Diary: Caleb E. Iddings, 1893



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(Left side of journal)

Clear Ther. THURS. NOV. 16, 1893 Wind N.W. The ground was "frozen hard" this morning. Fanyy Peirce was here, and kindly brought us some of the products of their "hog killing". John Bentley also was here to see me and settled in full the "Caleb Pumphrey claim" against the old man's estate, both my own & Charley's claim Emma J Davis called and paid two dollars on her bill. The weather has been very cold all day today. I did not go downstairs this evening.

(Right side of journal)

Clear Ther. 30 FRI. NOV. 17, 1893 Wea. S.E. Rather warmer today Bro: R called. Jas E. Johnson came with his two horse wagon & hauled wood from C. G. Porter's: he brought the first load about noon & hauled loads. Afternoon Edwd went to a lecture at the Sherwood School.

Last edit about 1 year ago by JCA-Parris1
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(Left side of journal)

Cloudy Ther. 33 SAT. NOV. 18th, 1893 Wind S.W. Edwd: & "Frank" piled the wood (that came yesterday) mostly in the "wood house". Dr. Brooke was here to see me again. This has been extremely dull threatening day, and I am not feeling so well; but must try not to forget the many blessings I have to be thankful for.

(Right side of journal)

Cloudy Ther. 33o SUN. NOV. 16th, 1893 Wind N.E. Cloudy & dull & commenced "spitting" snow about 9 o'clk: this kind of weather depresses me very much & I never feel so well as in brighter weather. Bro: called but did not come upstairs. Bro: Charles also came & spent an hour with me, during meeting time I went down stairs to take tea with the family & after supper took quite a little nap on the sofa in the dining room. After coming up stairs again. I amused my self until bedtime looking at old "pictorials" "Puck", Judge" & c that Bro: Charles broguht over for me

Last edit about 1 year ago by JCA-Parris1
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(Left side of journal)

Clear Ther. 29 MON. NOV. 20th, 1893 Wind N.W. Clear & cold Edwd walked over to see "John" early & found him "in bed", he came to help in the lot. I sharpened the wood saw somewhat, with the help of Phil & Edwd. Approved some bills against our public School, sent to me as one of the Trustees by {?} J. T. Henderson. I went down stairs again to supper and find it easier to get up stairs each time I try it. Although it is still quite an undertaking.

(Right side of journal)

Cloudy & Rain Ther. 32o TUES. NOV. 21st, 1893 Wind N.E. Raw & chilly dull & gloomy John came & helped in the lot again. Charles E Bond's team brought us a nice load of chestnut wood (5 horses) Bro: Richd called about noon & Dora got him a cup of tea, it blew up cold with a flurry of wind & snow, the snow continuing all the afternoon & evening (except when it rained). Edith Bentley's colored girl "Nelly Hall" was here for advice & medicine which I gave her. She being the first patient I have seen for more than two months. This threatens to be a terribly stormy night.

Last edit about 1 year ago by JCA-Parris1
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(Left side of journal)

Heavy Fog Ther. 33o WED. NOV. 22d, 1893 Wind S.E. Dark & foggy this morning Dr R. Brooke sent the horse "Frank" home and J. C. Bentley not having sent the hay (Willie engaged from him) places me in a ugly fix Dr B had the horse just 3 weeks today. Edwd: rode Frank over to see Jno: Bentley & bought a shock of corn fodder from him which happens to be in the field just across the turnpike & easily carried to the stable. After noon Friend Hadassale Moore kindly sent me a very nice cake of some kind.

(Right side of journal)

Ther. 32 THURS. NOV. 23d, 1893 Wind Changeable Dull, raw & disagreeable weather again which "goes Hard' with me. Sister Beulah and Ellie Chandlee came, the former staid & spent the day. the latter went to Edwd Bentley's. Sophie & Fanny Peirce were here. Bro: Charles called. I took dinner down stairs with the family for the first time. Cousin Ellie Chandlee came again towards evening for sister B and I saw her down stairs.

Last edit about 1 year ago by JCA-Parris1
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(Left side of journal)

Clear Ther. 20 FRI. NOV. 24th, 1893 Wind. N.W. Cold today with strong N.W. wind, which makes it difficult to keep warm. Dora and H fixed the parlor carpet. Afternoon Frank Leizear Jr. came in to see me & sat for some time. I went downstairs to see him & got quite chilled before he left.

(Right side of journal)

Cloudy Ther. 19o SAT. NOV. 25th, 1893 Wind N.W. This has been the coldest day we have had so far it seemed difficult to keep warm in the house. Afternoon Gilbert T Smith Sr: called & sat an hour or two with me. Edward took Dora with "Frank" & the "Surry" to Brighton Grange Hall to take some things for an "oyster supper" in aid of repairs to the Episcopal parsonage at Brookville.

Last edit about 1 year ago by JCA-Parris1
Displaying pages 136 - 140 of 176 in total