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7 revisions
SusanE at Oct 01, 2021 11:39 AM


One of my new recruits turns out [non-confs?] - I
have made out papers for his discharge - & shall write
a letter to the Selectors who enlisted him [giving?] my
mind - it is a shame - & he should not be credited
on their quota - I think I shall apply to
Washburn to that effect.

That [nigger?] I sent Mary is a genius I
tell you - the picture is good - but dont expres
his character - I sent the same to Miss [Bugble?]
much to her amusement -

I have received no letters from Henry or
Edward - I think Mr. [Chillis?] is keeping
them from correspondence with us - Don't you?

In our drills the field officers are mounted -
I send a sketch of our [horses?] & our camp -

Wish you could come on & see it -
I have considered that matter of the bond, & am
in favor of getting it at once - Of course the coupons
should be cashed as fast as [?], as gold must fall
to its normal condition some time -

With much love as ever
Aldace F. Walker


One of my new recruits turns out [non-confs?] - I
have made out papers for his discharge - & shall write
a letter to the Selectors who enlisted him [giving?] my
mind - it is a shame - & he should not be credited
on their quota - I think I shall apply to
Washburn to that effect.

That [?] I sent Mary is a genius I
tell you - the picture is good - but dont expres
his character - I sent the same to Miss [Bugble?]
much to her amusement -