



Status: Complete


ffor a Cough

Take barows grease or bears grease & 4 or 5 cloves of garlick
& stampe them well together then when the paitent is goeing to bed
warme his feete by the fyer & anoynt them with the afore sade
Ontment then when he is in his bed let him have a trencher
made as hote as he cane induer it & warme clothes & this will
helpe him- probatum est

Another for the cough, & to dry upe the rume
& fleame

Take 2 peneyworth of Cloves & mace & a handfull of bay salt
dryed att the fyer of Cummine & sage a handfull beat thes
all uery well & mingell them together then put them into a lining
bage about the length & breath of a mans hand & let it
be Cuillted & put to the molde of the head of the paitent agine
untill he find ease warme it morning & evening & lay it on

for a Cough

Take Turnops & bake them in a pot & boyle in the surop of them
a handfull of bluw figes & some dates slised & take it as oft
as you please

A Receit for the purginge of moist humors

that doth certainly cure & very much aproo-
ved a Doctor offerd 100£i for itt & could not
obtaine itt

{It will not keepe aboue a fortnight good}

Take 4 ounces of Sasaparilla the whitest & flowrest that you can gett
it must be sliced in the middle & cutt in small short peices
Two ounces of the best english Liquorish cutt in the same manner
One ounce of China cutt in like manner One ounce of Sasa
phrix cutt in like manner these 4 things must bee layed in
soke in 2 wine quarts of Conduit water the night before
the boylings next morninge add 8 quarts more of the same
water in a pott very close covered sett itt on att 6 a clock
in the morninge & lett itt infuse 6 howers over a slow
fire and then lett itt continue boylinge in a slow manner
till halfe the quantity bee consumed about 2 of the clocke putt in
all together Halfe an oz of Ruberb Halfe an oz of Agrige
One oz of Harmadactulus Two ounces of sweet fennill seeds
Two ounces of Aniseeds Halfe an oz of Stikudas Half an oz
of Epiphanium the seeds must bee cleane & so putt in to
gether & when halfe is boyled away then putt in 4 oz of Cena
& lett the fire be taken away & lett itt continue all night
infusinge beinge very close covered then lett itt bee
streyned through a haire siue in the in the morninge & then
add a quarter of an oz or a dramme of saffrowne well dryed
& ground to powder & lett the party drinke halfe a pinte
in the morninge att 6 a clocke & so fast 3 howers lett
them take the same quantity att 4 a clocke in the afternoone
without intermission Duringe the time if the patient bee
very weake then halfe the quantitye att the same hower
this quantity will serue for the patient unlesse the be very
weake this allso may bee taken in the fall they must drinke
no broth in the morninge & must have a very dry dyett
they may sleepe after this though itt purge yett itt
doth not weaken

A Medicine ffor the Dropsie

Take a quart of fayre Runninge water and to spoonfulls of oatemeal
boyle them uery well together then putt therein a handfull of smallage
small shred and lett it boyle a little while: then season it with a little
salt & pepper: and lett the patient drinke thereof euery morninge fast-
ing: somthinge more then bloud warme: without any butter or bred
with it: and lett the patient drinke noe other drinke then this Diet
Drinke followinge

To make the said diet Drinke:

Take halfe a pecke of scuruie grasse a Quarter of a pecke of
brookelyme; and as much watercresses foure handfulles of wormewood
and as much sage: toe handfulls of unsett Isop: to handfulls of
Rosemary: and as much of mother of time Annys Rootes: six ounces
Restharrowe: and polipodium of each four ounces: saxafrage with the Rootes
six handfulls: Germander to handfull speedewell Scabwins fumie
tory: nettles of each one handfull: Cardus Benedictus Tammarisk
of each one handfull: the wood of Tammarisk: five ounces: orring pills
one ounce: Anniseedes: ffenellseeds: synamon of each one ounce: & an
halfe: nutmeggs six dramms Reubarke: foure ounces: scena leaues
eight ounces: bay berries foure ounces: cutt and bruise them alltogether
and put them in a Linnen bagge: & hang it in a kelderkin and tunne
thereto twelve barre gallons of ten shillings beere: newly brewed
that it may worke together in the vessell: & lett it soe stand and worke
eight dayes: before the patient Drinke thereof: and Lett the patient
weare continewally one his breast next his skinne this stomacher
ffollowing viz:

To make the said stomacher:

Take the powder of rosemaary wormewood Marioram mint sage of each
halfe an ounce: of nutmegge cloves & mace of each an ounce: ambergree
se: three graines Benianin white Calamus Galingale: frankinsence
of each to Dramms muske a scruple: Saffron: to graines olibanune
one dramme Red rose buds in powder halfe an ounce beate all these
to powder and quilt them in sasnett & lett the patient weare it contineu
ally att his breast

Another Medicine ffor the Dropsie

Take a gallon of White wine a pinte of the ashes of broome: greene
or dry: well sifted halfe an ounce of synamon: grossly bruised putt all
together in a close vesselle and stopp it close: yett stirre it with a
stick sometimes & when it hath steeped foure and twenty houres
then poure it into a Jelly bagge ashes & all untill it be very
cleere by letting it Runne through seauen or eight times then
Drinke of it as you please in stead of other drinke you may
putt in suger if you will:

An aproved medecine for the dropse

Take a white briony rotte & boyle it in halfe a pinte of white
wine till halfe the wine be boyled away then take 2 spoonfulls of the
wine in all the spone meat that you eate & in all the drinke that
you drinke this will nether purrge nor uomett you must
keepe your selfe to eate nothing but mutton rosted dry &
rasons of the sunne & drinke but very litell as you canne
take 2 inches of white small brioney rotte & chope it in halfe a pinte of whit
wine over night & soe drink it fasting the next morning it will purge &
vomet & it either cueres or else killes this is allso for the dropse

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