Page 114


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20 revisions
Marie Richards at Apr 05, 2023 03:56 PM

Page 114

dun homme. Une aultre beste si treuve moult fi
ere. la quelle a corps de cheval et teste de sangler et
a queue dolifant. Si a deux cornes qui sont une cou
te de grant chascune. dont il met une dessus son doz
endementiers quil se combat de laultre. Il est noir
et est moult terrible beste et penible et merveilles
est en eaue et en terre. Ancores y sont veuz thoriaux
qui sont tous blancs. ilz ont grosse teste. et la bou
che ont tant large que la fente en dure le dune o
reille jusques a laultre. et a cornes quil remue
entour lui. si que nul ne le poeut dompter. Une
aultre maniere de bestes ra en ynde que len appel
le manthirora si a face dhomme. et a trois grans
dens en la bouche grans a merveilles. Il a yeulx
de chieure et corps de lyon et a queue de scorpion si
a voix de serpent telle que par son doulz chant at
trait les gens et les devenre. Et est plus habille
daler que nest ung oyseau de voler Il ya pareille
ment une maniere de beufz qui ont les pies tous
reondz et ont el milieu du front trois cornes. An
cores ya il une aultre beste de moult beau corsa


of a man. Another, very proud, beast is found there,
which has a horse's body, a boar's head,
and an elephant's tail. It has two horns, each
of which is about one and a half feet long, and it keeps one
of the horns on its back [by turning sideways] while it fights with the other one.
It is black, and is a most terrible beast, nimble and marvelous
in water and on land. And again there are to be seen
bulls that are completely white, each with a large head and
a mouth so big that the gap extends from one ear to
the other, and horns that it moves around
so that no one can master it. Another
kind of beast in India is called
the manthirora [manticore], which has the face of
a man, three large teeth in an enormous mouth,
the eyes of a goat, the body of a lion, and the tail of a
scorpion. It has a serpent's voice, so that with
its sweet song it attracts people and then devours them.
It moves with more ease than a bird can fly. There is also
a type of ox with completely round feet and three
horns in the middle of its forehead. And there is
another beast with very beautiful

Page 114

dun homme. Une aultre beste si treuve moult fi
ere. la quelle a corps de cheval et teste de sangler et
a queue dolifant. Si a deux cornes qui sont une cou
te de grant chascune. dont il met une dessus son doz
endementiers quil se combat de laultre. Il est noir
et est moult terrible beste et penible et merveilles
est en eaue et en terre. Ancores y sont veuz thoriaux
qui sont tous blancs. ilz ont grosse teste. et la bou
che ont tant large que la fente en dure le dune o
reille jusques a laultre. et a cornes quil remue
entour lui. si que nul ne le poeut dompter. Une
aultre maniere de bestes ra en ynde que len appel
le manthirora si a face dhomme. et a trois grans
dens en la bouche grans a merveilles. Il a yeulx
de chieure et corps de lyon et a queue de scorpion si
a voix de de serpent telle que par son doulz chant at
trait les gens et les devenre. Et est plus habille
daler que nest ung oyseau de voler Il ya pareille
ment une maniere de beufz qui ont les pies tous
reondz et ont el milieu du front trois cornes. An
cores ya il une aultre beste de moult beau corsa


of a man. Another, very proud, beast is found there,
which has a horse's body, a boar's head,
and an elephant's tail. It has two horns, each
of which is about one and a half feet long, and it keeps one
of the horns on its back [by turning sideways] while it fights with the other one.
It is black, and is a most terrible beast, nimble and marvelous
in water and on land. And again there are to be seen
bulls that are completely white, each with a large head and
a mouth so big that the gap extends from one ear to
the other, and horns that it moves around
so that no one can master it. Another
kind of beast in India is called
the manthirora [manticore], which has the face of
a man, three large teeth in an enormous mouth,
the eyes of a goat, the body of a lion, and the tail of a
scorpion. It has a serpent's voice, so that with
its sweet song it attracts people and then devours them.
It moves with more ease than a bird can fly. There is also
a type of ox with completely round feet and three
horns in the middle of its forehead. And there is
another beast with very beautiful