195 Columbia Wash, Jan 2d. 1899.
The Town Council of the Town of Columbia met in regular session at 8:15 P.M. Present Mayor Reeves, Marshal Whittington, Councilmen Hepler, Osgood and Lawrence, and City Attorney
Minutes of previous regular session, and those of special meeting as canvassing board of the December municipal election read and both approved.
Clerk's Annual Report read and referred to the Finance Committee, together with the Marshal's and Treasurer's annual report.
Report of City Attorney on the street grade matter read and referred to the Finance Committee.
City Attorney's ^verbal^ report of the old road tax matter heard, and the communication from the County treasurer respecting the same turned over to said City Attorney to facilitate investigation of certain details not fully brought out.
Mr C. R. Hepler reported that Mr. Black had ^not^ fulfilled his part of the Letitia St. agreement, and upon his ^(Hepler's)^ recommendation motion was made and carried that the Town of Columbia construct a two plank walk in front of the School House from Ferdinand St. to Columbus St. and the crossing at Caldwell St. and the Street Committee duly authorized to construct the same.
On motion a special committee was appointed to arrange for securing a lot and making provision for moving the Town Hall to wit, Hepler, Cameron and Campbell.
Sundry bills presented and referred to the Finance Committee, and warrants ordered drawn on the Current Expense Fund for the several amounts as follows : Health Officer #(2.00) J. A. Kelso, for services as Inspector of Election ($2.50) C. N. Grant, for services as Judge of Election, and also for making snow plow and cleaning sidewalks of the Town, ($5.00) & S. T. Whittington for one days labor and one blank receipt book ($2.25)
Then on motion meeting adjourned to meet again Tuesday, Jan 10th, at 8:P.M.
C. S Chase Clerk
C. F. Reeves Mayor
Columbia Wash, Jan 10th, 1899.
The town council of the Town of Columbia met ^in regular^ New Year session at 8: P.M. Present Mayor Reeves, & Councilmem Hepler, Cameron, and Campbell.
Minutes of last regular session read and approved with two slight corrections.
Finance Committee reported that the books of Dr. Brooks, Town Treasurer, had been carefully audited and the same found to be straight and correct; also that the books of C. S. Chase, Town Clerk, had been carefully audited and the same found to be neatly and correctly kept; but that the City Attorney had so far failed to present his report and the same had not come before the Finance Committee.
Water committee made a verbal report, with recommendations for improving the towns water supply.
Street Committee also made verbal report and suggestions for improvement of roads and streets.
Then by regular motion, unfinished business was referred to the incoming Council, for disposal.
Bill of C. N. Groat for cleaning snow from sidewalks, $2.00 and bill of William Hepler for street work, $1.50 read and accepted and warrants ordered drawn and the Current Expense Fund for the amounts.
On motion the Clerk's and Marshal's salary warrants, for quarter ending Jan 1st, were ordered drawn.
The newly elected Mayor and Councilmen qualified by duly taking oath of office and filing same with the clerk. Then the expiring council duly adjourned.
The new Council at once came to order, all member present.
Fixing salaries of offices for the ensuing year was the first order of business and
the same was fixed as for the preceding year. viz: City Attorney. $6.00 per month " Clerk $5.00 " " " Marshal $6.50 " "
On motion the election of officers was taken up, and elections of City Attorney postponed until Monday, Jan. 16th, 1899, 7:30 P.M.
By regular motion Mr. J. A. Kelso was nominated and elected Town Clerk, ^for the yr. 1899^ with no dissenting vote.
By regular motion Mr. S. T. Whittington was nominated and elected Marshal for the year 1899.
On motion the amount of the Town Treasurer's bond was fixed at $1000, the bonds of the other town officers to remain as heretofore.*
Resignation of Mr. Yoland, Treasurer elect, was handed in, and the matter voted to lay over until next regular meeting.
Board of Health was elected by regular motion as follows: V. R. Peirson, J. A. Campbell H. H. A. Hastings, C. R. Hepler and Chas. Cameron. Committees were appointed by the Mayor as follows: Finance Committee Campbell, Hepler, Peirson Water " " Hepler/ Helenthal Bldg's / Wharves " Helenthal/Womack Sts. / Lights " Peirson/Hepler.
Then by regular motion the new Council adjourned to meet again Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, Jan 16th.
C. S. Chase Clerk
*and the City Attorney instructed to draw up an ordinance to that effect.
approved C. F. Reeds, Mayor.
198 Columbia Wash. Jan 16th 1899
The Town Council of the Town of Columbia met in regular adjourned session at 8 P.M. Present Mayor Reeves, and Councilmen Peirson, Campbell, Helenthal, Hepler, Womack.
Minutes of last session read and approved with a slight correction.
Communication from Hastings with regard to remitting penalty of Angeline Street grade assessment on certain lots described therin read and by regular motion same was laid upon the table.
Communication from the Town of Kent read and the Clerk instructed to answer the same to the effect that the Town of Columbia was not interested in the proposition.
Motion was made and carried that a committee be appointed to look into the question of securing surety bonds for the Town officers, and report at next regular meeting and if satisfactory the City Attorney authorized to draw up an ordinance therefor. Said committee to consist of Peirson.
The reduction of the Treasurer's bond laid over to facilitate other features of the matter to be settled.
Verbal report of City Attorney on old road tax matter heard and on motion the same was laid on the table.
Report of City Attorney on Street Grade matter read and referred to the Finance Committee, with suggestions that the latter cooperate with the City Attorney as far as possible in the difficulties further involved therein.
Motion made and carried that when the Council adjourned they adjourn to meet again Saturday, Jan. 21st, at 7:30 P.M., and that the Ry franchise matter be the special order of business; also that the Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. Osgood and request him to be present at that time.
Then by regular motion meeting adjourned to meet again Saturday Jan. 21st, 7:30 P.M. C.S. Chase Clerk
approved C. F. Reeves Mayor
199 Columbia Wash, Jan 21st. 1899
The Town Council of the Town of Columbia met in adjourned session at 7.30 P.M. Present Mayor Reeves, \\ Councilmen Peirson, Hepler, Hellenthal and Campbell.
Minutes of last adjourned session read and approved.
By regular motion warrant for the City Attorney's salary was ordered drawn, for the quarter ending Jan 1st, 1899.
Mr. F. H. Osgood not being present a committee was authorized to be appointed to confer with Mr. Osgood and find when it would be convenient for him to meet with the Council, and this committee was duly appointed by the Mayor, to wit, Mr. Campbell Mr. Peirson.
Motion made and carried that when the Council adjourn the same would be to meet again at the call of the Franchise Committee. Also that this committee be instructed to procure the original draft of the franchise, or to drawup a copy thereof for the next meeting.
By regular motion the Marshal was instructed to purchase a lamp and globes for the same and present the bill to the Council.
By formal proclamation of the Mayor the registration books for the Town of Columbia were opened for the 1899 registration.
Then on motion Council adjourned to meet again at the call of the Franchise Committee.
C. S. Chase Clerk