Page 37




Status: Complete

Left page
Ther: 30 degrees Cloudy & Snow
Wednesday, Marthc 5th, 1890
Charley left home at 6.30 this
morning to drive to Ellicotts City
where he expects to leave his horse
and go to Baltimore by Rail
Road. He wamts tp see Edwin Booth
in the play "Richlieu" at the
Holliday St theater this
evening and come home tomorrow.
Willie changed out the cellar
taking out the turnips which
had become offensive and
detrimental to health:
Afternooon he drove out to see
Ernest driving "Fritz" to my road
cart. It commenced snowing
soon after dinner and continued
until bed time.
Little Bessie seems better to day
but Edward improves more slowly
and is still not well enough
to go out of doors. Bro R called
on his way to meeting & left some
books that had belonged to dear
Sister Deborah & in the distribution
of her effects were assigned to us
since Bro J's death.

Right page
Ther: 30 degrees Cloudy & Clear Wind N.W.
Thursday, March 6th, 1890
The ground was covered with
snow but not enough to make
sleighing. The wind blew quite
strong from N.W. and towards
evening it became very cold.
Ruth [ ] Bowen was here this
morning & had a tooth extracted.
Afternoon Eunice Jane Davis
was here for advice & med: for
her infant. I walked up to the
mill [ ] before & after dinner.
[ ] Scofield called here for
Willie after supper & they went
on horseback to a "Rehersal" at
Brighton. Willie succeeded in
getting my buggy spring mended
that was broken in the last
Glenwood drive.

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In several areas on the right page, the pen "bled" and made the words illegible. Had to look up about the play "Richlieu" and learned more history. Last page I learned about Calathumpian as being a noisy instrument production made, in that case, to ease the bridge & groom into their new home.