Herbert Mackarsie journal

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landed from the Coast of Africa - A Dundee barque came inside - In the afternoon made arrangements for a Picnic tomorrow. Commdr went alongside French Man of War, and was told Cholera was very bad at Rio. An Officer belonging to the Avon, who had been left in charge of the Swedish Brig., joined our mess. Fever on the increase on shore, several fatal cases having occurred - Most of the Officers and one half of the Ship's Company on shore: weather very hot and unpleasant. Turned in early after making arrangements for a Picnic next day.

October 18th At 5 got up and dressed, had breakfast - and by seven, we were ashore where a carriage & horses were waiting to take us to Beberba : we found the roads very bad, the dry sand being very deep, so that we had often to get out of our conveyances, as the poor horses could not drag us on: we got to a house where the landlord was very extortionate so we left without paying him anything; and went into the bush and had our grub, grog and baccy on the grass, and got nicely covered with black ants : when the sun got low we made a start for Pernambuco, and got into town after walking half the distance, the horses being done up.

October 19th Not much improved by our last days amusements, got on board at 7 but not much inclined for breakfast - At 11 the English and French Consuls came on board with the Commdr. At noon the Brazilian Brig in harbor fired a Royal salute. French Brig of war sailed. Several of our men in limbo for fighting with some Brazy

October 20th At 5 all the Officers went ashore to play billiards having Pridham and myself on board. 8.30 they returned and at 9 we sat down to a capital supper given by Pridham before leaving, (as expected) for England. Being

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Chairman the duty devolved on me to propose his health, and a speedy and properous passage home making as flowery a speech as I could : he returned the toast in a very short speech, which I was glad of, not wishing to refer to the unpleasantness that happened before: after two or three glasses of grog, we went on deck, smoked, and turned in at midnight -

October 20th In the morning early, I was awoke by hearing a Steamer was in sight, and at once turned out expecting it to be the mail, but it turned out to be a Brazilian Steamer from Rio, however we learnt that the Packet had left, in the forenoon another Steamer arrived from Para.

Commdr came on board : The Purser adrift somewhere. In the afternoon several of the Officers went ashore to ride to fashnagar. Some of our men came off very drunk, and one of them even struck the Officer of the watch on the Quarter deck. I had shut my cabin door when my messmates came on board and insisted on my making it Saturday night, and it was midnight before we all turned in.

Sunday October 21st The hottest morning I ever felt, the perspriation actually running off me in streams : still no appearance of the English Mail - 13 of our men on shore and many on board very rudy - 9 sent a boat for Commdr. waited for him till noon, when she was recalled. At 1 the Purser came off changed his linen and went ashore again - Dined at 2ish Several of the men came off very drunk.

October 23rd Anxiously looking for the Mail, a large fleet of ships outside in Quarantine - In the afternoon heard of the death, from Fever, of a young gentleman who dined with us only three days previously - Most of our officers on shore - Very unwell all day -

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October 23rd At 7 saw the Packet coming from Rio, all confusion, and writing letters, a large addition to my list in consequence of giving leave - Sent a boat to the Steamer, but could not get our bag in consequence of the Steamer being in Quarantine : at 1 sent the Avon's Officer on board : saw the mails coming in, and stop at the Light house to be fumigated: sent another boat but still could not get the letters. At 2 a boat came alongside with our bag, got letters from LQ M-r and Mr Brown - One hour left to read and answer them. Wrote a hurried note to dear Anq - Much annoyed to find the Packet did not sail till seven, four hours after the appointed time. Heard that the Flag Ship and Express were coming here, and some probability of our being ordered home-

October 24th Prepared for going to sea - Exercised at gun drill - In the forenoon a Brig got on shore on the bar, but as the tide was flowing she soon was all right - Commdr came on board and ordered the fires to be lighted at 12.30Noon Pilot came on board, when we commenced unmooring ship - At 2 steam up, weighed and steamed out of harbor passed the Brazilian Commodore going in : Pilot left us - At 4 let the fires go out and made sail - After Quarters exercised shifting sails-

October 25th On this day two years we were put in Commission - Standing in towards the land under easy sail, exercised at gun drill. Saw two sail in the afternoon - At 5 sighted the ships in the outer roads of Pernambuco, tacked and stood out to sea again - Exercised shifting jib &c-

October 26th At 2 very nearly ran over two catarmarans 6 tacked and stood in toward the land - 9 bore

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up and squared yards running in for Pernambuco - Went to General Quarters - At 10 saw Glinda. Saw several vessels at anchor in the outer roads : in the evening tacked and stood out to sea again -

October 27th At 6 went round, and stood in for the land - 11 Saw Glinda, made sail: passed a very large whale and a shark close to him. All very anxious about the arrival of the English Mail and the Admiral. At noon saw a Brig of War, and soon made her out to be the Express and at once made our Pendants which were soon answered. Ran in together and anchored, the English Consul coming on board and telling us of the fall of Sebastopol - Signal from the Express. Sebastopol is no more. - In the afternoon Commdr went alongside Express, and afterwards on shore, returning at 10 when we were enjoying a supper, after hearing such good news.

Sunday October 28th At anchor off Pernambuco. At 9.30 went to Divisions and perfomred Divine Service. While at dinner at 2 the Quarter master reported a Steamer coming in from the Nward, and soon after the Express fired a gun and hoisted the Packet Flag, and in an hour the Tamor, a new steamer anchored: sent for the Mail but the Express being Senior Officer took charge of it and we were consequently some hours later in getting ours : however at last I found a letter from L-y AM-r and learnt by our papers that Sebastopol was ours -

October 29th At 8 hoisted Mast head flags in commemoration of the taking of Sebastopol, flying a French Ensign at the main - 10 fired a Royal Salute - Commdr went on shore and heard there was plenty of slaving going on, on the Coast, wished we might be sent there.

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October 30th - Still no appearance of either the Flag Ship or the Purser, the latter having been ashore since Saturday - Commdr Boyce of Express, very fond of exercising, particularly when the sun was very hot. In the afternoon Ross came off, and was anxious to go ashore again, when he heard the boats being hoisted up: but was obliged to remain-

October 31st At 7 a signal from the Express to be ready for sea at 1 PM - Arrived a fine large Trowship from Liverpool - Commdr came off at 10 - Exercised at hoisting and lowering 2nd gig - At 1 Commenced to weigh, loosed sails; pails of Capsteria carried away, which took possession of the deck, how half the Ship's company was not killed is a miracle - Made a signal to Express who was under Sail, that we were disabled, and asked permission to get steam up and go inside to repair damages; granted, fired a gun and hoisted a Pilot flag: 3 Pilot came off, have short with a tackle and at 4.15 got our anchor, and steamed inside the Reef, where we moored in our fomer position -

Thursday November 1st 1855 At Pernambuco At 7 the Express was seen standing in: made a signal to repair damage as expeditiously as possible - 9.30 Commdr went on shore with the old Carpts mate to buy the requisite articles to repair out Capstery.

Nov 2nd Early this morning a large Ship a long way was reported in the offiing standing toward the anchorage: in the forenoon the English and French Consuls came on board. At 1 made out the Admirals flag in company with the Express, made our Pendants to him - Consuls went ashore, and great excitement prevailed. In the

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afternoon they both stood out to sea

November 3rd At day light saw the Express not far off and sent a boat to communicate, and learnt from her that the Frigate which we took for the Flag Ship, was the Castor31 days from England, and bound to the Cape - English consul dined with Commdr and invited me to dinner next week - In the evening some gentlemen from shore came off and spent a couple of hours - After they left I had a quiet game of cribbage, made it Saturday night and turned in

Sunday November 4th - At Pernambuco - At 7 communicated with the Express - Saw a large Steamer coming from the Sward 9.30 Went to Divisions 10.30 went away in the gig to the English Church, where we heard an excellent Sermon preached by the Revd Mr. Morgan relative to the fall of Sebastopol: got on board to dinner and in the evening went ashore for a couple of hours, to the Sardinian Consuls It was a great day among the Portuguese, the Brazilian Troops were all under arms, a feu de joie was fired, the Le Deurn played and sang by a very large Orchestra, and a grand display of fireworks took place at noon.

November 5th Battle of Larkermon, Guy Fawkes &c Blowing fresh from the Sward. In the forenoon went ashore and played billiards, came off to dinner, had a siesta and in the evening went to Mr Bowman's, a Scotchman, where I had tea; Mrs Bowman and I (a Dundee lady) very soon got great friends, as I had been aCollege Mate with some young men formerly friends of hers : spent a very pleasant evening and left at 9, after accepting an invitation from Mr. Morgan the Clergyman

November 6th Shortly after daylight saw the Express;

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bent sails, and prepared for going to sea. Had a party on board in the evening.

November 7th Went ashore in the forenoon to see an accident, fracture of thigh, afterwards prescribed for a case of Erysipelas, which unfortunately proved fatal in 48 hours : played at billiards in evening and got on board before ten.

November 8th A request for my advice in a Fever case, Mrs W L in a great Junk : after stopping an hour, smoking a cigar I went on board about noon - After dinner, commenced unmooring : Pilot came off : fired a gun for Mr Ross, who was on shore and sent an officer and boats crew to bring him off. At 3 (having got him on board) weighed and steamed out of the Reefe : after the Pilot left, let the fires burn down, and made sail - At 8.30 showed lights and communicated with Express: ordered to go in on Sunday - Old Ross, very screwy.

November 9th Standing along the land to the Nward - under easy sail. 9 went to General Quarters - In the afternoon passed several vessels, bound apparently for Pernambuco

November 10th At daylight tacked and made sail. 11 saw a brig supposed to be a Man of War, altered course and stood towards her: 3 came up with her found her to be a Brig from Liverpool, tacked again and stood out to sea - At 8.30 made it Saturday night, smoked and turnedin.

Sunday November 11th At Sea. At daylight bore up and ran in towards the land. - 9 the land reported in sight from the masthead - 9.30 Mustered

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by open list, inspected ship, and performed Divine Service - At 11 a large ship reported, soon made her out to be the Admiral, with Express in Com At 12 Christian dined with us : at 35 anchored close to the Flag Ship, Commdr went alongside.

November 12th Communicated by boat with Flag received a letter from an old Messmate. Commdr went ashore: in the Evening Haywood came on board and slept all night, going ashore early in beef boat, with Ross

November 13th At 8 Christian came off - 9 Signaled from Flag to spread awnings : 9.30 another to go to General Quarters - Commdr went alongside the Flag Ship and from her to the Express, returning with Dr Sole: he told us the Admiral intends to hoist his Flag on board of us when we are to take him inside the Recife, where he and his Sente will go to the Consuls for four days, when we shall take him back to his own Ship, and then proceed in company with him to Bahia - In the evening Christian and Sole went ashore.

November 14th Sent cutter in for fresh beef for Indefatigable In the forenoon Pridham struck work being superseded by McLennon (Mate) the farmer going home in the Packet. Express went inside of Recife - In the afternoon Commdr went ashore - A long heavy swell setting in. Joined Mr Netton

November 15th Sent boat for fresh beef for Admiral and ourselves - In the forenoon went on board the Indefatigable went round her decks with the Flag Lieutenant G Burgeon, and afterwards inspected the sick (36 in no.) with Woodcock Gave a supper to Pridham before his leaving for England, three of the Flag Ship's Officers being part of our Company

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November 10th: At 10 the Admiral with his Secretary and Flag Ship came on board, and inspected ship: at noon they left. In the afternoon Ross got very drunk, and was put under arrest.

November 17th Very hot, and little wind - Commdr went on board Flag Ship - At noon Woodcock came on board to luncheon, during which time the Yellow Flag was hauled down, putting us both out of Quarantine. At 1 our English Consul went on board, and was saluted with the usual number of guns afterwards saluted the Brazilian Flag. Arrived a Brazilian Brig of War - Exercised at musket drill firing blank.

November 11th Mustered by Divisions, and performed Divine Service. Released from Quarantine-

November 19th In the morning a Steamer reported from the Sward soon made her out to be the Packet for England: finished my letter to L-y- Admiral's Band came on board and at 10 a Pilot - 10.30 Admiral came, and we got steam up and proceeded inside the Recife - Pridham left for the passage home in Tamur - In the evening all the Officers went ashore to the Consul's spread -

November 20th In the morning all confusion, and many people sudy from the evening party at the Consuls. At 10 the Admiral came on board, and afterwards went on board the Brazilian Commodore's Ship, and on leaving was salute with 13 guns, which was returned by the Flag Ship - Captain Hope came on board, and had a long yarn about what happened many years ago. In the evening the Band played some Scotch tunes, but very badly, most of them

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being very drunk, the Lass of Gowrie quite a failure

November 21st At 9.30 went on board Express on a Surrey on Invalids - 10.30 Admiral came on board, remaining till 1, writing Cards of Invitation for Monday to a ball on board - In the evening went ashore with the Flag Lieut.

November 22nd Admiral called on Brazilian Commodore saluted on leaving the ship which was returned by the Indefatigable - Dr Woodcock came on board - In the afternoon went to Mr Bowmans Foundry, and at 6 crossed the river in a canoe, and called on Mrs Bowman, where we spent a very pleasant evening, with music and whiskey toddy, and it was midnight - before I got on board -

November 23rd At 10 the Admiral came on board, and at 11.30 We were all in cocked hats &c to receive the President, Brazilian Commodore, and our Consul: there was a grand turn out, for they all had a Lieut with them - after remaining about an hour they left and I was glad to see them over the side - In the evening we had the Band up -

November 24th All hands busy, shifting guns, and preparing for our grand fete on Monday - At 11 the Admiral came on board, remaining till 1 PM, where he went ashore with the Commdr and Secretary to a party, The Band being sent ashore shortly afterwards. In the evening we had cards, music and singing making it Saturday night with the "Maids of Merry England".

Sunday November 25th At seven the Band returned, and there was a great deal of polishing and preparing

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