


Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1876 Thompson Prof S. H. South Hanover Jefferson Indiana 1854 Indianapolis Professor Hanover College
1876 Thompson W. E. Plainfield Hendricks Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Taylor Mrs. Margaret B. Madison Jefferson Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Towne John P. Edinburg Johnson Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Terwilliger I. N. Anderson Madison Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Talbott Rev. J. C. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Todd C. N. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1854 Indianapolis Teacher Female College
1876 Tanner Gordon Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Thornton H. J. Waveland Montgomery Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Tingley Joseph Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1854 Indianapolis Professor Natural Science Asbury University Greencastle College
1876 Twitchell D. S. Winchester Randolph Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Thornton E. C. New Garden Wayne Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Thom J. C. 1853 Madison
1876 Tarr Levi Thorntown Boone Indiana 1856 Lafayette
1876 Twining William Crawfordsville Montgomery Indiana 1856 Lafayette
1876 Trueblood A Canton Washington Indiana 1856 Lafayette
1876 Thompson Richard W. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana Secretary of Navy under Hayes Culpeper Virginia Virginia Privately 1831 Bedford
1876 Trussell Lizzie Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1876 Indianapolis 13 1/2 Brook County West Virginia Brook County West Virginia Glasgow Missouri College 1848 Brook County West Virginia 10 50
1876 Thompson T. L. Monrovia Morgan Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Principle Bellville Schools 3 Monrovia Indiana Indianapolis College 1873 Morgan County 45 60
1876 Taffe Kate Cumberland Marion Indiana 1871 or 1873 Indianapolis 12 Indianapolis Kentucky Bloomington Illinois Academy 1864 Marion County 40 47
1876 Thomas Alice B. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1872 Logansport Teacher Indianapolis 5 Indiana Ohio & Pennsylvania Indianapolis Common 1872 Indianapolis 45 55
1876 Thompson Kate A. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1874 Indianapolis Primary
1876 Tattersall Alice Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1875 Indianapolis Teacher grade 7 Year Work 2 Cincinnati Ohio England & Alabama Indianapolis Common 1874 Indianapolis 45 50
1876 Townsend R. A. Vincennes Knox Indiana 1873 Indianapolis Principal High School 10 Lancaster Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Lewisburg College 1867 Lancaster 70 150
1876 Trueblood Rebecca Carmel Hamilton Indiana 1862 Indianapolis Indianapolis 12 Indiana Indiana & North Carolina Richmond College 1860 Lafayette 25 57
1876 Tiffany E. H. Greenfield Hancock Indiana 9 Perry County Ohio Yankee Meigs County Ohio Common 1866 West Virginia 16.33 40
1876 Trueblood Nora E. Kokomo Howard Indiana 1875 Indianapolis Kokomo 6 Russiaville Indiana Indiana Lebanon & Richmond Normal & College 1867 Russiaville 35 45
1876 Thornburg J. W. Portland Jay Indiana 1869 Indianapolis Student 5 Delaware County Indiana Ohio Muncie Indiana & Lebanon Ohio High School & Normal 1865 Near Muncie Indiana 33.33 80
1876 Tufts Frank H. Aurora Dearborn Indiana 1862 Indianapolis Principle School Milton Indiana 16 Farmington Maine Maine Yellow Springs Ohio College 1853 Dearborn County Indiana 25 125
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Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1876 Trisler J. R. Lawrenceburgh Dearborn Indiana 1873 Indianapolis Osgood Indiana 13 Bethel Ohio Ohio Hamersville, Ohio Common 1864 Feesburg Ohio 30 133
1877 Tharp L. Z. Marion Raysville Grant Henry Indiana 1872 Logansport County Examiner 12 Grant County Indiana Wayne County Indiana Bloomington University 1857 50 80
1877 Triplett P. B. Brazil Clay Indiana 1877 Indianapolis County Superintendent 8 Clay County Indiana Virginia and Kentucky Terre Haute and Greencastle Normal and University 1868 Clay County Indiana 33 80
1877 Thomas E. L. Pendleton Madison Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher 10 Pendleton Indiana Pennsylvania Pendleton, Indiana Common 1867 Madison County Indiana 35 40
1877 Thompson Mrs. May (Wright) Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1873 Indianapolis Principal High School Franklin
1877 Tuttle Joseph F Crawfordsville Montgomery Indiana 1864 Richmond President Wabash College 20 Bloomfield New Jersey New Jersey Marietta Ohio College. 1849 Marietta College
1877 Thompson E. W. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1873 Indianapolis Superintendent Franklin Schools
1877 Thompson L. S. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Purdue University 20 Senecaville Ohio Virginia and Pennsylvania Ohio Common 1855 Near Senecaville Ohio 28 150
1877 Thomas D. W. Wabash Wabash Indiana 1859 Fort Wayne Teacher 15 Hancock County Ohio Ohio Greencastle University 1859 Allen County Indiana 18 125
1877 Tice John H. St. Louis Saint Louis Missouri 1877 Indianapolis Lecturer on Meteorology Washington County Indiana Indiana Mountains and Woods of Pennsylvania 1826 Bedford County Pennsylvania 40
1877 Trotter R.S. Lizton Hendricks Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Common School 12 Indiana Virginia North Salem Academy 1850 Hendricks County 25 50
1877 Tulley Mark Edinburgh Johnson Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher 4 Bartholomew County Ohio Valparaiso Normal 1873 Brown County Indiana 32 45
1877 Thrasher William Orange Fayette Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Tomlinson Miss E. S. Madison Jefferson Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Truesdall Miss Kate Richmond Wayne Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Thompson Miss E. J. Noblesville Hamilton Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Thompson S. S. Crawfordsville Montgomery Indiana
1877 Taylor, R. A. Loudon Shelby Indiana
1877 Thomas Mrs. Dr. Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Thomas J. M. Roseville Parke Indiana
1877 Town Miss Indiana
1877 Tedrow Sallie Germantown Marion Indiana
1877 Thursten Miss Frank M. Wabash Wabash Indiana
1877 Thomas Pauline. H. Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Taylor Miss H. N. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Tufts Mrs. F. H. Milton Wayne Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Taylor Mary Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Tyler Anna Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Taylor Miss M. E. Evansville Vanderburgh Indiana
Last edit 8 months ago by indjulia
Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Toby Hannah Terre Haute Vigo Indiana
1877 Towns Mary Dublin Wayne Indiana
1877 Thompson Mrs. C. C. Danville Hendricks Indiana
1877 Terry Miss M. Columbus Bartholomew Indiana
1877 Townsend J. M. Staunton Clay Indiana
1877 Travis William Centre Point Clay Indiana County Examiner Clay County
1877 Twiss G. W. Columbus Franklin Ohio Book Agent
1877 Taylor Jennie V. Jefferson Franklin Indiana
1877 Thompson S. P. Rensselaer Jasper Indiana County Examiner
1877 Taggart Mary J Laporte Laporte Indiana
1877 Todd Annetta Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Tyson Ella. S. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Taylor Mary A. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Thompson Mrs. R. L. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Thompson M. Anna Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Thomas Carrie E. Williamsport Warren Indiana
1877 Timberlake Edward Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Trueblood Benjamin Salem Washington Indiana
1877 Tousley O. V. New Albany Floyd Indiana Principal
1877 Townley J.
1877 Tewkesbury M. W. Mendota LaSalle Illinois Book Agent
1877 Todd Reverend O. M. Muncie Delaware Indiana County Superintendent
January 1879 Thorp E D Logansport Cass Indiana
1879 Tarbell H. S. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Superintendent City Schools 20 Chelsea Vermont New England Middletown Connecticut University 1859 Belleville Ontario 70 250
1879 Thomas Evan L Richmond Wayne Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne District 6 Pennville Jay County Indiana American Terre Haute Normal 1872 Wayne County Indiana 40 50
1879 Thompson Mary L Fort Wayne Allen Indiana 1872 Logansport Principal? 9 Durham New Hampshire American Concord New Hampshire High School
1879 Tyler John L Fort Wayne Allen Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Teacher Penmanship 25? Chesterfield New Hampshire Chesterfield New Hampshire New Hampshire and Vermont Common and University 1845 New Hampshire 80
December 1879 Tilson A. M. Indianapolis
Last edit 8 months ago by indjulia
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Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1879 Thomas J. J. Marion Grant Indiana 1879 Indianapolis Teacher 8 Marion American Marion Common School 1871 Grant County 35 45
1879 Tuttle Charles M. Muncie Delaware Indiana 1879 Indianapolis Delaware American Delaware County
1879 Tuttle Dr. Crawfordsville In Chambersburg Indiana Public School
1879 Throok Jennie Paoli Orange Indiana 1879 Indianapolis In Chambersburg Indiana Public School 10 Paoli American Paoli and Terre Haute Common and Normal 1869 Walnut Grove Indiana 35 50
1879 Thornton Ed. B. Bedford Lawrence Indiana 1879 Indianapolis County Superintendent 5 Bedford Indiana American Bedford High School and Normal 1874 Lawrence County 40 70
1879 Tombs Belle Jeffersonville Indiana
1879 Tomlinson Lizzie Plainfield Hendricks Indiana 1879 Indianapolis Teacher 2 Norfolk Virginia American Baltimore Grammar School 1877 Plainfield 45 45
1879 Tharp F. D. Mooney; Raysville Jackson; Henry Indiana 1879 Indianapolis Principal of Raysville School 10 Indianapolis American Alton Illinois College 1872 Illinois 35 80
1880 Tharp Hallie E. Mooney Jackson Indiana 1880 Indianapolis Primary Teacher 6
1880 Taylor Mammie G. Denver Miami Indiana 1880 Indianapolis
1880 Trendly F. Union City Randolph Indiana Indianapolis Principal Ellettsville 1 Pennsylvania German and English Hiram College Ohio and Indiana State University 1879 Ellettsville Indiana 50 300
1881 Taylor Mrs. S. E. Madison Jefferson Indiana 1881 Indianapolis 9 Boston Massachusetts Salem Boston Massachusetts Academy Madison 50 70
1881 Tarebell H. S. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1881
1881 Trisler Annie L. Lawrenceburg Dearborn Indiana 1881 Indianapolis
1881 Tudor Alice M. Denver Miami Indiana 1882 Indianapolis Teacher Grammar 2 Cincinnati New Hampshire Cincinnati Normal 1880 Lawrenceburg 37.5
1881 Tudor Alice M Denver Miami Indiana 1882 Indianapolis Primary Teacher Denver Olive Branch America South Wabash Academy 1877 South Wabash 39 40
1881 Tibbole Annie Winchester; Irvington Randolph; Marion Indiana 1882 Indianapolis Primary Teacher Denver 2 Ebensburg Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Indiana and Illinois Normal and University 1880 Irvington 40 41
1881 Taylor Edward Vincennes Knox Indiana 1882 Indianapolis Lafayette Ohio Earlham College 1863 Ohio 30 160
1881 Taylor Belle Everton Fayette Indiana 1882 Indianapolis Teacher 4 Fayette County Indiana
1881 Tallmadge Mattie Fowler Benton Indiana Washington America Normal 1869 Warren Indiana 40 50
1883 Tilford Ella R Monrovia; Martinsville Morgan Indiana 1883 Indianapolis Grammar School Monrovia Martinsville Indiana America Glendale College 40 50
1883 Thompson Charles O Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1883 Indianapolis President Rose Polytechnic East Windsor Connecticut Connecticut and Massachusetts
1883 Tompkins Arnold Greencastle; Franklin Johnson Indiana 1883 Indianapolis Superintendent Franklin Schools Paris Illinois Indiana and Ohio Terre Haute Normal 37.5 120
1883 Tompkins Jennie G Greencastle; Franklin Johnson Indiana 1883 Indianapolis High School Bridgewater Virginia Virginia Terre Haute Normal 1864 Paris Illinois 20 65
1883 Throckmorton L. J. Delphi Carroll Indiana 1883 Indianapolis Lawrence County Virginia New Albany Academy 1870 Romney 33.3
1883 Tiltow Rasser Delphi Carroll Indiana 1883 Indianapolis District Ohio Ohio and Pennsylvania Delphi High School 1883 Carroll County 45 45
1883 Tiltow Alice Delphi Carroll Indiana 1883 Indianapolis District Ohio Ohio and Pennsylvania Delphi High School 40 50
1883 Trueblood Mary Dublin Carroll Indiana 1883 Indianapolis Principal Teacher Graded School Salem Indiana American Terre Haute Normal 1873 Blue R Academy 28 55
Last edit 8 months ago by indjulia
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Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1884 Thompson G. W. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1884 Indianapolis State Normal 11 Harrisburgh American State Normal Normal 1873 Ohio 30 100
1885 Testin W. F. Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Principal 17 1868 Indiana 45 50
1885 Tilly J Franklin Petersburg Boone Kentucky 1885 Indianapolis Petersburg Kentucky American Lawrenceburg Indiana High School 1884 Dearborn County Indiana 40 40
1885 Thompson Jonathan F Richmond Wayne Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Assistant High School 3 Crawford County Ohio Pennsylvania Hillsdale Michigan College 1880 Fairmount Indiana 50 75
1885 Taylor Emma W Aurora Dearborn Indiana 1885 Indianapolis 2nd Primary 3 Indiana American Moores Hill College 1882 Ripley County 30 40
1885 Testin Mrs. M. A. Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Assistant 8 Ohio Ohio Oxford 1879 20 30
1885 Trent John C. Carroll Carroll Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Student Indiana State University 4 Carroll County Indiana Virginia and Indiana Bloomington Indiana University 1880 Carroll County Indiana 38 50
1885 Travis A. H. Aydelotte Benton Indiana 1885 Indianapolis District School 1/2 Benton County Indiana American Benton County District School 1885 Aydelotte 20.5 41.5
1885 Thomas D. W. Wabash Wabash Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Teacher Graded School 3
1886 Taylor Lizzie Anderson Madison Indiana 1886 Indianapolis 7th and 8th Grades Anderson 36 Byberry, Pennsylvania American Philadelphia Grammar 1850 Madison County 60
1887 Thomas Belle Muncie Delaware Indiana 1887 Indianapolis
1887 Thomas Flo Greensburg Decatur Indiana 1887 Indianapolis
1887 Tull W. G. Elwood Madison Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Teacher 4 Indiana American Indiana Common and Normal 1883 Nebraska 35 46
1887 Tyler Laura L. West Lebanon Warren Indiana 1887 Indianapolis 2nd Intermediate Grade 8 Williamsport American Williamsport High School 1878 Marshfield 25 40
1888 Thomas Ida Bluffton Wells Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Teacher 10 Ohio American Fort Wayne College 1873 Allen County 20 45
1888 Torr M. Ida River Side Fountain Indiana 1888 Indianapolis 4 Indiana American Greencastle High School 1882 Putnam County 30 40
1888 Tuson Lizzie A Goshen Elkhart Indiana 1888 Indianapolis B Grammar 6 Indiana Goshen 1887 Goshen 20 45
1889 Tyrrell Goerge C Sunman Versailles Ripley Indiana 1889 Indianapolis Principal at Sunman 14 Indiana American Lebanon Indiana Normal 1874 Indiana 100
1889 Tarney Sarah E Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1889 Indianapolis State Normal Training 5 Indiana German Terre Haute Normal 1884 Bourbon
1889 Trueblood Nina H Richmond Wayne Indiana 1889 Indianapolis Indiana Richmond College
1889 Trueblood E. P. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1889 Indianapolis Earlham 5 Indiana Richmond College 1883 Salem 40 100
1889 Thompson Lisa Warsaw Kosciusko Indiana 1889 Indianapolis Warsaw 4 Indiana American Terre Haute Normal Warsaw 40 50
1889 Tucker Mrs. M. B Louisville Jefferson Kentucky 1889 Indianapolis Teacher 15 Kentucky American Lousiville High School Louisville
1889 Theiband B. F. Connersville Fayette Indiana 1889 Indianapolis County Superintendent 12 Indiana French Valparaiso Normal 1876 Switzerland 37.5 100
1889 Thornton J. F. Bedford Lawrence Indiana 1889 Indianapolis Principal High School 2 Indiana American Bloomington University 1888 Mitchell 60 70
1890 Taylor John W. Spartanburgh Randolph Indiana 1890 Indianapolis
1890 Thomas Emma Bluffton Wells Indiana 1890 Indianapolis Primary Teacher 7 Janesville American Janesville 1883 Wells County Indiana 20 35
1890 Thomas C. W. Corydon Harrison Indiana 1890 Indianapolis County Superintendent 10 Corydon 100
1890 Tomlin J.H. Clinton Shelbyville Vermillion Indiana 1890 Indianapolis Superintendent 10 Illinois Terre Haute Normal 1879 Pike County Indiana 45 100
Last edit 8 months ago by indjulia
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 10 in total