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22 === A Receipt for A Rupter Eather for Man Woman or Child from one moneth Old to three Score Yeares and upward === Take one Head of Garlick 2 Handfulls of mouse Ear one Hand full of Knott grass 1 Red cumphera Root j Handfull of White Moones yt groues in ye Feilds, one hand full of wett Arke Angylls lett all these be well washt and the Roots and Garlick Slist yn boyle ym in 3 quarts of Spring Water untill it comes to tow then sweeten it with broune sugar candy and so drink of it as often as you please on A Day
To the Place So Grieved Apply A quarter of An Ounce of Lucatella's Balsome A Spoonfull of Red Pounded Cumphera Roots mix ym well togeather and lett ym be spred uppon ye Fleshe Side of Sheeps leather somthing broader yn ye Place Renew ye Plaister once In five Dayes It will not Cure A man or Woman save in February and March As for A child it is A Perfect Cuer att any Time of ye year
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21 To Take of A Pearle on ye Eye Take A Little quantety of Red Sage and marigold Leaves and Isop Leaves, Germander leaves and of marcury leaves hemlock tops; the like quantety of Each as of Sage Stamp ym all togeather yn take A spoonful of Honey and as much salt and beat ym all togeather and lay ym upon A Linen cloth, and so Apply ym to ye wrests of ye Armes
An Excellent Plaister for ye Stommach Take Mastick Plaister one ounce Gumm of Tackamahacka halfe an ounce Chimicall oyle of Juniper one Drachm oyle of Wormwood the like quantety, of yallow wax as much as will Suffise to make a Plaister, viz. Putt ye mastick Plaister and Tackamahacca with ye yallow wax into A Stone Pott or Poringer So Lett ym over ye fire and keep Stiring with A little Stick untill it boyl and they are well incorporated; yn take it of and Putt in your oyles so be Sure you keep Stiring untill it be allmost cold, yn Power in forth of ye Poringer into water and make it up into Roules for your use, it must be Spread thick upon A Peece of Leather And So Applyed to ye Stummach
To Make Milk Water Take cardus Wormwood Bolme and Spearmint of Each 1 Handfull 3 quart's of New Milk Shred your hearbs and lett ym Steep in ye milk all night So Still ym in A could Still and Lett ye Party drink of it as of as they Please being Sweetened as they Like
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20 To Make An Excellent Salve for A Green wound or Paine Take halfe A Pint of oyle of ollives; and Putt it in A Stone Pott So lett it Stand on ye Fire untill you can perceave it to Simper; yn Putt in an ounce of Bee wax finely Shaven; A quarter of A Pound of Red Lead Halfe A Pennyworth of White 3 [?] [Rofill or Rosill?] finely beaten; So keep it boyling Saufly Stiring it all ye Time you may know when it is Enough by droping A Pees from your Stick wch will be very hard when could and of A very Sad Broun culler first Putt in the red lead and boyle yn well then ye wax an Rofill and boyl ym high
A Could Pultliss Take A quart of cream ye whits of Three or 4 Eggs and mix therewith A good handfull of Sage Small Shred and as musch Linseed finely beaten and So thicken it to A Pultis with wheat Flowre It is good for Fretting Sores Ring Wormes and wild Fire or Hott Rumes
To Make Green Oyntment Take a Pound of Bay leaves 1 pound of Red Sage A Pound of Rew halfe A Pound of Wormwood one Pound of Deares Suett Three Pints of Sallett Oyle Three Pennyworth of Spike Oyle, beat all these well together and Sett ym in a Horse midin 3 weekes to Infuse be sure ye Pott be made Secure att ye Top; yn when ye time is Expired take it out and Simber it over A gentle fire in ye Same Earthen Pott; yn Strane it through A cloth and putt it into Pott's for use