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3 revisions
dlh at Nov 19, 2020 04:25 PM


Boston Baked Beans

Soak 1 quart white beans overnight in
cold water with 1/2 t soda. In the
morning put on fresh cold water with
1/2 t soda and simmer until beans
can be pierced with a fork. Turn into
a colander and pour cold water through
them. Place in a bean pot or dripping pan.
Wash 1/4 lb salt pork part fat and part
lean. Cut the rind through in strips.
Bury the pork in the beans leaving the
rind exposed.
Mix 1 t salt
and 1 t mustard with 1/3 c molasses.
Fill cup with water. Mix well and pour
over beans. Add hot water to
cover. Keep covered with water until
last hour then brown on top.
Cook 5 hours or longer in moderate oven.


Boston Baked Beans

Soak 1 quart white beans overnight in
cold water with 1/2 t soda. In the
morning put on fresh cold water with 1/2 t
soda and simmer until beans
can be pierced with a fork. Turn into
a colander and pour cold water through
them. Place in a bean pot or dripping pan.
Wash 1/4 lb salt pork part fat and part
lean. Cut the rind through in strips.
Bury the pork in the beans leaving the
rind exposed.
Mix 1 t salt
and 1 t mustard with 1/3 c molasses.
Fill cup with water. Mix well and pour
over beans. Add hot water to
over. Keep covered with water until
last hour then brown on top.
Cook 5 hours or longer in moderate oven.