260 For Sauce take 2 Anchoveys & desolve them in Red
Wine Vineger & put into IT a Little horse Readish root
Then Take a pound of e Best Sweet Butter & beat it
well in the Disle Desolved Liquer tell It be in the Nature
of Gravey then Squeeze in a Lemmon
To Make Rare Peaspottage
Take a peice of a Neck of Veale & Mutton Joyn them
& Put them into a Gallon of Watter sett it on e fire
and when IT is Cleane Skind put in a quart of Green
Pease which when you find very Tender take out and put
them in a Cleane Dish & Mash them with some of e Booth
Then Straine them to Thicken e Rest Then put in 3
Pints of of the same young pease halfe a handfull of young
Onion to It some Lettes parsely & a Bundle of Sweet
herbs a Nutmeg sliced some mase and a few cloues and
Some salt when you find e Broth Ready take e yolks of
2 or 3 Eggs & beat them with halfe a pint of White Wine &
some of the Broth put these to e Rest & stir it about then
take it of e fire & serve it up
To Do ffish after the Spanish ffashon to
keep Good a Year.
Take e ffish and fry it well in a good Oyle then Lay it
so t e Oyle may Draine from IT then take a quart
of Viniger as much White Whine & Set It over e fire
and put Into IT some Large Mase Cloves & 5 or 6 Nutmegs
sliced 6 pennyworth of Saffron tyed in a Cloth a Little pepe
and Some Ginger a few Bay Leaves & Some Salt then
Boyle it well & When it is Cold put It in a Cleane pott
Laying e Leaves and spice between e ffish then put
some of e Clearest of e Oyle e ffish was fryed in on e ffish
so t: e Oyle may be Somewhat Thicker then a Halfe Crowne
at e Top Stop it Close up
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