Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: Mc-Mz, 1934-1956. A-71, folder 319. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge,



(seq. 6)
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(seq. 6)

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Last edit over 3 years ago by mirandag
(seq. 7)

(seq. 7)


Dear Doctor Van Waters, Just a note to say thank you from my heart, for every nice thing you have done for me & all the students. I shall always remember you with a warm feeling & ask God to Bless you in all you do. Everyone including the students have been so very sweet to me & can't tell you how much it has all meant to me. I'm sure you can understand it though. Thank you again, dear Doctors Van Waters.

Sincerely Yours


Last edit over 3 years ago by logiebear
(seq. 8)

(seq. 8)

Dear Dr. Van Waters,

Will you please excuse me for not attending Literary classes anymore? I just can't seem to get interested. I really like hearing you talk, but my mind is away off and when they hour is over I find I haven't heard a word you've said. I like reading, but I guess I just don't like reading aloud.


Gladys Miller

Last edit over 3 years ago by logiebear
(seq. 9)

(seq. 9)

Dear Dr. Van Waters,

This is to express my heartfelt sympathy. Your fathers death came as a great shock to us all. I had only met your father but once but that once left me with a very vivid impression of a person with a beautiful mind. I can only say now, that I wish I could have had the opportunity of knowing him more He was to my idea, a true aristocrat. I'm closing now

Last edit over 3 years ago by logiebear
(seq. 10)

(seq. 10)

just want to say again, my heart is in sympathy with you, but when you feel sad and lonely for him dear Doctor first think of the good owrk he did in this orld and I am sure you'll realize he deserves the beautiful repose he will be having in his place beside God, still looking after, and praying for you, and I'm sure your students also.


Patricial Miller

Last edit over 3 years ago by logiebear
Displaying pages 6 - 10 of 68 in total