Page 117




Status: Incomplete

drive we find night descending so rapidly
that we conclude to take our walk before
reading the minutes, in order that we may
see the flower garden with its bright blossoms
and thrifty plants, we also find a collossal
vegetable garden, which might supply several
families, & does send a goodly supply
into Montgmery Co. We learn in the flower
garden that fulago mint should be kept
from year to year, the old plant being more
valuable than a young one as a bloomer.

Another request for cure for chicken
cholera. Red oak bark being put in the
drinking water, & frequently changed, red
peppers mixed in the food. Also rhubarb
given in pills. Stagnant water is considered
a fruitful cause of the disease.

How to get rid of fleas. Persian insect
powder_ known to be death to them. Tar
is said to be a means of catching them,
so we should think and every other [contig....?]

Is it too late to plant spinach seed,
Yes_ but not too late for kale.

Shall I go to the Local Option meeting_
calls forth much discussion and
much advice, but we think after all it
will be optional with the questioner, or his

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Chicken cholera was one of the first infectious diseases to be recognised, by Louis Pasteur in 1880. His experiments eventually led to him discovering a vaccine.