Pages That Mention Robt.
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 137
Wrote a letter home by the "Sr" that left for Calcutta on the 20th Promised to sent Robt. £10 by next mail.
Sunday 26th September 1858 Finished genesis, lying in Kyauk Phyoo harbour. A very warm day
Monday 27th.
Capt. & party Harper Dibbs Leigh Evans Morris Law went out deer shooting. Got a jolly good ducking & killed nothing. dined at Ripleys in the evening. chafed Dr. Barlow Called on Dr. Thomas. Went on board between 9 & 10. Sung Queens letter
Tuesday 28th
Left this morning at 4 o clock for Akyab
p. 276
Saturday Augt. 6th. 1859
at Waverly & I started for Kings X about 9. very cold in the train all night. Got into Edinr. about 9. Met Willie & Bob Auld at the train. Willie grown so tall I scarecly knew him. got home in a Cab. found all my traps but the large box My Father & Jessie at home. Mary got mar- ried yesterday. Robt. gone whale fishing. Fred gone on an excursion remained home all day chatting with my Father & Jessie Bob Auld & Willie wanted me to go up to Rail to meet Fred in the evg. did not go.
Sunday Augt. 7th. 1859.
Went to Broughton church this forenoon with Jessie a strange minister. Came home Bob called went to Trinity with . Mrs. T. Maria & Fred at home
p. 325
Sunday Jany 20th. 1861.
Got up at 10 oclock & hurried down to church at Broughton Place heard Dr. Thomson preach. My Father & I in the seat alone. Jessie Robt. & Willie at home Went to hear McCall in Rose Street in the afternoon with Bill Auld. preached on "Worthy is the Lamb &ce" Saw him in Princes Street after. did not go to tea with him. went home & called on McCall at 5.30 got paid 21/- for attending case parted from him in the S.B. Lane where he went to pay a visit. home at 7.30.
Monday Jany. 21st. 1861.
Got up at 9 & after breakfast commenced packing up. (Shepherd) of Perth called. called on Fyfe & McCall in the Evening. Met Banks when out with Fyfe got home about 8 ocl. Left hurriedly at 8.40 thinking the train left soon but had to wait till 9.30 Robt. & Willie came to the train & waited in
p. 335
Sept. 8th. 1863.
The log having been left off for 2 ½ years is now resumed, but little change has occurred during that time. My duties still lying in Bethnall House. On the 6th. of [struck through: last month] [written above: July] Dr. Miller went to Switzerland & Dr. Dixon came to reside here in his absence A case of suicide by hanging occured in his absence a few days before his return & while I was at High Beach to see Mr. Crawford On the 25th [overwritten: 30th][?] he returned. Dr. Dixon still remaining & to be part of the time during my absence in Scotland
On the 1st August Alexander Carr & I went to Kings X for Scotland. Robt. & Hendebornck being at the station to meet us. we left at the usual time