fol. 05r


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10 revisions
cristobal -oldfordham at Jun 08, 2015 10:08 PM

fol. 05r

Ic quicāuhquê in quicuāyâ cencâ huè-
cāuhtica in totōlòticatcâ.

Auh niman
ic quinnōtz in diablo quimilhuì. “Xiquin-
nahuatīcān in amēchhuīcâ in chicuēcal-
pōltin xiquimilhuīcān camo tiyāzquê
zan nicān titocuepazquê.”

In ōquimilhuì-
quê cencâ tlaōcoxquê in yehhuantin in
chicuēcalpōltin. In ōquinnahuatìquê ni-
man ōquitòquê in chicuēcalpōltin.
“Totēucyōhuāné cāmpa anti[y]azquê ca ta-
mēchtohuīquilia.” Niman occeppa ōqui-
milhuìquê. « Ca àmo ca zan anyazquê »

Niman ic atto huālpeuhquê in chicuē-
calpōltin ōmpa quimoncāuhquê in
cuahuitl ītzintlān huècāuhtica in ōm-
pa catcâ. In ōhuālpeuhquê
in òtlica impan ōàcicò in tlātlācteco-
lò huēy[i] cōmitl ītlan huèhuetzoquê.
īhuān cequintin mizquitl ītzintlān
huèhuetztoquê. Yehhuāntin in quintō-
Mīmixcōhuâ in cē tlācatl ītō-
cā xiuhneltzin inic ōme ītōcā mimi-
tzin inicuēyi in cihuātl inhueltiuh.
Occeppa oncān ōquinnōtz in diablo
in huitzillopochtli quimilhuì. « Xiqui


So they left what they were eating. For along time they kept their heads down.

Then the devil yelled after them, saying to them, "Order those who carry you, the eight calpullis, say to them, 'We won't go. Instead, we'll turn back here.'"

When they had told them this, the seven houses were very sad. When they had given them their orders, the eight calpullis said, "Our dear lords, where will you go? We will carry you, oh lords." But again they said to them, "No. You will go alone."

Thus they retook their journey, leaving the eight calpulli under the tree that was there long ago.

fol. 05r

Ic quicāuhquê in quicuāyâ cencâ huè-
cāuhtica in totōlòticatcâ.

Auh niman
ic quinnōtz in diablo quimilhuì. “Xiquin-
nahuatīcān in amēchhuīcâ in chicuēcal-
pōltin xiquimilhuīcān camo ti[y]āzquê
za[n] nicān titocuepazquê.”

In ōquimilhuì-
quê cencâ tlaōcoxquê in yehhuantin in
chicuēcalpōltin [.] in ōquinnahuatìquê ni-
man ōquitòquê in chicuēcalpōltin.
“Totēucyōhuāné cāmpa anti[y]azquê ca ta-
mēchtohuīquilia.” Niman occeppa ōqui-
milhuìquê. « Ca àmo ca zan anyazquê »

Niman ic atto huālpeuhquê in chicuē-
calpōltin ōmpa quimoncāuhquê in
cuahuitl ītzintlān huècāuhtica in ōm-
pa catcâ [.] in ōhuālpeuhquê
in òtlica impan ōàcicò in tlātlāteco-
lò huēy[i] cōmitl ītlan huèhuetzoquê.
īhuān cequintin mizquitl ītzintlān
huèhuetztoquê [.] yehhuāntin in quintō-
Mīmixcōhuā[h] in cē tlācatl ītō-
cā xiuhneltzin inic ōme ītōcā mimi-
tzin inicuēyi in cihuātl inhueltiuh.
Occeppa oncān ōquinnōtz in diablo
in huitzillopochtli quimilhuì. « Xiqui


So they left what they were eating. For along time they kept their heads down.

Then the devil yelled after them, saying to them, "Order those who carry you, the eight calpullis, say to them, 'We won't go. Instead, we'll turn back here.'"

When they had told them this, the seven houses were very sad. When they had given them their orders, the eight calpullis said, "Our dear lords, where will you go? We will carry you, oh lords." But again they said to them, "No. You will go alone."

Thus they retook their journey, leaving the eight calpulli under the tree that was there long ago.