Untitled Page 1



Status: Indexed

In the name of God Amen.
I Jane Lathrop Stanford of the
County of Santa Clara State of
, wife of Leland Stanford
deceased, being of sound and dispo-
sing mind and memory, mindful
of the uncertainty of life, do make
publish and declare this my last
will and testament, hereby revoking
all former wills.

I give and bequeath to each
of my brothers, Ariel Lathrop and
Charles Gardner Lathrop, the sum
of One Hundred Thousand Dollars
($100,000) in gold coin. To my two
nieces, Jennie L. Lawton and Amy
Gardner Hansen
, daughters of my
deceased brother Daniel Shields
, and the two children of my
deceased niece Christine
L. Gunning
, I give and bequath[sic]
One Hundred Thousand Dollars
in gold coin, each of my nieces
taking one-third part, and the
children of my deceased niece,
Christine L. Gunning the other
third part equally between them.


[left margin vertically]

Jane L Stanford

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