Newdigate family collection of newsletters

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L.c.2153: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692/1693 March 18

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? off 30 Counterfeit Guinees &

The Earle of Portland Seemes now Past Dainger insoemuch that his family is prepareing for Holland

Sir Cavbury Price whose Bill about the Royall Mine was reiected in Parliment Peticioned the King this week that notwithstanding he had severall verdicts at Law that his Mine was not a Royall Mine but Lead yeat was [proscemted] in the Court of Exchequer wherefore prayed his Maiestie for a Noli prosequi on the same which I am tould is Granted

Letters yesterday from Dover advise that a Dutch Privateer has this week brought in here 2 ffrench Vessells bound for Lahogue with Necessaries for building of a Harbour there the ffrench King being persuaded that he may make aharboar there sufficient to preserve his whole navy & designes to disburse a Million of monney to perfect that work

yesterday one Mr Whitehead a Member of Parliment Dyed in this Citty of the Small Pox

All the Officers of the Army have orders to compleat their Companies Imediately upon paine of being [Cashered] & yesterday the Drumm beat for Vollenteers offering 20 per Man that will Lyst himselfe in his Maiesties Service

Yesterday a person was Detected in in putting off 30 Counterfeit Guinees & was Committed to Newgate

Orders were this week sent to the Officers of the Victualling Office to gett

come from ffrance: further sayes that the ffrench are laying Great stores of provissions & fforage at Dunkirk more then can be used in that Garrison And they openly say that it is to sustain the troope that is to Beseige Newport ~ On Thursday Night one Mr Stoakdale a Member of Parliament was Interred in Covent Garden = This week 2 Citty Bakers were seized & Committed of being accused of selling of Corn to the Enemy. but they pretend the Vessell was taken by aPrivateer & Carryed to ffrance

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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ready with all speed provisions for 33000 Men for 3 Months which Care berates our beleife that his Maiestie will make aVigerous Discent upon ffrance ths summer

Yesterday 145200li was brought into the Exchequer upon the proiect Million Bill-

Ihear the King: has deferred his Iourney to Holland till Munday or Tuesday come 7 Night

Our ffleet this summer will Consist off 50 English & 30 Dutch Capitoll Men of War in the Line of battle besides the squadron to the streights Cruzess &c

Great applicacion is made to the Earl: of Darby for the Bishopprick in the Isle of Man vacant by the Death of Dr Levin/

Wee hear that Duke Schomberg will be made Gennerall of the fforces here

Iam tould that aGreat many persons are gott beyond sea by Vertue of the Counterfeit Paper & that aWarrand is found filled up with the Name of Mr Hambden senior. whereby he was to have been seized with all the Leading Men about the Queen whilst some Hellish Design was putting in Practise

There is now aNew seal made to the secretaries Office Engraven by the Most Curious & Artfull hand which is to be used without either wax or wafer Makeing an Impression on the Paper by the help of a screw which will be Difficult to Counterfeit

Whereas the ffirst Proclamacion promises areward of 500li to those that shall discover the Persons concerned in Counterfeiting the Lord Nottingams seal in the Paper & Warrants a 2d is now published to Assure such adiscoverie of his Pardon besides the Reward - 3 of the Rogues who Robbed sir Iohn ffreind were yesterday seized in Black fryers - ADutch Captain as he was takeing Coach yesterday in order to his Iourney for Holland shott himself Dead - Mr Welson the Master of the Vessel lately

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being yeat an Embrio but aLittle [haie] will shew the Effect AGentleman who came from Ostend last Tuesday saies the they have lately had Great [succes] in fflanders which hindred the Mocions of the Enemy but Iust as he came away it was in aManner Gon but the Rivers were soe swelled that there could be noe travelling for 8 or 10 Daies which has wonderfuly secured the Countrey from the Attaque of the Enemy And given our people opertunity to ffortifye those places most threatened to be beseiged

18 March 92/3

To The honorable Sir Richard Newdigate Baronet at Arbury 7 near Coventry

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez

L.c.2154: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692/1693 March 21

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London 21 March 1692


A Gentleman in a high post in the Army has layd 2 wagers with another who pretends to the politicques (vizt) a 100li to 10li That neither King: Iames nor any for or with the French King: makes a descent on England this 12 monthes & a 100li upon an even Bett That King William within the said time will head an Army in one of the Provinces in ffrance ~

Captaine Collings in the Mary Yatch has received his instruccions to transport the King: to Holland ~

One Captaine Littleton and his 2 daughters - were yesterday seized & committed to the gate housbeing Charged with Chipping & Coyning ~

Last week passed a pattent or grant vnto the Duke: of Linster &c to have the sole benefitt (their Maiestys shares excepted) of all wrecks at present - in the Seas & for 20 years to come from - 12 degrees South Latitute Latitude to 40 degrees North which is above 50 degrees on the Globe beginning at Peru - & thence to Cape Codd in new England & includes many wrecks of which the Pattentees have knowledge of 7 & intends this Summer to work upon them

The King hath conferred the honourof knighthood on Mr Sherborne a - wealthy & well intended Gentleman -

Maiesties fforces ~ I am very well informed That a descent upon ffrance is wholly - designed 400 Transport ships being taken up in Holland & the King: has resolved - vpon some places which will not be publicquely declared till his Maiesty is gone ~ Wee hear from Bristoll that 3 Troopers were last week shott to death there for killing their - Captaine vpon some account of their pay ~~~~~

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Caper of 40 guns & that twas feared 4 otherswere taken by the said Caper.

The King: carrys with him to fflanders a rich - silver Cisterne of 12000 ounces & another of 4000 ounces -

On saturday a Gent gave 50 guineas - to receive a guinea an hour till the Holland Maile came in whereby he is already a - considerable Gayner noe post being yet come the wind being contrary

Sunday night last Hector Phillips Esquire- a Member of parliament for Cardigan who - dyed on saturday was interred in St MartinsChurch -

The Earle: of Inchequeen is made Governour - of Kingsale in room of Coll ffitzharding - who is to be provided for another way -

The parliament of Scotland is to sitt at the time of its late adiournment - The 2 - Scotch Secretarys are preparing to goe to - Edimburg with instruccions to Duke: Hamilton - who is to be the Commander -

Letters from the severall parts - since my last bring very litle news - save only from Portsmouth that sir -

George: Rook had iust received orders to saile with the straites ffleet & accordingly he - gave the signall by a Gun for them to gett ready & he is to call vpon Admirall Aylmere - in Torbay who is to Ioyne him with his squadron & convey them part of - the way the b Bilboa voyage being for the present layd aside - The Lord -

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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21 March 92/3

To The honorable Sir Richard: Newdigate Baronet at Arbury 4 near Coventry

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez

L.c.2155: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692/1693 March 23

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London March the 23d- (92 3)


Wee received yesterday 2 Irish Mailes which left that Kingdom in perfect tranquillity and say that the people were as much reioyced at the Parliments Adresses to the King to regulate the proceedings of Ireland as at the Victory of the Boyne

Tis Gennerally said that the Lord Sidney is to be recalled and the Earl of Pembrok stands ffairest to succeed him and that his Excellency will be made Master of the Ordnance & tis Certaine the Irish Parliment is ordered to be further prorogued to the 6 Iune Next

Yesterday a Grand Councill was held at kensinton where Sir Iohn Summers attorney Gennerall was summoned to attend being called there into the Lord President Signifyed to him that tho' his modesty made him decline the Office of Lord Keeper of the Great Seal yeat the King being sattisyed of his Abillityes Commanded himselfe to accept of the said place & he was Declared Keeper of the Great Seal accordingly & was Complimented upon it

His Maiestie afterwards Declined the Honorable Edward: Russell Eldest son of the Earl of Bedford to have the place of tresurer of the Chamber lately posest by Sir Rowland Gwin- -

My Last Mencioned that one Captain Littleton was Committed to the Gate house for Chipping which Inow find to be Captain Middleton his sister in Law being seized by Iustice Regnorton & 70li worth of Clippings found in his Custody and was discovered by one Mr Stokes aMember of Parliment who lay in a Room underneath and hearing an unusuall Noise over his head & Considering the Mans

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Walter Chitwin Esquire Member of Parliment for Stafford Dyed 2 or 3 Daies agoe of the Small Pox heareing noe Issue to our Estate of 4000li Per annum But has made Captain Chitwin his Kinsman his sole Executor and has ordered an Anuity to all his servants proportionably to their Degrees-

The Million Proiect Act has advanced since yesterday 7 Night 12800li & as the Law Directs Sallyes are struck-

Rear Admirall Mitchell is ordered to return with his squadron to england Imediately after he has Convoyed the King to Holland-

Forty Gentlemen with each aMan attending him well Mounted are arived there from Glocesteirshire Designeing to pass this summer in the Campaign in fflanders provided his Maiestie will permit them to act as a Boddy

Last tuesday Night 3 Highway Men Robbed as many Gentlemen near Hyde park Corner from one of whom they took 25 Guinees a silver hilted sword and aWatch

Yesterday the Gunner belonging to the train of Artillery in fflanders went down the River in order to their Imbarqement

Wee had an account yesterday from Guilford in surrey that one Mr Thornberrough a Minister who had abennifice of 200li Per annum in the Countrey Preached lately upon the following Text Let him that think hee stands take heed Least he fall & then went Imediately and hanged himselfe in aWood and was not Discovered till 9 Daies after-

Deceased ^the King: doing it mera Moatu with verry Gratious Expressions in favor ^of him - A Great Many Gentlemen besides those afforementioned are come out of severall Counties with horses & servants well Mounted & Equipped to serve as Vollenteers in fflanders - Wee have an account that the Surveyor Gennerall haveing vewed the Roades is allready arived at Harwich & sent an account of all the Defective waies between that place & London

I am Assured that the King has declared his resollucion to Carry on aDiscent this summer against ffrance: to which end all Matters are disposed aGreat Number of Bisketts to be baked aVast Number of Beifes to be Killed 20000 tents to be prepared and severall Thousand Loads of Hay to be bought up The Lord Livetenant of Ordnance to gett ready all sorts of Municion of War The Wellboates to be Carreened in order for service & the Discent will be made by his Maiesties subiects & the ffrench Refugees-

Dr Roan Bishopp of Killalow being lately Dead in Ireland his Maiestie has appointed Dr Pooly to succeed him

Sir Thomas: Darsy a Member of Parliment for Maulden in Essex Dyed lately att his seat in that Countrey

I am well Informed that the Discent will be Made with 30000 ffoot & 4000 house & 2000 Dragoones

Dartmouth 19 yesterday Admirall Aylmer arived at St Hellens with his squadron Admirall Rook is still here with the streights ffleet waiteing only affaier wind to Carry him fforward

Its Said that Sir Thomas: Powis will be made Attorney Gennerall

Last Night the the Commission for Constituteing Duke Hamilton High Commissioner of Scotland was Signed - Yesternight the King: was pleased ex Gratia to Declare Sir Iohn Trenchard Secretary of State in the Room of the Lord Sidney and Sir Iohn was ordered to attend the Councill att Kensinton this afternoon in order to be Sworn His Maiestie has Declared Samuell [Theor] Esquire Surveyor Gennerall of England which place was formerly enioyed by Mr Harbord

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Circumstances suspected what work they were Employed in

23 March 92/3

To the honorable Sir Richard Newdigate baronet at Arbury near Coventry 4

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez

L.c.2156: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1693 March 25

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London March 25th - 93


Edenburgh the 18th the Councill have Remitted some of the apprentices that were in the Late Ryott to the Lords of the Institiary to be tryed The Magistrates this Day were Considering the manner to build the Guard house which is to be 2 stories higher with a Plattform on the top & 6 small Cannon there on with aWall about aBrest High soe that the souldiers may in case of any Tumult ffire upon the Rabble And all the Windowes are to be strongly ffortifyed with Iron Grates. Here is aflying report that 9 of the transport shipps that Lately went from Leith with the Recruites for fflanders are taken by the ffrench but there being noe Visible Ground for the same Its supposed to be Invented by the Iacobites

Plimouth the 21th there remaines still in this Port their Maiesties Shipps the Deptford and Iames Galley with two Dutch Men of War with the Bilboa ffleet as alsoe severall Merchants shipps bound for Mallaga Allicant &c

Portsmouth the 23d Yesterday came in here aPortugees Shipp and this Day arived another whereby wee are Informed that athird was taken by a ffrench Privateer

his Maiestie is Landed in Holland or fflanders & then will reside at Whitehall Count Soliuds is Continued Gennerall of the English fforces in fflanders The Lord Lansdown has Given up his Commission of Lord Livetenant - Yesterday the Princes ..... of Denmark Miscarryed of aDaughter The New Lord Keeper made Great Interest to be Excused alledging that

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