1860 Copying Book: Secretary's Letters and Treasurer's Letters, 2005.062.003

Letterpress Copying Book. Bound ledger of Secretary's and Treasurer's Correspondence, October 30, 1860-June 27, 1870, pp. 1-485. Including the correspondence of Henry B. MacKintosh and Austin J. Coolidge.


Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 016)

Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 016)


"Voted, that the Committee chosen to investigate the Superindentant's accounts be authorized to appoint temporarily, a clerk or clerks to receive and disburse moneys at Mount Auburn, and a person to take charge of the Gate."

Respy & truly yours A. J. Coolidge Secretary.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Thom Burns
Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 017)

Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 017)


Boston Jona Mann Esq, Supt & [?] -

Dear Sirs,

By^reading the following action of the Board of Trustees of Mount Auburn, at the monthly meeting held this day, you will receive notice from me.

A communication was read from Dr J.V.C Smith, to the affect that he had been informed by Mr E.L. Lunt, a painter, that Mr Mann, the Superintendent, had demanded of him a percentage on his labor there, for the privilege allowed him of working on the premises. -

Upon motion by Mr Curtis, it was voted that when this meeting adjourn, it be next Monday, at 10 oclock A.M. to hear such testimony as the said E.L. Lunt may give in regard to the allegation said to be made by him, and for the transaction of any other business that may come before the Board; and that the Secretary be directed to require the attendance of Mr Lunt on the day, and also to notify Mr Mann that he will be expected to attend that meeting, and make his answer to the above named charge, and to the following charges - to wit; of short credits in the following accounts viz. of Nathaniel Thayer, Tisdale Drake, R.W.T. Cooper, Benj. T. Reed, J.B. Whall's Estate, and T.B. Wales; and of receiving compensation for his services from John Borland.

Respectfully yours, A.J. Coolidge Secretary

Last edit about 2 years ago by Thom Burns
Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 018)

Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 018)


33 School St Boston, Mr E.L. Lunt,


By a vote of the Trustees of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn, at a meeting held yesterday, I was directed to request your attendance at an adjourned meeting of their Board, to be held on at this office, no. 51 Niles Block, (entrance 33 School St.) to state what you know in regard to any demand at any time made by Jonathan Mann, the Superintendent of said Cemetery, of any person or persons, in the nature of a commission upon work done by them in the Cemetery on account of individual proprietors: And I was further directed to inform you that you would be paid for your time.

You will please be particularly careful to communicate with no one upon this subject.

Your attendance at the time and place will be depended on.

By order of the Board, A.J. Coolidge Secretary

Last edit about 2 years ago by Thom Burns
Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 019)

Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 019)


Boston, Jonathan Mann Esq

Dear Sir,

Your communication of this date addresssed to the Trustees of Mount Auburn Cemetery was laid before the Board at their meeting this afternoon, and the following was their action thereon.

Voted that the resignation of Jona. Mann as Superintendent of Mount Auburn be accepted, this Board having no reference by this act to any other portion of the subject matter of Mr Mann's communication of this date, in which his resignation is tendered.

Mr Curtis stated that he was informed by Mr Merwin, counsel for Mr Mann, that Mr Mann was ready to serve the Trustees until the works in progress at Mount Aubrun should be completed, if such was the pleasure of the Trustees: - and

Upon motion by Mr Curtis, it was voted that the Committee on Grounds be authorized to employ Mr Mann, or any other person, as they may see fit, until the further order of this Board.

Respectfully yours

A. J. Coolidge Secretary

Last edit about 2 years ago by Thom Burns
Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 020)

Copying Book: Secretary's Letters, 1860 (page 020)

33 School St. Boston N. G. Carnes Esq.

Dear Sir,

Yours of Ap. 25th, with Mount Auburn bills enclosed, was only recd. In behalf of the Committee that addressed you I will say that the legers do not show any other important bills, and unless you have since found others, you need not be at the trouble to examine. I return the bill of $144.50 which I find correct.

I have asked the Superintendant as to the bill of $14. He says it was intended for you, and that he confounded your name with another on our catalogue. I therefore make a copy with your name, and enclose, which I will receipt for you when you remit.

Very truly yours, A. J. Coolidge

Boston, 33 School St

Mrs Ede Sanderson

Dear Madam,

Your request to know for what sum the Trustees of Mount Auburn Cemetery would assume the perpetual care of your lot, No. 1833, on Acanthus Path, was duly laid before the Committee on Lots, who have charge of the subject, and they have directed me to inform you that the Corporation will contract with you for the perpetual repair of said lot for the sum of three hundred dollars.

At any time when you shall signify it, I shall be ready to prepare the necessary document for your signature.

Truly yours A. J. Coolidge Secretary

Last edit about 2 years ago by Thom Burns
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 521 in total