A Pudding.
{A flan + 7}
Take one pound of light white bread cutt
in thin slices, cover in wth Cream, ...set it
on the fire till it is through warme, beate it
well together, put in 12 eggs, beat 4 whites,
put in beefe sewet, or marrow, Currans,
raisons, salt, sugar, uery little flower, couer
up dish with puffe [], set it in a quick ouen,
but not to scorch it.
[new page]{A flan + 8}
My Lady [Portlands] pudding.
A pound of white bread crums, 2 spoonfulls
of flower, & spoonfull of sugar, a little
salt, nutmeg, parsley, tyme, winter [sauery],
marjoram, peny rioll, marigold flowers,
shred them small, mingle them all together
wth the bread, put to it a a round marrow, 6 eggs well
beaten wth a little fork, a hand full of currans.
To dry cherreys & make
cherrey wine
Take 12l of cherreys, 3l of sugar, let them
boyle a little, let them stand till the next
day, then take them out of ye syrrop, &
put then in ye storre or ouen to dry, then
put in 12 more? & let them stand as long,
& when you hauve put them to dry, put
halfe a pint of ths syrrop to a quart of
white wine, corke up bottles close, lye the
downe & put them [found]
{ A flan +}
To make an almond pudding
wth pyth of an oxebacke
Take a good quontite of pyth out of the
bark of a beeche, wash it uery cleane, &
strip it out of the skin, beate it well wth
the back of a spoone 2 [h..] take almonds
blanchs & beate uery small, & put them into
yr pyth, a spoonfull of ground bread, 12 eggs,
6 whites, all beaton, nutmeg & mace finally
biaten & searched, refined sugar & marrow
good store, a little ambar gris. When yr geotts
[owe]clioune sprinkle them ??, ~&
let them lye in it an houre bifore you
fill them.
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