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Chap 45 - No. VI. An Act To establish a tariff of fees. Section 1 Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida, that the several officers hereinafter named shall be entitled to demand and receive the following fees respectively, viz: The Secretary of the Territory shall receive For every official vertificate and seal, one dollar, " Recording and copying papers in his office, for the first hundred words, twenty-five cents, " " " Every subsequent hundred words, fifteen cents, The surveyor of each County shall receive for his services such compensation as may from time to time be established by the County Courts respectively. The Clerk of the Court of Appeals and Clerk of the Superior and County Courts shall receive For entering appearance of defendant in person or by attorney, six and one fourth cents, " Docketing any case upon the appearance docket, twelve and one half cents, " Every subpoena at law and return thereon, twenty five cents, " Every other process at law or chancery under seal of the Court with entry of return fifty cents, " Entry of every rule or order of Court twelve and one half cents, " Administering oath twelce and one half cents, " Swearing every jury fifty cents, " Recording any instrument of writing, if the same contain one hundred workds or less, twenty five cents, " Every succeeding hundred words fifteen cents, " Copy of any record, if the same contain one hundred words or less twenty five cents, " " " Every succeeding hundred words, fifteen cents, " Every Certificate under the seal of the Court, twenty five cents, " Every search of less than one year's standing twelve and one half cents, over one year's standing twenty five cents, " Filing every paper in a suit, six and one fourth cents, " Entering every judgment or devree, twenty five cents, " Drawing and approving bond fifty cents, " Drawing every other paper or writing not herein otherwise designated, if one hundred words or less, twenty five cents, " Every succeeding hundred words fifteen cents, " Recording mark and brand twenty five cents. Marshals and Sheriffs shal receive For levy and return of writ of attachment one dollar, " Service and return of original writ in actions at law or subpoena in chancery, fifty cents, " Levey and return of execution one dollar, " Recording execution twenty five cents, " Executing "Habere facias possessionem, one dollar " Committing prisioner to jail one dollar, " Releasing prisoner twenty five cents, " Removing prisoner, per mile ten cents. 14

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For serving and returning writ of Habeas Corpus, one dollar, " Each copy of process, if one hundred words or less twenty five cents, " Every succeeding hundred words, fifteen cents, " Taking and approving every bond fifty cents, " Calling jury in each suit, twenty five cents, " Whipping a person by sentence of Court two dollars, " Collecting money under execution, five per cent for the first three hundred dollars, and two and a half per cent on the remainder, when there is an actual sale, and when there is no sale, two per cent on all sums collected. " Keeping each slave, taken under execution, or attachment, (such slave to be allowed a half pount of meat per day and one peck of indian corn per week, or its equivalent) per day, twenty five cents. " Keeping cattle, horses, hogs or other stock, taken under legal process, such reasonable allowance as the Judge or Justrice from whose Court the process may have issued, may deem just and proper. " Mileage (the distange to be estimated to and from the Court house to the residence of the person served with process) going and returning, per mile, four cents, " The service and return of every process not herein specifically designated, fifty cents, " Executing deed or bill of sale, one dollar.

Justices of the Peace shall receive For superintending proceedings under the act, concerning for cable entry and detainer, each per day one dollar, " Every warrant, writ of attachment, execution, or other legal process, twenty five cents, " Every subpoena, twelve and one half cents, " Entering up judgment twenty five cents, " Swearing jury twenty five cents, " Writing and approving bond fifty cents, " Administering every path: (Provided that no Justice shall be allowed to charge any fee for administering an oath on the trial of a suit before him) twelve and one half cents, " Taking and writing affidavit twenty five cents, " Attending the house of deponent to take depositions, per day, one dollar, " Copy of any paper or record if the same contain one hundred words or less, twenty five cents, Every succeeding hundred words fifteen cents, " Every certificate twenty five cents, " Taking relinquishment of douer one dollar, Constables shall receive For levy and return of writ of attachment, fifty cents " of Execution fifty cents, " Service and return of summons, ad respondendum, twenty five cents, " " " of Peace or search warrant one dollar, " Collecting money under elecution, the same as allowed to Marshals and sheriffs, " Summoning jury fifty cents, " Mileage the same as is allowed to Marshals and Sheriffs: Provided that the distance be estimated to and from the house of the person and served with process to the place of holding the Justices Court, 15

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For writing and approving bond, fifty cents, " Service and return of every process not here in specifically designated, twenty five cents, " Carrying prisioner to Jail and removing prisoner, per mile, ten cents, " Writing and executing deeds and bills of sale one dollar.

Notaries Public shall receive For protesting bill of exhange or promisory note and reqistering the same one dollar, " Noting bill of exchange for non-acceptance, or non-payment, fifty cents, " Administering every oath twelve and one half cents, "Writing and taking affidavit twenty five cents, " Attending at a demand, tender or deposite, and noting the same; fifty cents, "Noting protest of Captain of vessel two dollars, "Extending the same, per hundred words twenty five cents " Registering foreign protested bill or protest fifty cents, " Every certificate with seal twenty five cents, " Ordering every survey fifty cents.

Keepers of the archives shall receive For copy or translation of every paper, or document, if less than one hunded words twenty five cents, " Every succeeding hundred words fifteen cents, " Every Certificate with seal twenty-five cents, " Every search, if for one year's standing or less twelve and one half cents, " over one year's standing twenty-five cents,

Translators of the Courts shall receive For every instrument of writing, if one hundred words or less, twenty-five cents, " Every succeeding hundred words fifteen cents, " Certifying the same with seal twenty-five cents. Coroners shall receive For summoning a jury and taking an inquisition on a dead body to be paid by the estate of the deceased, if the same be sifficient, if not by the County, five dollars. Jailors shall receive For imprisoning and releasing, each, twenty five cents, " Keeping and providing for prisoners, per day, thirty seven and one half cents. District attorneys shall receive For every indictment, where the offence charge is not capital, five dollars, " If the offence charged be capital, fifteen dollars, : Every civil action commenced on behalf of the the Territory, and prosecuted to effect, if the amount received exceed one hundred dollars, ten dollars, if less than one hundred dollars, five dollars: Provided that in no case of criminal prosecution, shall any fee be allowed to the District attorney when the prosecution fails by reason of any default in the indictment, or where a noble prosequi is entered. 16

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Witnesses shall receive For every days attendance upon the Superiors or County Court seventy five cents, " Every days attendance upon a Justice's Court fifty cents, " Every twenty miles travelled to and from the place of holding Court: (Provided the witness lives at a greater distance than five miles from the Court house: Provided that any witness, when the cause in which he is attending as a witness, is continued to the next succeeding term, may demand/and have of the party, at whose instance he is summoned, the pay which may have accrued up to the time of continuance as aforesaid fifty cents. Jurors shall receive For every verdict to each juror twenty five cents. But no fee shall be allowed to a juror for the trial of a cause in the Superior Court.

Section 2d Be it further enacted that the several fees herein provided for shall in all cases be taxed in the bill of costs, and collected with the other costs of the said: Provided that each district item of cost shall be particularly enumerated in the bill of costs. Section 3d Be it further enacted, That any officer exacting greater or other fees, or in any other manner than is provided for by law, shall be indicted for extortion, and finable in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars at the discretion of the court. Section 4th Be it further enacted, That no officer shall have a right to demand from the Territory of Florida or from any County thereof any other fees, than such as may accrue for services in the apprehension, safe keeping, prosecution or punishment of criminals; saving all such as are provided for by this act. Section 5th Be it further enacted, That "an act to determine the fees of certain officers in this Territory, and for other purposed," approved 22d November 1828, and revided the 17th February 1833, and all other laws, conflicting with the true intent and meaning of this act, be and the same are hereby repeated. Passed February 14th 1834 Approved February 15th 1834 John Warren Jos. B. Lancaster Clk William Duval Governor President of the of the Territory of Florida Legislative Council 17

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