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Cock Water for a Consumption

Take a running Cock pul him alive Kill him
when he is almost cold cutt him open along
the Back take out his mitrels wipe him clean
cut him in gtrs break his Bones put him in
a stil with a pottle of sack Blew curans &
rasins stond each a pound Dates sliced 4 ounces
Figgs a handful pimpernel m:2: Rosemary
Flowers & wild Thime m:i: spiremint m:2:
Bugles & Burage Flowers each :4:m:
Fennel & Parsly rootes scraped & pithed
each m:i: the leaves of endive succory
coltsfoot maidenhare ana m:i: Annis
seeds brused Liguorish brused ana 3 ounces
a Pottle of milk of a red cow or a goat
stile thes with a soft fire put suger candy
in the glasse & halfe a Brooke of Leafe gold
cutt small 3 grains of Abergreice prepared
perl 10 grains shake the glasse & take
2 sponfuls morning & afternoon

A glyster for the wind colick

Camomile Fl pehitory of the wall & malows
ana:mi:i: Annis & Fennel seed brused each
halfe a spoonful sheeps ftead wool & all seeth
thes together til the flesh comes from the Bones
to 3 qtrs of a pint of this Liguor put the
yolks of 2 eggs & 3 sponfuls of oyl of Almons
conserve of garden Tanzy taken inwardly is good

Snayle Water for a Consumption

House snayls 2 pound taken out of the shels
& washed in muscadine 10 sheeps harts the fatt
taken ofe a cock or capon his mitrels taken out
& cutt in [j.eces] Dates stoned & cutt smal :i:pnd
Juiubes & sebestians ana 4 ounces raisins
stond 8 ounces scabious maidenhare spiremint
Sysope coltsfoot Borage Buglos Fl Hartstongue
ana m:2: Harts Harne 4 ounces let all thes
stew together 24 howers on hott embers in 3
gallons of Faire water till halfe Be consumed
let it stand til it be cold take of the fatt
then put in 6 quarts of muscadine conserve
of red Roses conserve of Burage Buglos Flowers
toss mary Fl cowships Flowers each 6 ounces
ginger cloves cinamon ana:i:ounce Aromat-
icum Rosatum Diamber Diatragecanthum
Frigidum each an ounce musk & Ambergreic
in powder 30 grains mixe all thes powders
together tye them up in a peice of Tiffany
stil thes in an Alimbech with a gentle fire
mixe strong & smal together take 5 spon-
fuls morning & afternoon it is an excellent

For Convultions in the Stomach or fitts in

galbanum unstraind castor of rushia Opponax
sagapenum infuse an ounce of each in a pint & halfe
of spirit wine rectified 10 days then strain it & ade the
{the same things
in the same quan-
tity & a dram
of sage Fl Lavan-
der rose mary
Fl Bittany [Fel]
take halfe a spon
at ni}

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