[Three story building in left upper hand corner] PERFECTION IN TEXTILES-A SLATER FAMILY TRADITION SINCE 1790 [Building in right upperhand corner] THE SLATER NEWS Old Slater Mill PAWTUCKET, R.I. VOL. 3 Slater, S. c., December 22, 1945 No. 26 Slater Mill EST. 1790 SLATOR, SO. CAROLINA 1943 Men Overseas To Be Well Fed This Christmas
Another Christmas overseas for thousands of our sons far from home on occupation duty, in spite of heartbreaking separatiions, will be as happy and merry as War Department facilities and resources can make it.
In the words of Lieut. Gen. George E. Stratmeyer, Commanding General of the Army Air Forces in China, who recently announced that the bulk of Army Air Forces personnel still in the China Theater would be home by Christmas, -"The War Department and the Commanding Generals of all overseas theaters realize how anxious you are to have your loved ones home again. They realize, too, how much your men want to be home. As many men as it is humanly possible to bring back will arrive in this country before Christmas.
"It is not an easy-task to accomplish for much remains to be done if the hard victory we have won is to bear fruit. Even in your yearning for husbands, fathers, sons and brothers you would not want us to fail now in the complete fulfillment of our determination to achieve a just and reasonable peace."
The traditional Christmas turkey dinner will be served to all army personnel overseas and those enroute home on ships, planes and shipboard. Within the continental limits of the United States, G. I. Joe may invite his whole family and his girl friend, too, to enjoy turkey and trimmings Army style with him on Christmas at a small cost. The only limitation placed on the Army's hospitality is such as may be imposed by commanding officers of posts, camps and stations based on the availability of mess facilities. The Christmas menu in this country and overseas will be as follows:
BREAKFAST Oranges Dry Cereal Fresh Milk Plain Omelet Toast and Butter Coffee DINNER Fruit Cup Roast Turkey Dressing Gravy Cranberry Sauce Mashed Potatoes Green Peas-Mashed Squash Lettuce Salad French Dressing Celery-Olives-Pickles Hot Mince Pie and Cheese Coffee Candy-Assorted Fruits Nuts SUPPER (Con't on page 3, col.3)
A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year To All! SLATER MANUFACTURING CO, INC. December 29, 1945 [Above & below text spans columns 2-3]
The year of 1945 which is fast drawing to a close will perhaps be acclaimed as the most eventful year in history. While the ending of the great war has brought peace and joy to many nations we cannot forget the great number of our American boys who have paid the supreme sacrifice that we, as individuals, might have American freedom. Many of our boys are now getting back home and we want to welcome each and everyone of them back and let them know we appreciate the many sacrifieces which they have made for us.
It was necessary for our fighting men to have supplies and equipment to carry on the war which had to be furnished by those who couldn't be on the fighting front. We feel that out Slator Plant not only furnished good soldiers but also furnished many millions of yards of badly needed material to help our boys win the war. Hard work and determination did the jon and did it well.
We must now face the furture with the same spirit of cooperation and determination to make a better mill and a better place to live. We are proud of the progress that has been made in the past and with a high goal set for the future we want to go forward and continue to build on the good foundation that was started by Samuel Slater in 1790.
We want to thank all of our people for their fine spirit of loyalty during the year if 1945 and wish for each of you a Merry Christman and a bright and happy New Year for 1946.
The Management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Column 2] Annual Program On Saturday Morn The annual Christmas pro-gram, sponsored by the Slater Manufacturing Company, Inc., for employees and their families will be held at Slator Hall on Saturday morning, December 222nd at 8:30 o'clock. One feature of the program will be musical reditions appropriate for the Yuletide seasons. A brilliantly lighted Christmas tree on the stage will lend color and cheer to the occasion.
All employees are invited and urged to attend this program, since it is the one time of the year when all affiliated with the plant get together. At this time, gifts composed of bags of fruit and nuts will be given by the Company to employees' children under 13 years of age.
Those who work on the third shift are asked to go directly to Slater Hall as soon as they get off from work on Saturday morning.
Early on the morning of the program, Christmas Carols will be played from Slater Hall over the loud speaker so that (Con't on page 3. col. 2)
NOTICE Effective January 1, 1946 all refunds on War Bond deductions will be in War Stamps and not in cash. This applies to employees leaving who may have a balance as well as employees who continue working. Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. [end of column 2]
[column 3] NEW MINISTER HERE WITH METHODIST The Rev. Thomas L. Bryson, new pastor of the Slator Methodist Chruch, has recently arrived and has begun upon his duties.
There are four churches in the Slater charge and besides the local church, the others are: Travelers Rest, Jackson Grove and Renfrew. The Parsonage for this charge is at Travelers Rest and the new minister and his wife have already moved there.
Before coming on this charge Mr. Bryson was in charge of the Greenwood circuit with headquarters in Greenwood, S. C. He was ther for five years. The new minister is a native of Tennessee having been born at Spring City in the state. He attended Emory and Henry College in Va.
For the past 23 years he has been a member of the upper conference of the South Carolinaa Methodist Church and has held a number of pastorates throughout the conference.
Mr. Bryson stated that services at the local Methodist Church will continue on the same schedule as last year with services on the first and fourth Sunday nights at 7:00 o'clock P. M., and the second Sunday, services will be held at 11:00 A. M. There will be no services on third Sundays of the month. Prayer meetings will be held on Wednesday nights at 7:00 o'clock. Due to inclement weather and sickness, prayer meetings have been suspended for the time being but will be resumed as soon as possible. (Con't on page 2, col. 4) [End of column 3]
[Column 4] Tolley Is Winner Of Absentee Race
David Tolley, second shift employee of the Preparation Department, was recently declared the winner of the absenteeism contest put on by the second shift of the Preparation Department.
This contest began January 1, 1945 with all employees on that shift participating. One by one the contesants were elimated until only Mr. Tolley and Mrs. Ivadell Hill remained. Thes two faithful employees coninued day after day to be present until it looked as if there would never be a winner. However, after many weeks, Mrs. Hill had to be absent on account of illness so on November 3, Mr. Tolley was declared the winner.
In a short but impressive ceremony, Mr. O. R. Drury, overseer, in a short speech thanked all of the employees of his shift for the fine spirt of cooperation shown in the contest. He then awarded a $25.00 war bond to Mr. Tolley as winner of the contest and a $10.00 bill to Mrs. Hill as runner up.
Employees and officials of the entire mill wish to congratulate all who participated in the contest and especially to commend the winner and runner up as such a spirit works to the good of all concerned.
A new contest will be started in this department on January 1, 1946. ---------------------------------------------- [picture of Santa Claus] NOTICE For the Christmas Holdays the plant will close at 8:00 A. M., Wednesday, December 26th.
Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. [End of Column 4]
[Column 5]
Tiny Tots Have Big Party At Slater Hall
The two Story Hour groups combined for a Christmas party at Slater Hall on Tuesday afternoon, December 18.
The party room was decorated in the Christmas color scheme of red, green, and white, with tall green candles accentuating the holiday season. The main attraction was the beautiful Christmas tree, resplendent with multi-colred bulbs, sparkling tinsel, colorful balls. and toppted with a star. On the wall above the tree, hung a Christmassy picture of Santa Claus in his sleigh, as his reindeer sped him through the clouds to the homes of little boys and girls on Christmas night.
During the afternoon, the children played Chirstmas games, after which Mrs. Reid, the Libarian, red the poem, "The Night Before Chirstmas," and told the children a Christmas story entitled "Christmas Day." The children then sang "Jingle Bells," and "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town," after which each child was given a container of Christmas candies. Although the children enjoyed the candy, the were also delighted with the containers which they kept as souvenirs. Each Container was in the form of a chimney and fireplace, with colorful stockings hung for Santa Claus to fill. Just above the mantel jolly St. Nick himself was coming down the chimney. The "open fireplace" was made of cellophane which exposed the coloful candies as the children looked in the "fireplace."
There are 54 children enrolled in the Story Hour group.
Those children who belong to the Thursday afternoon group are: Patricia Addington, Rosa Addington, Jimmy Burnette, Kenneth Godfrey, Henry Hayden, Betty Scarce, Peggy Scarce, Sandra Burgess, "Butch" Burgess, Eyvonne Chastain, Wynelle Chastain, Gib Toby, Patsy Ivester, and Tony Waldrop. Also: Dale McWhite, Patsy Hand, Mar jorie Pittman, James Harold Wilson, Billy Ivester, Catherine Pittman, David Eanes Jimmy Wilson, Margaret Hayden and Shirley Mae Huffman.
Those enrolled in the Friday afternoon group are: Douglas Bradberry, Abie Cox, Billie Suttle, Molly White, Sandra Waldrop, JImmy Waldrip, Jimmy Jones, Harold Canham, Patsy Tilley, Frances Burnettte, Nancy Burnette, Carol Thornton, Marie Thornton, Lynn White, and Alton Canham. Also: Bobby Hawkins, Barbara Sue Cole, Ann Henderson, Kay Thrift, (Con't on page 3, col.5) [End of column 5]
Page Two THE SLATER NEWS December 22, 1945
The Slater News Published Every Two Weeks By Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. Established 1790 In the Interest of Its Employees ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [two shield like pictures, one has letters NCIE and the other states Editorial Production Apperance- around the sides of the shield and the letters SAIE in the middle]
STAFF ROBERT H. ATKINSON ________Editor CECIL SPEIGHTS ________Asst. Editor
Weave Room: Ernestine McCall, Nellie Barnette, Walker Reid, Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sara C. Chitwood, Dovie Faust, Lousie Bagwell, and Margaret Johnson.
Preparation Dept.: Jessie Vassey, Dorothy Hawkins, Julia Brown, Mildred Mull, Mary Wallace, Lucille Tate, Ruby Drury, Nellie Ruth Payne, Stanley Hawkins, Irene Cox.
Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith.
Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson, W. Earle Reid, Ruby P. Reid, Doris F. Atkinson ------------------------------------------------- EDITORIALS ---------------------------------- Merry Cristmas
For the first time in five years, the people of the United States, are preparing to celebrate a peacetime Christmas. The God of War, Mars, has been deposed and once again the Dove of Peace reigns supreme.
There is joy in the hearts of all for no longer are our men and boys being hurled against the steel of the enemy. No longer are they forced into the jaws of death and the gates of Hell.
It is true that many will never return for they gave their all in the glorious defeat of our foes which will enable us to celebrate the birth of the Saviour let us remember that He, too, died for all mankind in order that mankind might have left and have ti more abundantly. Therefore, those who will never come back should be remembered in our hearts for the died even as the Saviour died for the more abundant life.
Many have returned to their place amongst us. For this we are grateful and to them we say Merry Christmas to the fullest extent for you have earned it.
To those who still remain away we say Merry Christmas to you. Perhaps by next Christmas you, too, will be back with us. In the meantime, you are not forgotten and we are with you in the spirit of fellowship which prevades this season.
Since it is a time of good fellowship we wish all the rest a Merry Christmas to the fullest extent in the hopes that you will enjoy this season to the greatest possible degree.
In the spirit of Christmas let us all realize we are brothers and as the Saviour pleads, let us all "love one another even
[continued on the bottom of column 2 after a break line]
as I have loved you." Then and only then will we understand the meaning of Merry Christmas.
With this thought in mind The Slater News wishes everyone - a Merry Christmas.
[Top of column 2] Christmas Time
What does Christmas mean to you? Do you regard it as a day of feasting and gift giving? or do you think of its religious significance and its ages old, all important message of "peace on earth and good will to all men"? If your opinion of Christmas day falls in the latter category you are imbued with the true Christmas spirit and your holiday will, doubtless, be one of joy.
We have so many things to be thankful for on the glorious Christmas day, in the year of 1945, that ye editor could not consider listing all of them. We should be thankful most of all, however, for a world at peace and return of our loved ones from the hell of war in distant lands. As for the other reasons for thankfulness on this Christmas day, look deep into your heart and you will find many of them.
Christmas, this year, will shine in all its true flory. It could not be properly celebrated during the long, black years of war because its message of "Peace on earth" was drowned out by the thunder and roar of guns as madmen sought to gain control of the destines fo the world. True, best we could, during the war years but these Christmases were huanted by worry and fear and were but feeble imitations fo the true spirit of Christmas which will prevail over the entire world this year.
Let's take a look at Christmas and see what it really means. We'll stop first at the home of a returned veteran who spent other Christmases under a hair of enemy fire. Here we are! It's a small cottage but it's full of warmth and cheerfulness as can be seen by the lighted windows and the colored lights of a Christmas tree shining through yonder window pane. Let's step inside. Our veteran is the good looking fellow in the gray tweed suit and that handsome blond girl sitting beside him is his wife. She hadn't seen him in four years until this fall. The little girl playing with the doll at her daddy's feet is our veteran's daughter. Her name is Sandra and she's seven years old. Now she's looking up at her daddy with a big smile. Can you hear what she's saying? Well, in case you didn't hear, she said, "Gee I'm glad you're home, daddy!" That's Christmas for you!
Now let's take a peek at Christmas in a veterans' hospital. Those men seated in wheel chairs around the communal Christmas tree are veterans from all the theatres of war. Some have lost legs, others arms and some are totally blind. But they are all smilling and in good spirits for this is what they've all dreamed about - a Christmas in their own native land- a Christmas free from pain and hurt - a Christamas that assures them that they will fight no more. We owe this Christmas day to
[continued on column 3 after the line break]
them. They made it possible through their sacrifices in the war against the dictators. Thats Christmas for you!
Are you beginning to get the Christmas spirit? Let's take a look into the home of an average American citizen who could be you. He's seated at the head of the festive board with his family around him. He's just an ordinary fellow but he made this Christmas of peace possibel too. He stayed on his job during the war years. He bought bonds and wrote leters to boys overseas. He kept this nation in working order for our boys to come home to. He's the fellow who backed the attack on the home front and gave to the full extent of his ability to help the war effort. He's entitled to that atmosphere of content which surrounds him like a halo as he carves the turkey. That's Christmas for you!
There are many more joyous Christmas seasons in the offing but non will be as joyous as this one. This is a special Christmas! It is a Christmas which was the goal in the minds of all of us as we did our bit throughout the war years. It's a Christmas day on which our hearts will be truly filled with the ancient message of, "Peace on earth and good will to all men!"
[Top of column 3] Cloth Room Chatter
Miss Margaret Raxter spent a recent week-end with Mrs. Lila Mae Henry and children recently.
Mrs. Estelle Coggins and Mrs. Mary Cline tell us that their father, Mr. J. N. Timmons, is greatly improved after an operation at the General Hospital in Greenville.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Shirley had as their week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stroud of Greenville.
Mrs. Emma Looper of Dacusville visted her daughter and grand daughter, Mrs. Sallie Guest and Mrs. Ralph Goldsmith recently.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Whitmire of Rosamond, N. C. visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Morrison of Travelers Rest last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Coleman of Travelers Rest were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Batson and family.
Everyone is glad to hear Miss Clara Talley's father, Mr. C. C. Talley is improving after a serious operation.
"Pete" Phillips, S-2/C, brother of Miss Margaret Phillips, is home of leave from Brooklyn, N. Y.
There are still quite a number of employees in the Cloth Room on sick list. We wish for each a speedy recovery.
The Cloth Room welcomes Mr. Dee Bishop as a new employee. He has recently been discharged from the Army. We are glad to have Dee with us and wish him much success.
Mrs. Opal W. Smith and Mrs. Mary Cline were very happy to recieve word that their husbands, Pfc. Paul Cline and Sgt. Ray Smith had landed in the States. Both men are now home with their families.
Mrs. Agnes Bagwell has returned to her job as Cloth
[continued at the bottom of column 4]
Grader after being out for some time due to illness
Mr. L. T. Scarce is having to run several jobs these days: His family is in bed with the flu, yet he is still cheerful as ever. His employeees are ready and waiting to lend him a helping hand. All wish for his family a speedy recovery.
A Christmas program is to be given at the Middle River Baptist Church. The time and date for the program has not been set. Santa will be present to help with the Christmas tree, after the program.
Margie Friddle, Mildred and Margaret Mull were dinner guests of Gene and Hope Simmons last Sunday.
Glenn Raxter is expected home any day now. His parents recieved a telegram several days ago, saying that he had landed in San Francisco. They are also expecting a telegram for Hugh, saying that he has landed in N. Y.
Lila Wood is happy because all three of her brothers are to be home this Christmas. It has been several years since they have had the privilege of being home at the same time. Grace Calloway's boy friend, Coy Barton, is now home after serving 13 months overseas. He is a Veteran of France, Belgium and Germany.
Boyd Bridgeman, who recently returned from overseas, now has his Discharge from the U. S. Army. Mr. Bridgeman is the brother of Mrs. B. F. Barton of Marietta, S. C.
Charlie McCall informs us that his brother, Pfc. Robert McCall is expected to soon be home from the Army.
Harry Tinsley and Verdery Cooper of the U. S. Army and Frank Ammons of the U. S. Navy are the Service men who have returned to work in the Slasher Room on the second shift. We extend to each a hearty welcome.
T/Sgt. C. A. Brown and his wife, Nita, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Drury. Sgt. Brown is Mrs. Drury's brother. He is on a ninety day furlough, after having re-enlisted with the U. S. Army. He is to report back to Fort Bragg, N. C. Mr. Cecil Barnett is home again, having served over two years with the U. S. Navy. We are all glad to see him back.
Edward SHelton, S-2/C, is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blane Shelton of Marietta, S. C.
Thos on the sick list from Marietta are: Mrs. George Bowers, Mrs. P. P. Truesdale and children, Reid drury and
[continued on cloumn 5]
Mr. Blane Shelton. We hope for all of them, a speedy recovery.
The Committee for electing Church officers met after Prayer Meeting, Tuesday night, to elect officers for the coming year for the Marietta Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Phillips attended the annual Christmas supper for the Cooper Masonic Lodge at Dave Stansell's, Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hughes had as their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hughes and Mrs. J. M. Hughes and sons, Boyce, Dan and Charles, who have recently returned from overseas, and Bobbie Clamp from Belton, S. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Bray spent the week-end in ROyston, Georgia with Mrs. Bray's parents.
Mrs. Dorothy McWhite wishes to express her sincere thanks for the lovely flowers and kind expressions of sympathy sent to her famiy following the death of her brother, Joe Chiles.
Cecil D. Martin of the U. S. Marines is at home. He recently received his discharge. He served in the Philippines and on Okinawa. He is the brother of Mrs. Grace Tate.
Donald Hall, brother of Gaynell Coleman and Louise and Frances Hall is expected home with a discharge about December 20th.
Pvt. Chester Tolley has been home on furlough. He and Mrs. Tolley visited her mother, Mrs. Mulkey of Murphy, N. C.
James Edward Bates has just received his discharge from the U. S. Navy. He is the brother of Mrs. Lois Jewell. Mrs. Jewell's husband, Sgt. William A. Jewell is also home for the holidays.
Mr.and Mrs. Paul Gilreath were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elzie Bowers recently.
Clarence Pearson was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cisson. He has recently returned from overseas.
The people of Walnut Grove community are having a Christmas program and a Christmas tree for the children. The public is invited.
New Minister
(Con't. from page 1, col. 3)
Sunday School meets every Sunday morning at 10:00 A. M. with F. E. Penland as Superintendent.
The public is invited to attend any and all of these services wehre a warm and friendly welcome awaits them.
The people of Slater extend the new minister a cordial welcome into the community. In
[continued on at the bottom of column 5]
turn, Mr. and Mrs. Bryson extend a warm welcome to the people here to visit them at thier new home.
The world is wearied of statesmen whom democracy has degraded into politicians. -Disraeli
Snobbery is the pride of those who are not sure of their posititon. -Berton Braley
[picture of a dog who is looking at a trap on the ground]
December 22, 1945 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Griner were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Waldrop and children of Easley, were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sprouse.
Mrs. Cecil Stroud has been all smiles for the past few days. She is expecting her husband, Pvt. Walter T. Stroud, home from overseas soon.
Cpl. George E. Jewell of the U. S. Marines, brother of Mrs. "Ike" Epps is spending his furlough at home.
Mrs. C. A. Huffman entertained a group of friends and relatives at her home on First Street a few days ago. Some of the guests were Mrs. Ida Dry, Billie Joe and Shirley Mae Huffman. Refreshments were served and everyone had a delightful time. We are glad to see Joe Mason back at work, after being out sick for several days.
[continued on column 2 top of page]
We are glad to have Mr. Raymond C. Brewer back at work as a weaver. He has spent some time in the U. S. Navy.
Rev. B. B. Brown is presenting a Christmas play called "Pirit of Peace" at Friendship Church on Friday afternoon, December 21st at 2:00 P. M. The public is invited.
Misses Betty Cox and Margaret Johnson plan to spend Christmas with their cousin, Miss Nancy Bates, of Asheville, N. C.
We are glad to have Mr. John Ford H. Ford back at work on the third shift as a weaver. He has recently been discharged from the U. S. Army.
Miss Dot Ables was glad to see her boy friend, Lee Tubbett, S-3/C, home on a short leave. He is now serving with the U. S. Navy in Washington.
We welcome Mr. D. D. Phillips on the third shift as a Loom Fixer.
Attractive Home Good At Yuletime
When the Christmas season is in full session you'll want to make your home just as attractive as possible and chock full of the Christmas spirit. The children will love it and so will the friends you'll surely entertain over the holiday.
A little imagination applied to your Christmas decorating plans will result in some unusual and exceedingly attractive table and window displays which will bring you many well deserved compliments. Let's see, what can we do to make our house more attractive this Christmas?
For the dinner table let's dig up a birch log about eighteen inches long. Now we'll hollow it out to a depth of about two inches and fill the excavation with tree greens and berries. The greens may be acquired from a misshapen Christmas tree (which you can purchase for a song) and the berries should be mixed bittersweet and bayberry; both varieties of which can be purchased at any florist's shop. It looks dandy already but we can add to our yule log's attractiveness by inserting a Christmas candle in each end. Now then we're gathered around the festive board on Christmas day we'll have a minature yule log, glowing with warmth and good cheer, to lend the proper touch to the festivities.
Another attractive centerpiece fro the Christmas table may be constructed from a piece of looking glass about one foot square. Bank the edges of the glass with evergreens and pine cones and place the center of the table. Sprinkle the surface of the glass with artificial snow and place a tall candle in the center. It will make a most attractive table centerpiece.
As far as window decorations go, let's be a little different this year. Instead of the usual candles in our windows let's get some of those mina-
[continued at the bottom of column 2]
ture candles shaped like Santa Claus's choir boys, and angels. They are unusually attractive and quite inexpensive and you can pick them up at almost any five and ten or drugstore.
If you are fortunate enough to have a fireplace decorate it with sprays of evergreen, pine cones and bittersweet. Pay particular attention to the mantle piece which should be soildly banked with decorative greens and berries; and you can add a finishing touch to the decorated fireplace by hanging three or four stockings from the mantlepiece to really complete a typical Christmas scene.
Let's be orginal this Christmas. Put your thinking cap on and let's see what you can do, in the way of decorating; to spread some real, old fashioned Christmas cheer. [End of column 2]
[Column 3] Theatre Guide
December 21, 1945 "BLOCK BUSTERS" ----------------- December 22, 1945 "THE CHEATERS" ---------------- December 24, 1945 "DIXIE JAMBOREE" ----------------- December 28, 1945 "MEXICANA" ----------------- December 29, 1945 "HITCH HIKE TO HAPPINESS" --------------- December 31, 1945 -"OUT OF THE NIGHT" - ------------------- January 4, 1946 "MAN WHO WALKED ALONE" ----------------- January 5, 1946 "FLAME OF THE WEST" ---------------- January 7, 1946 "TEN CENTS A DANCE" -------------------------------------------- Men Overseas (Con't. from page 1, col. 1)
Assorted Cold Cuts Sliced Cheese Potato Cakes Left-over Vegetables Bread and Butter Coffee Peanut Butter
The Army Postal Service in the role of the Serviceman's Santa Claus has been busy transporting Christmas mail to overseas troops. One of the greatest difficulties this year will be in keeping up with troops on the move, either being transferred to other divisions or homewward bound. All packages and mail will follow the men to their homes.
Christmas in Japan, the islands of the Pacific, in Germany or other foreign gathering around the home firesides for the men this year, but Special Services officers around the world will bend every effort to make the holiday as enjoyable as possible for them.
The program of Army's Special Services Division is geared to the types of activities that can be particularly useful on just such occasions. The function of this Division is to help combat idleness and boredom by providing recreational facilities, such as service clubs and recreational areas, and programs of music, athletics, soldier shows, USO Camp shows, books and magazines, entertainment movies, handicrafts, plus the services of Post Exchanges the world over.
Now that the fighting has ended, the Christmas season for G.I.'s abroad will be a time for enjoyment of pleasureable activities on a vastly wider scale than ever was possible in the days when winning battles was the major activity.
Following V-E Day, General Eisenhower ordered an expansion of the Army hostess program for the redeployment and the occupation forces. Approximately 100 American girls, sent to Europe by the Special Services Division, are now serving as hostesses operating a total of 65 service clubs and assist-
(Con't. on page 4, col. 2) [End of column 3]
[Column 4]
"Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse . . . ---------------- As Christmans approaches, we invariably think of Clement Moore's poem, "The Night Before Christmas." Children and grown-ups alike know and love this poem, and no matter how often it is read, the magic lines are still enchanting.
"The Reader's Digest" for December, 1945, carries a very interesting article called "How Santa Claus Came To "America," condensed from Collier's Magazine. This article gives the history of the poem, "The Night Before Christmas," and because of the popularity of the poem, we would like to pass on to you the main points of this history, as it is gleaned from the article in "The Reader's Digest."
The poem under discussion was written by Dr. Clement Clarke Moore on December 24th, 1822. On that snowy day, Dr. Moore was shopping for a turkey his family was preparing as a gift for a poor family. On his way, Dr. Moore met an old friend, Jan Duyckinck, a Dutchman who was chubby, jolly, with rosy dimpled cheeks, white beard and a stump of a pipe in his mouth. For several years, this old Dutchman had told Moore fascinating stories of Saint Nicholas, whom the Dutch children called Santa Claus.
Acording to the Dutch, legends were told about Santa Claus who loved the children and rewarded their good deeds with gifts at Christmas.
As Dr. Moore parted from his old Dutch friend at dark, he kept thinking of the charming legends of Saint Nicholas. In his mind, he pictured Santa Claus as looking like his good friend, the jolly, chubby, rosy cheeked and white-bearded old Dutchman.
When Moore reached his home, he dashed into his study where he sketched the poem which we now call "The Night Before Christmas."
As Dr. Moore read the poem to his family that night, the children were delighted. He then pigeonholed it in his desk where it remained until sometime the following summer. At this time, some of the children pulled the poem out of its hiding place and read it to a relative who was visiting the family. The guest thought the poem both clever and charming, and took a copy of it to the "Troy Sentinel" in New York. On December 23rd, 1823, the poem appeared unsigned in the "Sentinel"; the editor gave it the title, "A Visit From Saint Nicholas."
Twenty-two years elapsed before Moore consented to have his name signed to this verse which he considered only "a bit of unscholarly fun." Little did he dream that this poem which he hurriedly dashed off that Christmas night would thrill the hearts of both children and adults at Christmas time for generations. But even now, 123 years after Dr. Moore [end of column 4]
[Column 5] Ivester Donates Book To Library
A copy of the very popular book "God Is My Co-Pilor," written by Col. Robert Lee Scott was recently donated to the libary by Mr. W. G. Ivester.
This book is the personal narrative of an American army pilot, telling especially of his experience and flying record against the Japs over Burma. One reviewer has called this book a "splendid tale of heroism for older boys, with the shinning thread expressed in the title that an unseen co-pilot flies along." May we add that adults, who are really "older boys and girls" will enjoy this book just as much as those of the adolescent age. Many of you will recall seeing the 35 MM. film "God Is My Co-Pilot" when it was shown at Slater Hall on September 3rd of this year. This picture was taken from the book of the same title, and proved to be one of the best of its type to come out of the war.
We would like to thank Mr. Ivester for donating this book to the Slater Library, and we assure him that our library patrons will think of him as they read this book of adventure, resourcefulness, courage, and belief in God as the unseen co-pilot.
------------------------------ Teachers Leave Slater To Again Keep House
Two teachers from our school have resigned so that they may be with their husbands who have returned from service. They are: Mrs. Hazel Vaughan and Mrs. Charles T. Thompson. These teachers have been replaced by Mrs. Grace Griffin, who taught here last year, and Mrs. C. G. Hyer of Slater. Mrs. Hyer is a former teacher but hasn't taught for some time. -------------------------------------------------
Tiny Tots (Con't. from page 1, col. 5)
Billy Lybrand, Raymod Gosnell, Paige Acree, Philip Henderson, Linda Burnette, "Prissy" Wright, and Linda Ann Jones.
The party for the Story Hour groups was sponsored by the Slater Community Association, and was planned and supervised by Mr. and Mrs. W. Earle Reid. -------------------------- After-dinner speaking is the art of saying nothing briefly. —Anonymous ------------------------------------------- [Continued from the bottom of column 4]
wrote "The Night Before Christmas," our hearts still thrill as we read the poem. We can visualize Santa Claus ascending the chimney and resuming his trip to other houses as Moore concludes his poem with these lines: "He sprang to his sleigh, to his
team gave a whistle
And away they all flew like the
down of a thistle;
But I heard him exclaim, ere
he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all a good night!" [end of column 5]
Page Four THE SLATER NEWS December 22, 1945
[Column One]
Library Clubs Hold Their Party
The auditorium at Slater Hall was the scene of a gay and colorful Christmas party given for members of the Boys and Girls' Library Clubs on Monday afternoon, December 17th.
The decorations were confined to a long table on which had been placed paper covers featuring Santa Claus in his sleigh riding above the housetops. The center of the table was marked by a brilliantly lighted Christmas tree. Stately red candles glowed near the end of the table, while frosty bowls of red apples nestled in cotton sprinkled with artificial snow added their bit of holiday cheer to the occassion. Each child's place was marked by a souvenir container of mixed candies. These containers were especially attractive since they featured Santa Claus descending into a fireplace where stockings were hung awaiting his arrival.
During the afternoon the children enjoyed a series of games such as "Christmas Handshake" and "Who Has The Stocking?"
The Girls' Library Club has 27 members while the Boys' Club has 51 members. Those enrolled in the Girls' Club are: Elaine Foster, Betty Garrett, Sara Faye Johnson, Clara Ramsey, Madge Robinson, Margaret Robinson, Carolyeen Smith, Nancy Stephenson, Patricia Summey, Sigrid Gosnell, Sarah Jo Johnson, Betty Lou Phillips, Joan Rowland and Frieda Thornton.
Also: Martha Robinson, Jackie Hayden, Fern Barrett, Joyce Bryant, Carolyn Dixon, Patsy Southerlin, Ida Sue Stockton, Barbara Godfrey, Barbara Ann Thornton, Frances Hester, Barbara Lou Hester, Mary Ann Tilley and Elaine Childs.
Members of the Boys' Library Club are: Gene Addington, Richard Burnette, Donald Burnette, Bobby Cole, Thomas Cox, Rudolph Daniel, Billy Garrett, Sammy Johnson, Mickey Ramsey, Max Robinson, Kenneth Waldrop, Donald Barrett, Herbert Farthing, Ted Smith, Don Waldrop, Buddy Brown, Weldon Gosnell, Jimmy Hembree, Junior McMakin, Jesse White, Jimmy Revis, George Hopson, L. B. Vaughn, Jr., Buddy Stephenson, James Johnson and Jimmy Lell.
Also: Bobby Johnson, Clarence Canham, Dean Vickers, Eugene Henderson, Robert Henderson, Belton Voyles, Richard Rowland, James Hester, Kenneth Hester, Alton White, Jerry Mack Ballenger, Fred Revis, Bobby Sprouse, Billy Joe Huffman, Charles Clerk, Truman Dickson, Bobby Addington, Larry Childs, Jack Dean, Marshall Jones, Dickie Gossett, Bobby Waldrop, Mack Vickers, Maxie Waldrop and Grady Eanes.
The party for these two clubs was sponsored by the Slater Community Association. It was planned and supervised by Mr. and Mrs. W. Earle Reid. ____________________________ The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed. ― Sheridan.
[column 2]
James E. Grice, S. K. 3/C. a former employee of this Company expresses his sentiment and that of his two pals, in regard to their present "Point" status, in the following poem. We hope that his plea will be answered, and that he will soon be home again.
The news that I read in the paper each day, Has blessed me with these few words to say. There's pain in my heart and soreness in my joints, From kneeling and praying for forty-four points.
Just because we're storekeepers, (Important Men) The Navy says that we've got to stay in, To us, all of this is more than contrary With no consolation until January.
After January we don't know what, After all these blessings that we have got. "Yes" points have been lowered (for other men.) Others go by the thousands, (we go by the ten.)
I see where Mac got a letter today. And here's what the writer had to say. "I know that soreness will leave your joints, As us U. S. Sailors get out with thirty-four points."
Now, we'd like to use our freedom of speech, In hopes some Congressman's heart it will reach, While we're stranded here in this occupation, In the line of duty and it's no vacation.
We've sacrificed everything and done our best, Now, we feel that our points should be with the rest. If this could be done, it would ease our pain And then, we couldn't feel that we sacrificed in vain.
By—The Sad Sacks, Over There
P. S. Our tribute to those who share the same fate. _______________________________ Men Overseas (Con't. from page 3, col. 3)
ing with unit clubs and dayroom activities in France, Germany, Austria, Belgium and in Denmark (Bremen Leave Area). By Christmas the number of clubs and number of hostesses in their bright blue uniforms with the rainbow shoulder patch will have increased considerably according to the needs of the various theater areas.
One hundred Army librarians — again American girls in the same natty blue uniforms — are now in the European Theater "manning" the Army's libraries and helping the G. I.'s who like to read make appropriate selections from the Army's vast supplies of books and magazines.
[article continues col. 3, middle section]
In Europe, also, Special Services operates what are known as G. I. Tours. Enlisted men on furlough at Christmas time and officers on leave may spend their holidays traveling at Army expense to places of interest in France, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, England and Scotland, where they may have the opportunity to participate in the native civilian Yuletide festivities.
In both the Pacific and European Theaters the Chrismas season is expected to find a vastly accelerated program of athletic, musical and dramatic events participated in by soldiers for their own amusement and that of their buddies.
[article continues on col. 4, bottom section]
Special athletic contests will be planned. V-Dices — the Army's own records — will bring Christmas music to the G. I.'s who may also engage their talents performing in orchestras, dance bands and the like. Special Services is now recruiting 70 young actresses, singers, dancers and legitimate performers to go to the Pacific where they will play feminine roles in soldier shows. One hundred actresses are similarly engaged at present with troops in Europe, Belgium and Germany, where they will be active in this work throughout the Christmas holidays.
Hundreds of USO-Camp Show performers will be in all foreign theaters of operation at Christmas time entertaining soldiers. A request for more professional talent was recently made by Gen. Douglas MacArthur, who pointed out that USA-Camp Shows have contributed materially to the maintenance of high morale among our troops.
At present, there are 253 units overseas in all areas, comprising 1,701 entertainers. Overseas theatrical units are offering such shows as "Junior Miss," "Dear Ruth," "The Late Christopher Bean," "Kiss and Tell," "Pardon Me," "Girl Crazy," "Room Service," "What a Life," "Three Men on a Horse," and "Salute to Gershwin."
A sergeant back from overseas, on a recent radio quiz program, knew so much about current Broadway productions, he was asked how that could happen since he'd spent the past three years out of this country. He answered: "You've no idea of the quality of entertainment provided us in the service" — a fitting tribute to the efforts of Special Services and USO - Camp Shows, Inc.
Movies — including the latest from Hollywood — will be shown on the basis of three new programs each week in overseas Army camps and Army requisitioned foreign civilian theaters, providing holidy-season recreation for many G. I. "fans" who prefer this type of entertainment for relaxation . . . and to remind them of home.
[article continues on col. 5, bottom section]
Army Exchange Service continues to pay a big part in helping to boost the morale of soldiers far from home and loved ones during such "family days" as Christmas. Not only does the Exchange's Gift Order Service enable G. I.'s all over the world to make Christmas gift selections from catalogues for the folks at home well in advance to be delivered in time by dealers in this country, but, as a sideline, it stocks PX's in foreign countries with native sourvenirs and curios so the soldier can buy them at reasonable prices. Thus, when doing his Christmas or other gift shopping, he is protected from paying local dealers war-inflated prices.
That soldiers abroad have Christmas well in mind is evidenced by the fact that 126,802 Christmas gift orders, valued at $927,129 have been processed by the Army Exchange Service by October 30, with 90,000 more orders in process. It is estimated that a total of 250,- 000 to 300,000 Christmas presents will reach the families of overseas soldiers through this service by Christmas Day.
For their women folks, soldiers are ordering jewelry, compacts, cosmetics, perfumes —in that order of popularity; for "Dad" or "Brother" it's wallets, ties, lotions, jewelry, gloves, scarves and tobacco; for the children, toys, dolls, comic magazines. Classed under "general" they have ordered candy, packaged fruit, flowers, books, and magazine subscriptions, pillow tops and silver gifts, phonograph albums and umbrellas.
Wholesome holiday activities for their own pleasure and comfort; opportunity to send gifts to the home folks. . . Yes, thanks in good measure to Army's Special Services — and not forgetting the Quartermaster supplying holiday food and the Army Postal Service bringing welcome packages and letters from home—American men and women in uniform in the far-flung places of the world will have a far better chance for a Merry Christmas away from home this year than has ever been possible since our troops landed on foreign shores to fight a winning war.
[column 3, top section]
Four years ago America Was in peace and oh so gay, Gratefully, hoping and praying For a happy Christmas. Then December seventh War was declared and took our loved ones away. They took it like a man and Never seemed to care. But oh how our hearts for them Were filled with grief and fear. Oh, on that bright December morning Pearl Harbor was bombed without a warning. As the days went on, Christmas came And went like a dream. And as we know, the three more Following were just the same.
But this Christmas should be the happiest Christmas of memory forever. For this is the year of Victory and peace.
And while we are celebrating our happy Christmas, let us remember Pearl Harbor, and those who have died in this war of sorrow. And let us remember and honor the servicemen and women that remain.
Margaret Rose Johnson Slater, S. C. _______________________
Considerable difficulties have been experienced within the last three quarters in collection of water bills for the Slater Water, Sewer & Light District. The biggest trouble is procrastination and a certain element of the consumers will not pay their bills until they are delinquent and have to be contacted personally and sometimes hard feelings result.
This is strictly a business proposition. We buy our water from the Greenville City water works and must pay our bill by the 15th and warning is hereby given that in the future if your water bill is not paid between the 1st and 15th water service will be discontinued.
Please be reasonable and pay your water bill promptly.
Slater Water, Sewer & Light Commission F. J. Brannon, Commissioner A. B. McMakin, Commissioner F. P. Hamilton, Commissioner
[column 4, top section]
Victory Christmas Is Great Affair
Christmas will be celebrated throughout America — celebrated as never before in our lifetime.
For this is the year of Victory — and peace. Gratefully our carols will rise to reach those who have not yet rejoined us. Silently and prayerfully we will remember those who will never return. We here at home safe in the land we love preserved from the ravages of war know that this year we have cause to keep the great days saccred. Again the Christmas tree will glisten, the Yule logs blaze, and the presents made ready for Santa's visit. Again Merry Christmas will echo and re-echo as there is truly Peace on Earth, Good will to men.
Betty Jean Cox, Slater, S. C.
[column 5, top section]
School Closes For Holidays
The Slater-Marietta School will close on December 21st at 12:30 for the Christmas holidays. Work will be resumed, January 2nd at 9:00 A. M.
With the beginning of our school work January 2nd, we are to have again public school music taught after a period of one and one-half years without it. Miss Kathleen Farnsworth of Greenville is to be the teacher. Miss Farnsworth is a graduate of Converse College, Spartanburg, S. C., and has taught one year in Texas. We are deighted to have Miss Farnsworth as a member of our faculty and also glad that we are able to offer public school music to pupils. Too, she will give private lessons in piano.