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Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle

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A Contract made by the Mayor and Clerk
with Benezette Williams approved on
the 23 day of November 1889, whereby said
Benezette Williams was employed to plan
and superintend the construction of a
system of water works for the use
of said City and to settle with said
Benezette Williams for all liabilities in-
curred by said City to him under
said Contract. Bill was read first
& second time, and Miller moved that
same be given its 3rd reading and placed
on final passage. Motion amended
to the effect that same be referred
to the Judiciary Committee. Second ayes
& nays were ordered and vote taken
in favor Bogardus Korn Snyder
Wilcox 4 - against Holbrook
Miller Pontius Ward Mr. Prest 5.
Amendment lost. Original motion
taken up and same lost. Alderman
Ward then moved that B of A Bill No. 19
be made a special order of business
for Friday eve November 7th 1890.
Motion carried.

B of A Bill No. 20 was introduced.
An Ordinance amending Section 42 of
Ordinance No. 1147. Same read 1st
& 2nd time & on motion referred to Com.
on Public Bldgs & Grounds.

Judiciary Com. responded on theh petition
of Eliza & Geo M. Spray that same be ref
to Street Imp. Com. Report amended to refer

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