Transcribathon: EMROC 2021

Pages That Need Review

Wellcome Collection: Fanshawe, Lady Ann (1625-1680) (MS7113)

Needs Review


274 then season it with Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, Peppar beaten small a little more salt. bind it ip as You doe Branne, putt it in a Pott fit for it and putt in the Wine and Vinegar that it lay in, with halfe a pint of Water. Cover it ip close &l; let it stand 8, or 9 houres in the Oven: then take it out of the Oven, let it stand while it is very cold, then serve it up with Mustard & Sugar. In Sommer You must season it with all manner of sweet hearbes. With time, Sweet Marjoram, Winter Savery, Spinage, Parsly Rosemary minct all together & rowld up in the meat, in stead of Spice & pickell to keepe it made with Wine and Vinegar and Water and Salt Sweet Hearbes a little whole Peppar 3 or 4 Bay Leaves, Rosemary, boyle all this together onehour or more. You may keepe it as You please.

To hash a Shoulder of Mutton Lady Butler. Every line of this recipe, including the title and the attribution, is crossed out neatly Take a Shoulder of Mutton halfe roasted first sliced into smallpeeces, then take 1/2 a pinte of Clarett and 3 Spoonfulls of whiteWine Vinegar, 2 Anchoves, a Lemmon, a Quarter of a pint ofCapers, 2 Onjons, 1 Nutmeg, a Quarter of a pound of Butter. Stewall these together, with a Bundle of sweet herbes, & when You seeit fitt to be disht up, shake it up with the Yolkes of 3 Eggs &c. An Excellent Receipt to make a Cake X La: Butler. A Fan The hand in this recipe seems to be a bit more shaky than it was earlier. It may not be a change of hand, but it seems shaky. There is also a large "X" over this recipe, crossing it out Take 3 quarts pints of Flower, two pound of Currants, a two ink blots near the word "quarter"--one above and one below the linequarter of a pint of Yest, 10 Egs putt out 6 of theThis is written as the "Ye" abbreviation whites, above a pint of Creame but warme, 2 Ounces of Loafe Sugar, above 1/2 a pound of Butter which must be rubd into the Flower first so fine as it cannot be distinguisht from the Flower, The Currants must be pickt & rubd very dry & mingled with the Flower also a little Mace, Cinnament, and Nutmeg. Then the Creame Eggs and Yest , when it is bakt Candy it. the Oven need not be so hott as for Manchet. A good

275 A very good way to make Jelly

X La: Butler. A Fan

Take a Knuckell of Veale and a paire of Calves Feet, Flay the Skinne of the Calves Feet then breake them all to peeces with the Veale wash them very well in warm water then take all the fatt & Marrow from them if You can: let them ly all night in water then wash it well, and sett it a boyling in 6 or 7 quarts of Water in a Pott or Pipkin so that it may be coured close scumme it very well then putt in 20 Ounces of Hartshorne & let it boyle 3 or 4 houres very softly as halfe a poud of Hearts Horn may be, in that space it will jelly, You may try a little of it in a spoone then take it of the Fire and straine it and scumm of the Fatt; then let it stand till it is cold, then if You see there is more fatt of it warme it a little, & scumm it with a Feather; then putt it in a Pipkin if there be 3 quarts put in a pound & halfe of double refined Sugar 3 Nutmegs sliced, a race of Ginger, a good spoonfull of Cinnament. Wa ter, a good Spoonfull of Coriander seeds bruised, the pults of 6 Lemmons, 2 graines of Amber Greece, sett all this upon a cleare fire, & let it boyle with 1/2 a pint of Rhenish Winesome blotches through "Rhenish Wine" here a quarter of an houre; then take the whites of 10 Eggs; beat them very well, & putt them in with a Sprigg of Rosemary, then runne it by the Fire side through a Cot ton Bagge, putt it in Galley Potts or Glasses, See Your Bagg be very white

To make Nectarella X La: Butler. A Fan

Take of the best Mallys Raisins & picke the Stalkes from them very cleane, but they must neither be washd or rubd, put your Raisins in a deepe Vessell that hath a Fossett in the Bottome, & to every pound of Raisins You may putt 3 pints of Spring Water, putting in at the same time of the Leaves & Flowers of Egrimony more or lesse according as You will have it taste of it. the like You may doe to any other hearbs You have an affection to twice a day or oftener You must stirr Your Rai sins gently with some slicke made flatt for the purpose and so con

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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280 platter, and stoppe it up close with your paste, then putt it into the Oven, it being as hotte as for Venaison letting it stand in ye Oven an hower longer than you would a pasty of Venaison, Then drane it out and open the potte & lay a Trencher on ye toppe of the meate as it swimmeth sinking it downe with a weight, till the Butter cover the Trencher, so let it stand till it be cold, then lay on your platter againe, and keepe it so.

To make Mince Pyes of Neats tongues.

Take 2 Neats tongues and a halfe, boyle them & when they be cold paire and mince them very small, take 4 pound of Beefes Suit, and mince it very small by its Selfe, putt in Nutmegs 2 ounces, Currans a pound, Raisins of ye Sunne stoned and shred & a little Sugar, a little Rosewater and Verdijuice, & an apple or 2 minced very small, put in a few Anny seeds, & a little Orange peele and if you will Salte.

To make a Neats Tongue Pye cutt in Slices

Take the Neatstongue being roasted and pared, & cutt it into thinne slices and steepe it all night in Verdijuice, and season it with a little Nutmegs, Cloves, Mace & Cinnamon, then lay it in the Pye with a great deale of Butter, & when it is almost enough, take it out of the oven and cutt it, if you have made no Vent, and putt in some Clarett wine & sugar so much as you shall thinke fitt, then sett it into the Oven againe & let it stand till it be enough then serve it up with a little scraped Sugar.

To bake a Chine of Beefe.

Take a Chine of Beefe the [] end of it unsalted, & beat it very well with a rowling pinne, but first sprinkle it well with wine Vinegar, & let it lye so one hours or two or more, after joynt it in every joynt & season it as you doe a red Deare, & lett it lye in ye seasoning

{x fr. Th: Tansh: Lady. A flan}

{My Lady Fanshaw []}

281 12 hourse, & make a deepe Square Pye of course paste, & lay in your the Meate with good Store of Butter, & strane []a little more of the seasoning under and over it, & let it bake 6 or 7 houres, then serve it hott or cold as you like, if you serve it hott a little thinne Galendine of Clarett wine, Bread Crumms, Ginger, Cinnamon & a little Sugar, stirre them well together untill the Sugar be melted, open the Pye, pourre on a good deale or most part of the Butter, & putt a little of thas Butter unto the Galendine, then poure your Galendine upon ye meate and so serve it.

To boile Mutton Neck or Brest.

Strong Broth, Mace, and grofse pepper, Spinage, Lettice & Parsly, whole toppes of thyme, & a little onyon minced, boild Asperagus, when it is boild minced Lemons, thicke it with sweet Butter, serve it with Sops, putt in juice of Sorrell, cast Goose berries & Lemonds on it, & so for ye Chickens.

To fry a Loine of Veale.

Cutt it in thinne Slices & beat it with the back of a Cleaver, fry it on a panne untill it be somewhat browne in Butter, then putt away the Butter you fry it with all, putt the meate into the panne againe, putt to it Strong Broth, Onyons, Capers, Toppe of Thyme minced small, Sorrell a little cutt, Anchoves a little Cutt, Peppar & Nutmegs, Salt, hold it over the Fire, & stirre all the things together, then putt in Vinegar, minced Lemond, serve it away upon Sopps.

To boile a Carpe.

Cleane scale him, wash Him and dry him, drane Him & save ye blood wash it cleane out with Clarett wine, cutt it into two, putt Him into a Pipkin with ye foresaid Blood, Clarett wine and Vinegar, large mace, gross Peppar and Salt, a Bundle of sweet Hearbes, a little onyon minced, a bitt of sweet Butter, no more then will cover it, a little minced Lemmon, garnish the Dish & serve it with Sippetts in ye same liquour: ad halfe a pinut of Veal broth.

To Fricasse a Calves Head

Take a Calves Head halfe boyled in water and Salt, then take it out and

{My Mother}

{My Mother A flan}

{fr. Edw: Stowell a flan}

Last edit over 1 year ago by CatR
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{300} {A Han +} To make the blanche Creame Take a pint of thick sweet Creame,

Folio page 144r, scribe's page 309.

To make a Neates tongue Pudding.

+A Ffan11Attribution appears in left hand margin in a different hand than the recipe. Plus sign appears above center of attribution and the numeral 11 appears below center.When your neatestongue is well boyld, & peeld, beate it in a stone mortar very small, season it with Salt, nutmegs, mace, & sugar, 6 spoonfull of Creame, & yolkes of Eggs, 3 whites, a quarter of a pound of white bread CrummsThe "m" in crums is marked with a line above, indicating a double m., halfe a pound of Currans a quarter of marrow. wet your cloth, strew some white bread CrummsThe "m" in crums is marked with a line above, indicating a double m. upon it, lye it close, & put it into boyling water, & let it boyle an hower.

To stew Beeves Palats.

A Ffan+Attribution appears in left hand margin. Below attritbution is a plus sign.12Take Beefe palats after they be boyyledThe "y" in boyled is marked with a line above.tender with other meate, blanch & scrape them, cleane, then cut each palat in two, stew them between 2 dishes with a peice of leane [Bawn], a few mus= rooms, sweet-breads of Veale, or lam strong Broth, gravie of mutton, onyonnThe "n" in onyon is marked with a line above, indicating a double n.. [...]peper[s] orenge peele. lay at the bottome of your dish slices of light bread softned with gravie, stew marrow with your palats, take out your bacon & spices, & onyons, when they be stewd enough, squeeze in the juyce of 2 or 3 orenges, & serve the meate in upon the supp.

To make a posset.

A Ffan+Attribution appears in left hand margin. Also below attribution appears a plus sign in a lighter ink which matches that used to cross out the recipe.Take 5 pints of Creame, 18 eggs, beate them well, steepe them, styr a pint of sack & sugar to make it sweet, sweeten the Creame before you boyle it, set your Eggs upon Coales till they be hot stirring them continuallie; when yourCre

Last edit over 1 year ago by jmphillips
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[page] 192[/page]

To pickle wallnuts after yr Indian way 413 {Harrison} Gather your wallnuts when the bee far young, that you rune a pin throwe them; & lett them be gathered in a dry day; put them into a large pot of water; Shifting of itt every other day; for a weeke; & then for a forthnight every day & miss; put fresh water to them; then put them into a haire sive to drain; and then put them over the fire, with a good quantity of water to boyle; till they bee a little soft; then draine them out and with a course cloth; rule of all yr outmost skins, then of white wyne venigar, & of water boyled; & could an equall quantity; as much as will cover them; when they are put up; before you pot them. Lay in the bottom of your pot; or glass; a handfull of fennel & dill; a small handfull of yr cloves of garlick, and one small handfull of shallots; & a handfull of salt; & some Poues and Mace; then lay in a lay of wallnuts; & then the same quantity of things; as before; & then a lay of wallnuts; & so conti: {Harrison} nn; till all yr wallnuts bee in; then pour in as much of your pickle as will cover them; & tye them up with a feather;

To bake a rumpe of beef.

{L. Munmouth.o} Take a rumpe of beef to take the bone [clear ] only Season it as y would do vinison then take a pound of beef suet shred very smale, put yr suet into the bottom of an earthen pot & lay yr beef upon it, then take winter savoury & thyme, of each a handful. strife it & strew it on the beef, then strew a handful of sugar over the herbs, & halfe a handful of capers shred; then lay the bones that were taken out of the beef upon it again, & pour into it a pint of claret wine and six or eight spoonfuls of white wine vinegar all this must bee dun over night & the pot made up with coarse crust, readey for the oven, & in the morning bake it seaven hours; & then put it in a dish for the table. an onion

Last edit over 1 year ago by christina.jameson
Needs Review


The fleech of white quince 414 Harrison Take your fine Aple quince; wipe them & with a Cleane Cloth; Core them with a Coreing Iron; & Coddles them in a Kettle of [...]These letters look to have been scribbled out water; that houlds 3 or 4 gallons of water; Codle them not [ton] tender; Constantly turning them that all Sides May Coddle a lick; then take them up into a Cleane Cloth Couer them up, & when & when they are a little Cold pare them hould=ing them in a Cleane Cloth; for your hor hand will Make them look ill; & when they are pared, Slice them very thin: lich orrnge Chipes; dusting some Suger ouer them to preserue the Culler; take none but what lookes white, & None that is hard; or spotty, then have Reddy a pinte of the Gelly of John ap= =ples; & a pound of the best duble Refined Suger well beat; & Set it ouer the fire & lett boyle - up to the tope of the pan, & then forthwith Sling in a pound of your quince Chipes, & one pound more of Suger very finely - Beat; & lett all boyle as fast as possible you can; till you See itt Gelly, & the quince looks Cleere; which itt will the souner don, if you Cut your quinces very fhine; Scune them very Cleane; & them up with your gelly & when they Bee Could, you will find that they will Cut out liche Cleere Ice, betweene the Slices of quince;

Allmon ButterLady Halifax415

Take a poind of the Best Gurden allmonds Blanchd in Could water; then Make Sume very Cleere barly water amp; with some of some of that water Beat the allmons in a Stone Morter very fine; ffor the finer you Beat them the Better your Butter will bee; then put in a quart of the Barly water & pres out your water from the allmons very hard; & Seet itt ouer a Cleere fire, being very hott; & put in as Much Salt as wil ly upon a 6 pence; & the juce of one leamon; & Stire itt Softly about till you See it Breake; then put it gentlely by Spounfulls. into a dubble boulter bag; and tye itt up Close & let ott hand all Night ffor the whay to Rune out; & in the Morning Beat it up with a very little Rose water; & fine Serchd Suger and pinhe the tope as you dowe other butter with the tip of a Knife;

Everything following is written in a different hand

To Make a Lobster pye.The scribe has left a small flourish under the word pye

Mr Franklin Boil your Lobsters & take them out of their Shells, and Cut the Meat in bits, & put to them Oysters partri[...] & the finns taken off; Leason it with Nutmeg mace & Salt to you tast, then make your pye & lay in your meat, put fresh butter on the top, & Cover it up, and just when you put it into the oven pour into it a little Oyster Liquor, & let it Bake halfe an hour when you draw it Cut up the lid, & take away the fatt, & put in a leeve of thick butter 5 or 6 anchoves dissolved, the juce of an orrange, 2 or 3 yolks of raw eggs, a little Jack, & a leamon pared and Cut Gros So pour it into your pye [&] Shake it together & Cut your lid & put round it. There is another little flourish at the bottom of the recipe

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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460 {Mrs Cokain} Mrs Cokain Drinke for the Kings Enele

Soke two quarts of runing spring water, one handful of whit archangele flowers, sweet bruised fennell seeds, & annisseeds of each an ounce, Sassaparilla and sassafras, of each a quarter of an ounce, cut in smal peeces, of Cloverwort, one good handfull, an ounce of Liquorice [serafed] & shred thin, put all these into a furkin and boyle them on a very soft fier till a third part bee conden'd, then strain it and put to it two ounces of hony of roses, take a quarter of a pint at a time, in the morning fasting, at 5 a clock in the afternoon, and when you go to bed, for 6: weeks spring & fall, at least a chill May take less.

The cloverwort & Archangel flowers must be gather'd in their season and left dry.

{Mrs Burwood} To [Ticarey] Red Herrings

Skin & bone 8: Red herrings, steep them in ale then set them over a soft fier to bee scalding hot but not boyle, for 2 hours, then fry them in butter then sower the butter from them, & shake them with fresh buter and mustard, & forme them with balls made of fresh fish, crumb of white bread, sweet herbs, spice & buter, rol'd up with flower. & fryed, yr fresh fish must be boyld.

217 461 For a speck in the eye or rheum {Mrs Houlder}

Take white archangell the tops, green and flower and all, stompe and strain it, and take two spoonfulls of the juice in a morning all the while it lasts in flower, spring and fall, you must bleed, vomit, and purge first.

The famous neck plaister for rhum in the eyes {Mrs Harrison} {L. Chichester}

Take of gum tragacanth halfe an ounce marlik and olibanum, of each 3 drams, of bole a dram and halfe, of mirtle seeds, spillian, or flea seed, and pomgranate flowers, of each one dram, burgundy firtch, halfe a pound, gum caranna shrin'd, eight drams & venice surfintine halfe an ounce; {My friend Harrison} Make it up after this manner. Let your gum tragacanth, marlick, olibanum, bole, mirtle seeds, flea seeds, & pomgranat flowers, all bee beaten to a fine powder, and first let your caranna gum, and burgundy fritch be melted together, over the fier, then put in all your powder, being mixed bye then, incorporat them well with your gumm, and last of all, put in your surfintine, mingle all well, and make it up in roles.

To make fruit luff {Mrs Scarborough}

Take a pound and halfe of pulpe of aney fruit strain'd very fine, and a pound of sugar beaten & seared, beat it with white of egg till it stiffe while then drop it on glass, & dry it in a stone

Last edit over 1 year ago by christina.jameson
Needs Review


[Note] This is a diagram with notations. The handwriting is difficult to read.

Last edit over 1 year ago by sfemet
Needs Review


How to make Sirrups.

X A Fan o This attribution appears in the left hand margin and is in a different hand You must take your Flowers or Hearbes and picke them cleane & steepe them in running Water ouer warme Embers but not too hott in anySome flourish under "any" here, but may not be intentional Case, and strayne out the Flowers or the Hearbes and putt in fresh eve: ry 24 houres this doe till your Syrrup be strong enough, 3 or 4 tymes or more, then, straine it out and to every pinte of liquour putt a pound of Sugar, so boyle it up leisurely.

{29} To preserve Oranges

XA Fan o This attribution appears in the left hand margin and is in a different hand Take a dosen of the fayrest Oranges and the best couloured, & if you can gett them with smooth Skinns they are the better, and with a gra=This mark appears here as two dashes, but it often looks more like a colon, or two dots. I believe it signals to the reader that the word continues on the next line ter grate of the outward pill, if you will haue them whole then with a Coveing Iron take out some of the meat, or if You will haue them cuttThere is a smudge here over the word "cutt" in halfes you must leaue some of the meate in them, then lay them in steepe inThere is some kind of flourish over "in" here, note sure if it is intentional Conduit water 2 dayes & 2 nights, they must be shifted mor=Again, there are dashes here to signify that the word continues on the next line ning and Evening, then take them out of the water and rubb them with white Salt, then with a cleane Cloth rubb them very drie, then boile them in 2 severall waters, then when you thinke they are verry tender take them out of the water, then with a knife take out all the blacks, then weigh them & take to a pound of Oranges a pound & halfe of Sugar, when this is done putt your Sugar into a Skillett, & to every pound of Sugar putt a quart of water, then take the whites of 2 Eggs, beaten well and putt into the Skillett on the fire, & let it boyle as fast as it can, when you perceiue your Syrrope to rise up, putt in 2 or 3 Spoonfulls of faire water, then take it of the Fire, lay your Oranges in a preseruing panne, when you have scummed your Syrrup very cleane powre it through a cleane Napkin on your Oranges in a preseruing panne, leave out Some of your Syrrup & as it boyleth away, putt it into Your Oranges, then sett your Chaffendish on a very quicke Fire & lett them

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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To make the famous oyle called the Queens oyle. Madrid 8th Decer 1664. to make hayre grow, rubbing the rootes thereof at night, with no more of the oyle, then you just take vp with the dipping the fingre therein, putting a capp or quoife immediatly on the head.

{A ffan X}

Take 2 pound of the best oyle olive & put it into a glasse bottle in which you must put 4 Lizardes alive, 2 ounces of flyes, 4 Ounces of white wine, 4 ounces of new honye, shake these togethre, & let them stand 15 dayes in the hottest sun, take in the bottle out of the Ayer evrey night, then put it all into a scellett & make it boyle, which soe soone as ever you perceive, take it of the fire, & strayne it through a cloth, then put to it 2 ounces of Benjamin, & 2 ounces of storax, then sitt it on the fire stirring it softly, till the Benjamin, & Storax be well melted, then straine it thorough a cleane cloth, then put it into a glasse, & when it is cold stop it close so preserve it from ayer, & keep it for your vse, this oyle is best made in the Months of Iune, Iuly, August.

75 {X}

A Mendesin for a Cough in the Lungs; Take Elecompany roots well scraped & washed Steep them 12: hours in fountain water shifting twice then boyle them in damask-rose water untill they be tender then take them out of the water & weight of the pap of rosted apples & double the weight of both of Double-refined sugar so boyle them up with red-rose-water to a conserv & keep it for your vse. you must take the bigness of a Nutmegg therof fasting in the morning at 4 of the clock in the afternoon & when you go to bed at night.


A Eccelent Receipt for a Cough

Take a Quart of milk & 2 Large Onions boyle it a quarter part away then run it through a hair siue put to it a quarter of a pint of red-rose-water & sweeten it with sugar of Roses as you like it this must be drunk fasting & the same Quantety warm night & ... for your suppers & mornings for 3 days & nights together;


to Clenge puterefied Longs

swellen aboue halfe a pinnt of Witte Wine with 2 spunfull of hiue huney and 2 spunfull too spriges of Ballne take this fasting warme Eury morning for thurty days;

Last edit about 3 years ago by mbassnett
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72 73 + The red powder good for miscarrying. A ffan Take of Dragons blood one drammdram̄, powder of red corall one drammdram̄, amber greece the weight of 3 barly cornes; bezoar stone the weight of 2 barly cornes, Make all these into powder, and in a little burnt Claret wine give as much of this powder as will lie upon a pennie at morninge and night first and last 3 or 4 times will serve. Make some broth withwth plantaine rootes and shepheards purse and knotted grasse, burnett and bryer leaves, and th drink this as pleasure. put in to the broth just as you drinke it the [tneds] of 9 Eggs; I haue found good Experementalley of this medicin.

Last edit about 3 years ago by Heather Wolfe
Displaying pages 131 - 140 of 144 in total