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your poet must stand to soake your hearbes Juice into the licor,
then take the pot out of the ouen and straine it through
a cloth into a skillet uery cleane all the Juice of the hearbes
then put it ouer the fier, and put to it a pound of suger
candy and neare . 2 . pound of the best English honey &
soe boyle it to a syrop, scum it and then keepe it in a
close glasse, and lett the pa[...]y troubled take a spoone
full at night, and a nother in the morning when they
awake, or at any other time, when your syrop is boyled
enough put in as much saffron as will lye uppon a
3pence, uery finely dried and bruised to a fine powder
soe giue it a whalme

{25}A Syrop for the shortnes of

Take . 3 . or . 4 . young fennell roots . 2 . roots of succory
4 roots of make them clean and pick out
the puth of them and cut them an inch long, then
put them into a quart of faire runing water, and
set them ouer the fier, and put thereto .4. crops of
horehound . 4 . or . 5 crops of a quantitie of
the flowers of Isop or if there be noe flowers take
the leaves, also a quantity of penniriall, well washed
let them boyle till you see the colour of the hearbes
but let the rootes boile till you thinke the licor be
halfe boyled away and more, then take it of from
the fier straine the licor from the roots, and make
your uessel cleane, and put it on the fier againe,
then put to it six ounces of suger candy and a stick
of Cinnamon soe long as your finger breaking
it in peeces and soe let it seeth till it come to
a Syrop, and take thereof morning and euening

{26}To make syrop of uioletts blue

Take of garden uiolets . 6 . ounces, more or lesse beat
them in a stone morter and take the Juice thereof, put
it into a gelly pot of a pound sett the pott in a skillet of
water, that the Juice may boile, and when it begins to growe
thick, put in 8 ounces of suger soe boyle it quick to a syrop
this syrop is good for the tissick to open the pipes

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