia]] with its vineyards and trees in front & extending a considerable way on the southern side of Table Mountain. We stopped at Rathfelders in Wynberg to Tiff. I met the Brigade Major again & Sir Wm. Wise Commander of the "penelope" at present lying in Simons Bay on her way home from India. We started off for Cape Town about 5 in the evening. A beautiful calm clear evening like one of her finest in England. the heat of the day mellowed down & the cool gentle breeze coming down of the sea. We passed the Wynberg Stage Coach dashing along with its four horses in the old English