Codex Aubin

Codex Aubin


fol. 31v

fol. 31v


Nicān miquico in Huitzilihuitl


Ic ēyi tlàtohuāni ni man ic ommotlallî in chī malpopoca yèhuātl īpan yâ in tepanēcāyō tl 1418 1419 1420

Last edit almost 9 years ago by cristobal -oldfordham
fol. 32r

fol. 32r

1421 1422

1423 3. Pōhualxihuitl

1424 Nicān mic in chīmalpo poca quihuīcaquê in to panēcâ

1425 Niman ic ommotlāllî in itzcōhuātzin ic nā hui tlàtohuāni

Last edit almost 9 years ago by cristobal -oldfordham
fol. 32v

fol. 32v

1426 1427

1428 Nicān quihuāltzaucquê in cuauh nāhuacâ . I. Tecpatl xihuitl

1429 1430

Last edit almost 9 years ago by cristobal -oldfordham
fol. 33r

fol. 33r

1431 1432 1433 1434 1435

Last edit almost 9 years ago by cristobal -oldfordham
fol. 33v

fol. 33v

1436 Nicān poliuhquê in cuauhnāhua câ in ōquimompēuhquē cexiuh tica tequitquê niman ye tla callaquia īchān in itzcōhuā tzin zan onxihuitl .

1437 Nicān miquico in itzcōhuā tzin

1438 xi. tōchtli īpa[m] motlā llî in ilhuicamina tzin huēhuê moteuhczō ma ic mācuīlli tlà tohuāni

1439 1440

Last edit almost 9 years ago by cristobal -oldfordham
Displaying pages 61 - 65 of 154 in total