Enterprise Farmers' Club Minutes

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Club Minutes: Enterprise Farmers Club, 1878-1891

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175 sent to our Senator. Ques. 1st How much meal shall I feed my steers , which are to be kept until May or June ? Ans 3 to 4 quarts at a feed & let 1/4 of this be [cotton?]-seed meal. Ques 2nd How shall I mix hen ,manure for potatoes ? Ans Use 1/4 Dis. Bone _ 1/4 leached ashes, to 2 quantities of hen manure. several members recommend the [Dis?]. South Carolina and Plaster . Ques. 3rd What would you do with surplus clover hay ? Ans ---- 12 would not sell at less than 50c per hundred -- 4 would feed to cattle 2 trade it for lime. Ques 4 th Is there anything less expensive than terra - cotta for Ritcheu drains ? Ans----- No. H inch diameter recommended. ______________________________ Ques 5th Shall I put 2 calves on one cow or feed them on skimmed milk ? Ans Answer equally divided . Ques 6th Which is the best wire fencing ? Ans ------ That with barbs 3 or 4 meters apart. Ques . 7th Will it pay to make chestnuts shingles? Ans ---- Yes, if they are made thick . Ques 8th What is the difference in yields of Burbank [?] Peerless potatoes ? Ans -- Peerless will yield 1/4 more on the average. Question 9th What substitute for stable manure , shall

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176 I use in corn field ? Ans ---- Dis . South Carolina was thought to be the most economical Ques 10th Can I get a set of grass on low,new land without plowing ? Ans --- Yes. by scratching it over and top-dressing with manure. H.H. Miller stated that Diamonds horse would be at his farm the coming season if properly encouraged. It was unanimously decided , that it is cheaper to pay 14c for stone lime at Silver Spring , than 13c for oyster shell delivered on farm. At . 8.45 the Club adjourned to [wend?] its way thro' mud and rain , and to meet at Wm Lea's April 5th 1884 Asa M. Stabler Sec y

Highland 4 th mo. 5th 1884 Not being to convenient for T. J Lea to have the Club on this date , we met at Wm Lea's with all our members present except Wm S. Brooke and Thos . J. Lea. There was also a member of the Mont. Club present , and at 4.45 o'c , with Samuel Hopkins as Foreman , we started out to inspect the farm. The first thing to note in the line of improvements , was an addition to Potatoe cellar , with carriage hence over it;

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178 landlord get , when he finishes land seed oats, and fertilizer ? Ans -- One half the oats., and several say : all of the straw . Ques 2 nd Is it too late to roll wheat ? Ans -- No. ,, 3 rd How high would you build a barn ? Ans -- 14 of those present say 24 ft ___twelve 22 ft and one 30 ft . Ques 4th What is the best paint to use on barn ? Ans---- [Averill?] 3 ---- [Asbestos?] 5 and 3 would mix lead & oil. The rest undecided Ques 5 th What was the average price for wheat last year ? Ans -- [?] 1.11 . ,, 6th What color shall I paint windmill ? Ans --- Red --- Ques 7th What is it worth to feed calves 2 months on skimmed Milk ? Ans- $3 per mo. At 9.20 adjourned to meet at T [J?] Lea's May June 3 rd if convenient to have us at that time. A. M. Stabler The following questions were omitted/ Sec'y ___ Ques 8 th Will ashes stiffen or lighten soil ? Ans --- Lighten every time. Ques 9th What is the average 2 yr old heifer , that is about fresh , worth ? Ans $ 35 .----- Ques 10th How does our colored labor compare with that of five years ago ? Ans ---- The older generation about as good , the younger [shoots?] , as a rule much inferior. Ques 11th Is it best to let hogs root an orchard ?

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179 Ans --- A majority would ring them . Question 12th Will the programme at Rockville on June 4 th be a benefit to farmers ? Ans --- 20 of those present think it will . ---- A. M. S ----

Norwood , May 10th 1884 ---- The Enterprise Club met at [?] [?]. Mona's on this date. Chas.H. Brooke was chosen foreman ; Most of our members present, as also several invited guests . After reading minutes of last meeting here we started out to inspect the premises . The most prominent among improvements was the new wind - mill , all the fixtures of which were found very complete . ---- Water is dischrged at eight different places ,in pipes leading from the large tank in the tower. there is no doubt but this will add quality to the healthy and comfort of the house hold, as , also to the stock which will quench their thirst from this fountain. A large supply of corn was still on hand , this being of ,one of the leading crops of our host last year . The numerous pens of hogs were examined and found to be [in?] [?] conditions ; while some did not seem to thrive , others were growing and fattening as well as could be expected . One lot ready for the butcher at any time . The dairy cows were in fine condition , showing

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good winter treatment. A valuable young, horse which had met with an accident by which it will must probably lose an eye, was brought out for us to see. A short walk to the pasture field was taken , which like most of our tramps of latter years , was cut off too short. We as a body have aged too rapidly in this respect. On returning to the house the following questions were discussed. Question 1st Shall I wait for rain to get any corn land in order ? Ans ---- 11 would wait for rain and the same number would go on reducing lumps with rsoller and [harraro?] . Ques 2nd Will hogs do best in pens ,or in small enclosures when grass is growing ? Ans --- It was generally thought that they would do better in pens,with grass cut for them, as the standing grass would soon be destroyed , leaving short allowance . Ques 3rd How is the ice Keeping ? Ans -- For most present, about as usual, tho' two or three answer"melting badly." Ques 4th What do you think of "[Sulky Cultivation?]" for working corn Ans ---- No one has use them sufficiently to give an opinion . Your Sec'y thinks they will come into general use as soon as we get to using corn planters, Ques 5th Shall I feed crushed corn , or corn meal

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181 to steers at this season of the year ? Ans -- About equally divided for each. ----- Question 6th How should I cure a mule that is [sneerry?] Ans -- Keep him a work , pull the skin frequently and see that the cellar is Kept just right . Ques 7th Which is the best Binder and Mower to buy ? Ans --- Any of the standard Binders will give satisfaction . The Eureka Mower is very highly spoken of . Ques 8th Will it injure a young orchard to plant sweet corn in it ? Ans --- No. " 9th How many gram's of corn do you drop? Ans -- 4 to 7 ----- B. H. Miller reported the Montgomery County Md _ was fourth in the United States in the quantity of fertilizer used. R. M. Stabler made a motion to change our present irregular [plan?] of procurring a foreman , to some more regular system , and have the member who had the last Club appointed to serve at the next meeting. ,--- which was adopted. Adjourned at 9.25 o'c A. M. Stabler Sec'y ---

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182 Mt. Airy - 7th mo. 5th 1884 . _ The Club was called to order at 5.20 P.M. by Jus T. Moore , who under our new rule claimed the right to preside at this meeting; tho' not as " heir apparent to the throne " as was the case sometimes in years gone by . As the regular Sec'y who was out of the neiborhood for the day , was not on hand even at this late hour , a substitute was appointed and the pilgrimage to the barn commenced. After traveling some distance on a South Westerly direction, this fine building was reached, and found to contain a large quantity of prime new hay . Some thorough bred and grade Jersey cows were much admired. The long stock bridge way to the barn was criticized , as also the flat yard on the other side, which will take a good deal of grading to make it a satisfactory yard; yet as this is our hosts barn and not ours , we are satisfied to let him have it as best suits his own convenience. The crops as far as we could see were good, particularly the wheat in shock. After reading last minutes at this place and those of the Norwood meeting the following questions were taken up. Question 1th Sam'l Hopkins wanted to know if he would be safe in adopting the rota of corn following corn, by using fertilizer 2nd time ? Ans _ All but three thought he would. But

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184 old [?] about the roots . At 9o'c adourned to meet at P. T. Stabler's . 8mo.2 nd /84 Asa. M. Stabler Sec'y

[Willoro?] Heights 8 mo.th 2 nd 1884 Owing to sickness in our host's family our Club has not met at this place since Jan. 1881, and I know one and all of us are glad on our return to find not only restored health for our frrinds , but such a marked improvement in the condition of the farm. At five o'clock there were but 11 members present, with George Tatum and Geo. L. Stabler as guests. The usual minutes were read and quite an extended walk taken . The ice house was the first thing to claim our attention . The supply having just given out the important question was, how to enlarge the house ? As this seems to be the only remedy in such cases , several advised digging a new one . One or two thought the present house could be deepened enough to hold a permanent supply . The hogs were looking well , especially the Berkshires. As we proceeded we passed several very neat sacks of hay , which appeared to be keeping well . The corn gave eviden ce of a good yield . We next arrived at the Ice and fish Pond which was small and shallow, having a large deposit in it from

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186 a horse stable ? Ans -- Locust . Question -4th What is the most satisfactory floor for horse stable ? Ans -- About equally divided between board and clay ; board being considered best for horses that dig a paw. --- Ques . 5th What rotation of crops is best for filthy land ? Ans--- Corn --- wheat --- Clover and pasture, followed by wheat. A strong sentiment against spreading straw in next years corn field, also against cutting 2 nd crop of clover for hay . Ques 6th What can you pay for cattle at this season of the year to fatten.- ans . 4 to 41/2c pr[lb?] Adjourned to meet at W. W. Morres 8mo30th/84 Asa M Stabler Sec'y. -----

Plainfield. 8th mo. 30 th 1884 The Enterprise Club met at the new residence of W W Morre , and was called to order at 5 P .M. by P.T. Stabler foreman . A fine shower of rain increased the speed of [?] some , but retarded the arrival of others, beside making the ground and grass to wet , for an extended walk over the farm. The dwelling built upon the side of the one destroyed by fire last Winter , was much admired by all --- particularly the open and

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187 sociable rooms and hall connected by folding doors . Our host and family having realized the discomforts and loss , attending to destruction of a house by fire may well enjoy the comforts of their new home. --- The barn was well filled with wheat and hay but the corn [house?] had plenty of room [?] it to spare. The large herd of dairy cows were looking well, and our host said the supply of milk and cream had nearly kept up to its usual flow, notwithstanding the dry weather. The followin g questions were asked ---- Question 1st Shall I put lightning rods on this By the host. house, there being no tall trees near it? Ans --- There was much said against the erection of rods until our host gave notice as to the Kind he would use. When known that a 1 inch galvanized pipe would be used, nine voted in favor of , and five against rods. Ques 2 nd What proportion of blades do you get from corn below the ear? Ans Most of those who answered thought about one half . Ques 3rd What wheat Drill would you buy ? Ans --- 4 prefer the Hoosier --- 3 Pennsylvania 3 Bickford & Hoffman and 5 undecided Ques . 4th What do you think of the cantalope tree to be planted for posts ? Ans ---- Several thought well of it. Its rapid grothwth , and lasting qualities are greatly

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