February 12 1994
Dear Claude,
Thank you for sending along the pictures from the NCA Conference in New York. They came out fine. It was good seeing you and Son Claude at our opening at Bomani Gallery in November. I have since been in touch with them working towards doing a show of our "Living Legends" such as yourself, hopefully to open there in May of this year. Perhaps they have been in touch with you about it by now. Hope you will be willing to participate,
2. Recently I read a manuscript in which a writer wrote about Aaron Douglas and the Harlem Renaissance. There was some mention of the Barnes Foundation but not with clarity. I replied by saying the writer should have been in touch with you as a living link to the real Barnes Foundation and its ties with Black artists. They may not follow through but I do want to tape you one the subject when the two of us can sit for a while.
My best to you and Diama We are all iced in here as though we are from the North Pole. Take care and stay in touch.
As always, David
November 19, 1998
Dear Brother Claude,
The opening of our Collection of Art, in which your work "Slave Lynching" has been a real hit, has gone well. The exhibition will travel to San Francisco next November and I hope you will see it.
I hope your health is allowing you to continue your interest in art and life in general. You have always been there championing our cause when we
needed you most. It is my prayer that God will give you the strength to "keep on keeping."
My love to Mrs. Clark and my family sends the same. Just wanted you to know we are thinking of you.
Love and Peace,
Brother David Driskell
A number of people from California came for the opening on October 22.
Dear Brother Claude,
The opening of our Collection in which your work, "Slave Ly has been a real hit, has go The exhibition will travel to Francisco next November and hope you will see it.
I hope your health is you to continue your intere Art and life in general. have always been there ioning our cause when
Claude Clark
For the Brady Paper
Mary B. Brady
Mutual friend -- earned place in history worked in the interest of the underdog -- as with Barnes Foundation -- First saw her after having an exh at Bonestelle St. Gallery (NYC) 1945. Some thought them too religious -- Clark went to 140 Nassau St. Went to her office -- usual greetings -- Examined his catalogue -- offered to help him. Dispatch a photographer up to the Gallery to record the show. Thus began a long lasting friendship. "In her heyday, she was rapid-fire like a machine gun -- rarely did one get a word in" yet she listened in between her continuous thought.
She was curious about Clark's visit and studies at the Barnes Foundation. She spoke of herself in simply terminology "I feel like a mother hen sitting on 18 eggs when I should be sitting on 9 or 10 or maybe less." Tell her throughout the day every creative thing you think about during the day -- a given day -- Programed one often -- If you could write a blank ticket or sign a Blank check -- what would it be?" Wanted to place Black American art into Mainstream Galleries -- Museums. As early as the 20s, Ms. B. placed African-American artists work out there. Providing, through her archives collected, a springboard into the future. Probing to make sure that the record was accurate.